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From these reason, it would seem that the reasons for ritualistic marking are very personal and sometimes very profound. Returning to my own experience, that only involves looking at tattoos on someone else’s flesh, I wonder if perhaps people were simply giving form to something that was already a part of them, manifesting the internal life without. Nonetheless, this alone could not account for the sudden upswell in this art's popularity.

There is an endless list of reasons why people get tattoos. They rang from self expression to self normalization. If you are like Puck and your religious beliefs drive you to get tattoos or you are like Trevor and you have personal milestones in your life you want to document you still belong to this subculture. If you are a rebel, trying to prove something, or document a time in your life you are still part of this subculture. Seeing tattoos isn’t about studying them and critiquing them, it is more about appreciating them. Different meanings and reasons all revolve around on thing, ink. This custom that has evolved over thousands of years has stayed within our cultures for several meanings. The tattoos you see today are of a new breed. The sacrifices of pain, need for permanence, and danger mix to show one side the tattoo world. The imaginative color schemes and hope for a more natural looking body mix with the wilder side of tattooing and are the makings for a heavenly hell. These are several reasons for tattooing in the larger American culture. They range from the exotic and decorative to the natural looking and appealing. The motivation behind tattooing involves the meaning and reasons behind it. If there is not a reason for the tattoo, then it does not have significance.

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