
Rumors for ctober 7:

There was a rumor going around lately that OK! magazine in Britain got pics of J.K. Rowlling's daughter on a provate beach, and J.K. was complaining against, not want her daughter's indentity out in the public. Well, the magazine has agreed not to publish these pics and her daughter's identity is safe.


Rumors for August 19:

There is a rumor going around that Daniel Radcliffe is a BRAT. He supposedly pushed himself to the front of the lunchline on the movie set because "I'm better then all of them." What a jerk!

Rumors for August 18:

You know the bad General in "Planet of the Apes" Well, he was going to play Proffesor Snape in the HP Movie, but he turned it down to play that General Dude

Rumors for August 1:

I just heard about a BIG rumor, I'm not sure if its true yet, but I'll try to find out as soon as I can! It's a rumor that Richard Harris isn't going to be in the Harry Potter Sequels, and also, Daniel Radcliffe (who is Harry) may not be able to be in the other movies because of British Law!

Rumors for July 27:

J.K. Rowling has said in an interview that I recently read that more characters are going to die in the upcoming HP books. She also said that she cried when she wrote about Cedric dying. Also, as you may have heard, its been a rumor that J.K. wrote the first HP book in a cafe on napkins. Well, the fact is, yes she did, and still does, write her books in a cafe, but the HP book being written on napkins? No, sorry, but, no.

Rumors for July 22:

Sorry, no new Rumors right now! I'm trying to collect some stuff! :(

Rumors for July 10:

If anybody has been wondering when the fifth book comes out, I've got the date! Everybody thinks its coming out in November 2001, or February 2002 or something, but its actually March 2002! And for those who don't know, its going to be called Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, and if anybody has a really good idea whats going to happen in it, please e-mail me!

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