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            The brain could be seen as a natural portable laptop that we can carry wherever we go and can instantly approve if you can remember a person you haven't seen for decades or so. This natural computer works in terms of many mixed up elements that the electronic computer, fortunately, ignores. The computer can remember you if you give it your "ID" and your password only but it doesn't remember you as the person that throws something at it because it fails to solve a problem or find an address. The brain on the contrary remembers people in terms of many features beginning with the traits of the face, but also in terms of the person in question history. The brain stores the person not only as an "ID" or password but also as good or bad, trustful or not and a long series of complicated emotions and personal concepts. The computer never revenges you, but the human brain never forgets the bad things you did. The brain can also decide if the person is rich or poor happy or sad tired or well which the computer doesn't care about. It deals with people in the same way. It doesn't know fear or sorrow or love or regret or..or.. the long list everybody learns by heart because everybody has a brain. If our brains were computers, what would life look like?!

            No answer is available, yet everybody has the right to imagine things as far as their brains are not yet transformed into machines and that they are not cyborgs themselves. I don't verily know if I can go on like this, making suppositions without end. What I almost can emphasize is the fact that one day life would look different because people would be others than who we know as Human Beings. That time is not far away, so we have to take care while innovating in the field of technology as wall as the field of cloning. It will take a long time before people can get aware of the damage they create for the following generations that are absent and still didn't give us their opinion about the whole issue. Beware Apocalypse has got no symptoms and your natural computer can never be formatted unless a villain virus is introduced through contamination. Beware of free software they contain malware and the risk is huge that you never restart.

             If the brain is the only natural organ on which our life completely depends, why don't we use it for the good and the beauty of our lives? Cluster Bombs which burst out children brains are made because of the crazy manipulations of the brain. Beware! Your brain is a bomb you are carrying everywhere you go... I think animals have never made bombs of mass murder...... Now log out and go to bed. Thanks for your patience.


Just be as patient as the camel

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