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Our Home on The Web

Hi! Welcome to our homepage. If you would like to see a picture of our family, click here.'d probably like to know who we are. Our family is made up of 5 people, 1 cat and 1 dog. I am Miranda, A.K.A Mommy.( My screen name is arons_mom,aronnericsmom or chunkypudgebugmom). You can visit my page here. Visit Joe, A.K.A Daddy here. Aron is our oldest son, whom you can visit here. Visit Eric here. Visit Racheal here!

We live in Alberta, Canada

We have recently relocated about half of the page here at Angelfire. I am hoping that the problems accessing the site are a thing of the past now...It's a work in progress, I guess...Hasn't it always been?? lol.

I think I have most of the bugs ironed out on this thing, just a few little details, so if you come across something that doesn't appear, or doesn't work, send me an'd be a big help!

All of our pages are linked on the bottom of the page, so you can't get lost! There are many different pages here, so I will tell you a little about each of them so you can decide where to go next...

The kid's pages have all been updated, with lots of new pictures. There is a link to Aron's new Soccer page on his page, and Racheal's First Birthday page as well.

The adoption page:

This is my page dealing with adoption and my search for my birthparents.


This is my page about my reunion with my birthfamily....finally!!

Aron's page:

Pretty self-explanitory....It's all about 5 year old Aron!

Aron's Birthday Page:

All about Aron's Second Birthday.

Eric's Page:

All about Eric, who is now 3 Years old.

Eric's Birthday Page:

Eric's First Birthday Party!

Racheal's Page:

All about our little girl, Racheal!

Racheal's Birthday Page:

Racheal's First Birthday Party!

Canadian Baby Photographers:

The boy's pictures taken by CBP.

Wedding Page:

Pictures of our wedding and a little about the ceremony.

Little Angels Pages:

There are two so far. The angels I have adopted are on these pages, as well as links to sites for missing and abused children.

My Page:

All about wonderful me! It's an eccentric collection of a little bit of everything.

Joe's Page:

All about Joe! I did this page, so I might not be completely objective...It's the best way I can describe him!

Pets Page:

This is where I show off my cats. I don't have pictures of the dog up yet...I'm a real cat person, so I don't know if I ever will!

Web Pets:

This is where I keep my various adoptions from all over the web. There is quite an assortment here!


I have been playing with Paint Shop Pro and this is what I came up with. I noticed a great lack of background sets for men when I was looking for graphics for Joe's page. So this is my contribution! There are alot of different things on there now, including a section devoted to Labyrinth!

Here's a picture of Joe and I

So take a look around, and let me know what you think!

Sign View

Graphics provided by
Dreamfires - Catch the Magic - Free Backgrounds and More!


In my search for graphics to put on my pages, I have become aware of a few problems that graphic artists on the web have. There are many people who generously allow the use of their graphics on homepages such as this, asking only that you link back to their site. I urge you to visit the sites below, and become aware of some of the problems they face.

Web Prestige

11th Commandment
I adopted this angel for a very special (but private) reason. I have never had an abortion, I don't really know what side of the argument I am on.... I just felt compelled to adopt this angel for a baby that is now in heaven.

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Sweet Angel

Adopted: May 18,2000

Stop Abortion ~Not A Beating Heart!


Site last updated June 2, 2003.