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WinterSail 2001 WinterSail 2001 Stories
Well to everyone who went to wintersail....It was awesome and i had a blast. If you never went the stories i have posted in here are not inside jokes at all anyone will think they are funny. I havent gotten around to adding all the ones i want to add yet so please bear with me. if any of you think that some people are in the stories and awful lot that is because they were doing the funny things thats it! No ulterior motives on my part:)
My Name is Jen...
So this story started at the airport on the way to Wintersail. For some reason i brought up that my initials spell my name. So Jamie and Alisdair and Darren all say that i have told them that a hundred times. And i really think i have only told them all once they are exagerrating slightly. So then one of them says My name is Jen, J...E...N Jennie Elizabeth Neil that spells my name... So it became a running joke at Wintersail. It was REALLY "fun" when 20 of them would all do it at the same time... gee Willikers!
Randy Randy Jen
So wow apparently i am so incredibly randy it is a wonder that i dont just rip the clothes off of guys i meet. Well at least i am really randy according to Nathan from Ontario. He claims that everytime i looked at him it was either at his asss or nipples or his other "areas". i couldnt get away from it EVERYTIME i so much as glanced his way i was "checking" him out. But i hit my low when i made up my "Game Plan".read about it below
The "Game Plan"
So yeah after an incident where i "supposedly" touched nathans ass i made up a game plan. All i was doing was showing Darren what happened when HE touched Nathans ass. But no Nathan turned it into my game plan cause Darren told him it was my game plan. The picture and plans was actually quite funny.
Kris's Speedwalking
Awwwwww this was so cute. he would get going so fast that his legs were going too fast for his body and he would have to stop. he was cruising... He was basically our entertainment in the evenings. just Kidding Kris you are sooo much more thaan a carney!
Kris's Various Carnie Tricks
Kris can actually balance a byte mast on his chin! He would do it out on the floats and i thought it was funny. Hmmm... his speedwalking (see above) can be lumped into this catagory. Oh and he tried to eat 8 saltine crackers in under a minute and that was pretty funny. Well it was funny until he started to spit them all over me ...
Jamie's Wet Adventure!
So me and Jamie were sail partners and we were coming back to the floats after a day of sailing and i got onto the float and left Jamie in the boat to lower our main and take off the rudder thinking she could handle it. as i will get to clearly she couldnt handle it. So she is ready to get out of the boat and she asks this guy Shawn on the floats to steady the boat so she could get out. So he agrees but Jamie steps on the wrong side or something and she starts to tip the boat and she trys to recover but it is too late so she steps on another boat that is there. And the boats start to seperate and go opposite directions. As they slip apart Jamie begins to do the splits between the boats. Finally it becomes to be too much and she throws her arms up into the air and SPLASH she was in the water. i hit the float rolling with laughter as she flops in the ocean sputtering and the boat capsizes. It was hilarious. Well it was until i realized along with all the spectators that the rudder was sinking into the bottom of the ocean and something had to be done. So we try to get Jamie over there but it became apparent that she wasnt going to get there in time. So i heroically leap into the water to save the rudder and i managed to grab it just before it was gonza! I was a hero :) But i smacked my leg real good and it hurt and swelled up like hurt lots but i am not one to complain.
The Fishing Vessel
Well this happened one day while we were on the water sailing obviously and were heading in to go and eat supper. So anyways I was sailing with Jamie and Alisadair was sailing with Darren. So we were not far behind Al and Darren and they tacked so they were going on a STARBOARD tack (for those non-sailors a starboard tack is a right of way rule that usually gives you right of way over other boats) So there had been these huge massive fishing vessels that had been docked the entire time and they were huge like Titanic size! So anyways Darren who was crewing at the time leaned out of his boat and started yelling Starboard at the huge ship cause they were heading straight for it. STARBOARD! STARBOARD! STARBOARD! STARBOARD And he wouldnt was hilarious me and Jamie were laughing so hard. I can still get a mental picture!
Kris's Rap
Well picture this for me people you are up one morning and you want toast so you slap two pieces of bread in the toaster push the lever down and wait...and wait...and wait... you pop the toast up to see if it is toasting and you see it isnt. you wonder why and you fiddle with the knob trying to see if you can get the filiments to light up. Then you look and realize you never plugged it in! This is the equivilent of forgetting your bunk plug before you go sailing. This is one of the things a NOVICE sailor does. But Kris and Ryan managed to forget theirs on that fateful day on wintersail. THey had to make up a song about it to embarass them into remembering netx time. So this is the Rap Kris and Ryan made up...mighta been just Kris but i dno...
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit shit, I forgot my bungplug, Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, dont forget YOUR bungplug Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, cause if you do, Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, Your gunna siiiiiink.!
The Jennie Dipping
So there i sit innocently along the edge of the floats/docks with my legs hanging over the edge when Darren and NAthan come up to me and grabbed my trap harness straps. One on each side of me and they lifted me and dipped me into the ocean. Of course everyone thought this was hilarious. The water was cold. oh so very cold! the wetsuit did squat!
Jen's Wet Adventure!
this story is three fold. One one given day at wintersail i was fortunate enough to go in the water not once or twice but thrice!
Incident #1:
Well the story you read above happened spoantaneously and i never had my camera out so i hadnt gotten a picture of them dipping me off the docks. So the next day i wanted them to dip me so i could get a picture. So Darren and Nathan grab the straps and start to dip me going lower and lower. So it was icy and they were dipping me to my armpits in the damn ocean. Jamie took the picture and i said ok bring me back out but noooooooooo they let go of me and SPLASH i went into the ocean and got completely wet. So i tryed to get Jordan to help me out but she wasnt strong enough and splash i went back in. When i finally got out of the ocean it was ten minutes later.
Incident #2:
So a little bit later it was time to put our boats on the water. As i was Boats PO that day i was to be the last one to leave the floats along with my partner Jamie Arthurs. So we are helping Kris and Ryan with their boat which coincidently was the last boat before ours was to go out. So I am on the float helping to guide the boat doen onto it. I was on the Port stern edge which also happened to be right at the very edge of the float. Well they were pushing the boat and i almost fell in cause i got caught on the mainsheets but i never fell in. i said hey Kris watch out i almost went in AGAIN. So Kris gives me this "innocent look", smiles and gives his boat a shove. Since i had run out of float to stand on...SPLASH I went into the ocean yet again. So i never had a chance to even slighty dry off between my frolicks in the ocean.
Incident #3:
So yeah the rest of the day goes smoothly whilst we are on the water and we never capsized so i never went in to the ocean again. i thought that was it since it was the last day i wouldnt have to worry about going into the ocean again that trip. But oh no Darren it would seem had different ideas. So we are standing by our boats waiting to put them on the dollys to bring up so we can derig them and put them on the trailer since it was the last day of sailing. Well i threw some seaweed at Darren and he decides that i havent been wet enough that day and he throws me into the ocean for the THIRD time! As if i hadnt had enough.
Girl Guide Cuban
Well this is a story about Nathan actually. he had a thing for cigars and we were all out in front of A mini mart and there were these 13 yr olds that Shwan and ryan were picking up and Nathan goes over and chats these girls up. One of them is wearing a girl guide sweatshirt. So he is smoking his cigar or maybe it was unlit i dno. But anyways he asks them if they have ever had a Cuabn as in cigar and the girl says she has never heard of was really funny at the time.