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Adventures in the Heart of Saskatchewan

Well okay for those of oyu who dont know, i have a cabin in Saskatchewan which is on Buffalo Pound Lake which is situated a half an hour away from Moose Jaw. So anyways i went for a trip to my cabin with my pal Andrea. We had many an adventure during the drive (8 hours easy) and during our stay. In this page i will try to relate these stories to you my adoring public.
The Meeting of Jay
Okay so we are well into our trip when it is time to stop for supper. Traditionally we stop in the McDonalds in North Battleford in Saskatchewan about 4 hours into the trip , this was no exception. We stop in the McDonalds and since it is Tuesday, the day they have the special on McNuggets i order some McNuggets and a McChicken with no bun and no mayo. hmmm a little odd you might think and well so did Jay the guy who took my order. So he gives me a funny look and tells me how much it is. It came to $3.24 or something like that and i give him exact change. well okay so things are going hunky dory and i am talking to Andrea when Jay gets my attention and says "heres your change" and then gives me nothing but touches my hand and then he smiles and winks at me. i just kinda laughed. he saw me and Andrea laughing at him and he continued to stare at me rather creepily. So i get my order and boot it out of there. Then heres the best part. So i open my bag of food and i see this piece of paper that urges me to "Join the team". So i ask Andrea and my family if any of them got one. They say no and laugh and then we all laughed about the freak. it was insane. *oh and a quick note i went back in to pee and he stared at me the entire time i walked to the bathroom and when i walked back out and across the restaurant.* Gives me the willies.
Look at the Size of 'Em
Okay so one of the days out at my cabin me and andrea get bored and decide to head into Moose Jaw. So then when we are heading back we turn onto my lake road which happens to have a farm alongside it. So i happen to glance at the cows and i notice something REALLY strange. Andrea saw it right after i had noticed it. And we both couldnt believe our eyes. it was a cow, or bull rather with the biggest balls i have ever seen in my life. Each one had to be as big as toast plates. they were massive. And no it wasnt an udder we know what we saw. We are tlaking the hugest cow balls EVER!