Movie News

Latest Harry Potter News for October 7:

Alright, heres some recent news; The games are set to come out a couple of weeks before the movie. Coca Cola is doing a contest. If you buy any Coca Cola product, then you could win a chance to tour the "Hogwarts Castle!!" Also, if anyone hasn't seen them yet, then there is a movie trailer on television now for HPSS, and there's something for the little kids, and Potions Set! You make "Potions" is Snapes labratory, and get to eat eat them afterwards! Enjoy!


Latest Harry Potter News for August 19:

Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get news, but I've got AWESOME news! First, there are two new stills for the movie, and you can view them here and here . Also, the games that are coming out based on the upcoming movie, are set to come out on Playstation, and PC first, and then on Xbox and the upcome Nintendo console.

Latest Harry Potter News for July 22:

Sorry I haven't written for a while, but it's taken me some time to get the latest news. As you already know, two trailors for the upcoming Harry Potter movie have been distributed, the first one on the movie See Spot Run, and the second on Cats and Dogs. The third one is expected to come in late August/Early September. On the covers of the HP books (the first one) in the UK and Canada, its titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone, and in the US, its called Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, well, evidently, the titles for the movie will be the same.

Latest Harry Potter News for July 10:

First off, the rumor that Actress Katherine Nicholson will be acting as Pansy Parkinson has been confirmed. Also, during editing (which is taking place right now) they have cut out many of Richard Bremmer's (who is acting Voldemort) scenes, claiming that he is "too scary." And, I have seen the publicity pictures which came out recently. I'll try to have them up as soon as possible, but until then e-mail me if you want them (my address is at the bottom of the page).

Since this is my first website, I'm looking for people to help me with. . .

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