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The Excellent Adventure
Jamie and Jen's Excellent Adventure
Adventures With The Old Man
After looking around in a few shops Jamie and Jen were walking side by side when a strange little man fell into step beside Jen. He was carrying a HUGE Big gulp cup that had to of been bigger than his head. He was only as tall as Jen's hip (might be a slight exaggeration) and his age had to have been 30+. What happens next can only be described in a short script.
Short Little Man: Hey Ladies
Jen being the friendly person she is says a simple hi
Short Little Man:(to Jen)You single?
Jen:(in shock) Ummmmm. No actually i am not. I am uh-uh-er-ah...engaged.
Short Little Man: Oh Darn!
Jamie and Jen are immobilized with laughter at this point and have to duck into a bookstore so the poor pathetic man wont see them laughing and also to get away from the weirdo
Adventures At the Car Dealership
So as Jamie and Jen continue down Whyte ave Jen has a GREAT idea. The idea is that Jamie and herself will go try to test drive cars at the Toyota Dealership. So off they go off to test drive cars...or so Jamie and Jen thought. Jamie was too scared to ask so she sent Jen to go ask. So Jen goes and asks the guy how old you have to be to test drive one of the vehicles. The guy kinda looks at her strange and asks why. So Jen says cause she would like to take one out for a test drive. The guy asks what the reason she wants to test drive one for. So Jen says she wants to for the hell of it. He says well only if you wanna buy one and so then Jen says well i might be buying a car within the next two years and the guy says well no cause you have to be a prospective buyer. And then he asks Jen how old she is so Jen says 17 and he says oh well you have to be 18 to test drive anyhow. How convenient! OF COURSE cause Jen is only 17 and the guy knows this. So the guy then goes on to tell her that basically you have to be rich to buy on of the new vehicles and blah blah blah. But then he tryed to backtrack but Jen and Jamie had had enough and went off to look at the other vehicles.
Motto: NEVER buy a Toyota!
Adventures in Subway
One of the funniest things that Jen has seen or been involved in, in a very very long time. So it is around 3:25 AM As in the morning or middle of the night if oyu prefer and Jamie and Jen decide they are hungry so they truck it on to Subway. So they purchase their subs and are sitting in a booth just talking when two guys sit in the booth behind them and ask for the time Jamie gives it to them and continues her conversation with Jen. Suddenly this guy appears and practically sits on Jamie's lap and asks her to move over so Jamie does merely cause she doesnt want this guy sitting on her lap. So after this guy sits down with his sub he asks Jamie and Jen if they have any weed...and goes off on a tangent asking for every other name marajuana has ever been called. So Jen is laughing it up along with the two guys in the booth behind Jamie and Jen cause apparently the third guy was their friend. Jamie is not seeing the humour in it as the guy did sit down on her lap afterall. So this guy is obviously drunk/high. So he spies Jen's retainer in her mouth and asks her how long she has had her braces off for.And then proceeds to ask why she is wwearing it around town. Jen answers him and he keeps talking asking her who her Orthodondist is and what he looks like. He then asks Jen if her orthodondist has Liquor breath. After he asks her this he launches into an explanation of how he has had the same dentist since he was two and that his dentist does in fact have Liquor breath. Well so the guys in the booth behind Jamie and Jen's is laughing it up. So Jen asks the guy in her booth why he never sat with his friends and the guy says that he doesnt know the guys in that booth that he has never ever met them. So Jamie and Jen are like Oh really i thought you were all together and the guy is all like no we arent blah blah blah. But then he cracks up and says he is kidding and that he is pulling Jamie and Jen's legs. So the friends behind crack up even more and one of them keeps calling Jamie Princess and then asking her questions. He keeps calling her princess no matter what he is saying he is always attaching a princess so Jamie asks him why he is calling her that. While this is going on the drunk guy in Jamie and Jen's booth is talking about princess Leia and asks Jamie if anyone ever calls her that. jamie is little ticked at this guy and he then says well i dont know your name so i have to call you Princess. So JAMIE tells the guy her name is JEN. And the guy who was calling Jamie Princess tells Jamie his name is Mike. Then Mike asks Jamie if she wants to have a sleepover. Jamie says no and turns her back to him. So then the drunk in Jamie and Jen's booth tells them his name is Mark like in the bible and then says that him and Mark the Disciple are identical. His friends along with Jen are busting their guts laughing it up over this guy and his antics . So anyways they want to know Jen's name so she says Jen and says that Jamie is lying about her name.(the third guy the one with Mike never gave his name at all) Then Mark (he is the drunk one) starts in about lying about your first name and how it is pointless and that it is too hard to stalk people using just first name and if you are going to lie that you should lie about your last name. So then things get really quiet and Jen comments on how slow Markl is eating his sub and mark agrees and starts talking about the Sub Club and how he has a free sub but he didnt use it cause he got a cheap sub and he is saving it for an expensive sub. So then Mark is done eating and he picks up his napkins and tips his head back and asks Jen and Jamie if he has snot in his nose. He does this several times throughout the whole encounter. He asks Jamie and Jen one more time if they have weed and then he and his two friends get up to leave. They ask Jamie and Jen if they want to drive them home to which Jamie and Jen say no and the guys walked out and Jen starts cracking up. Jamie does not see the humour in the situation till later at Denny's at 5:30 AM.
The Crazy Guy With the Camera
So Jamie and Jen are walking down Whyte Ave on their way somewhere..probably Shoppers (AGAIN)And they walk past some guy and he says hey ladies look. So Jamie and Jen look and soince Jen was closest to the guy he took a picture of her and possibly got some of Jamie in too. Strange People come out at night on Whyte Ave.
More Adventures form the Outing to come Stay tuned :)