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Jen's Favorite Funny Stories
GREAT Stories
Able Seaman Thomas
This is the "TRUE" (meaning FALSE) story of Able Seaman Thomas as told to me by Adam.It was a rainy stormy miserable morning on the ship Able Seaman Thomas was posted on . It was time for colors (for those who dont know this is a naval custom of raising the Canada flag) So it was completely stormy out there on deck and the wind was blowing and the waves were huge washing over the deck of the ship. But Able Seaman Thomas stood there proud. Able Seaman Thomas was washed overboard and lost his life that fateful morning but it was all for the good of colors... be sure wipe tears from your eyes now :)
The Immortal Kitty
This is a TRUE (meaning TRUE) story that happened to me. i was driving down a range road with my bud Bryan on a way to a party at my friends Sara's house. Now we were doing about 100km/hr. So we are listening to music and talking and all of a sudden when we both looked at the road we see a cat. It was unmistakenly a cat. pointy ears and eyes shining in the headlights. I had basically no time to treact i had only enough time to swerve so the cat would not be hit with the wheel. So Bryan screams and we go right over the cat and we hear this massive thump. My heart is pounding a mile a minute and Bryan starts to laugh which causes me to start to laugh and says that we have to of decapitated it. there is no way that a cat could of survived that thump we heard so Bryan; more wanting to see blood and guts and a severed head tells me to turn back so we can make sure its "dead". I didnt want to cause i was sure it was dead but i did one of those fancy three point turns and we head back. i am going snail pace looking for the cat on the road. We didnt se it anywhere. And then Bryan and i noticed two cats sitting in the ditch and he gets out to make sure they are okay. So when he goes over one runs away right away and the other kinda sits there. So Bryan gives it a nudge with his foot and it runs away also. So the cat we were sure was dead SURVIVED. i swear if that cat had been on the show survivor it would of won HANDS down. CRAZEE!
The Drama Room Light
So i am sitting in the drama room one day anxiously awaiting the Lip Syncs that were scheduled to go on. Since there were no seats by ANY of my friends i was forced to sit apart from them. So the lights go off and the lip syncs are starting when i feel something pretty heavy hit me in the head/neck. So i get mad and look behind me to see who is throwing stuff on me. But it was a light cover that fell from the roof and though i was sitting in a packed room with 192 other people the huge light cover...5 feet long and half a foot wide falls and hits ONLY me. No one else just me. It was pretty funny now that i think of it but i mean c'mon it HAD to hit just me...weird but funny.
The Slurpee Incident
This is a TRUE story involving my FAVORITE chotches. It happened in the gym one time at noon hour when me and my bud Jess were shooting some hoops. This group of chotches were standing on the sidelines observing the people playing and one of them happened to be eating a slurpee. Well i was kinda getting silly shooting from halfcourt and such. So i was at half court shooting on the side net and i missed the net and it bounced off the rim and onto the guy with the slurpee the slurpee went flying spraying its syicky brown goop on his fellow chotches. May i add that they were wearing WHITE and/or GRAY shirts and that the brown stuff made quite a mess. The chotches flipped. It was hilarious and all i did along with Jess was do the puty lip thing where you use oyur fingers. They kept complining the whole time about the stains and how i got it on their boots.Then they started making comments on my basketball skills or rather lack of skills in a PATHETIC attempt to make fun of me. Me and Jess couldnt stop laughing it was too funny.
Keep coming back more stories coming your way...