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My Cats

This is my page dedicated to my cats. They each have their own story, so read on....


This is Trouble, my oldest cat.His birthday is May 31, 1997 There is a long story behind how I got him. I was living with my best friend and a boyfriend (Chris) at the time. I was asking and asking if I could get him...My best friend didn't mind, but Chris did. We got into an argument one night, and he left, so I went to our neighbor and told her that I wanted the cat. When Chris came home the next day, he wasn't very happy. The relationship ended shortly after that, and I never regretted getting Trouble. When I moved out on my own soon after, he was my constant companion. I was also pregnant with Aron at the time, and Trouble would lay on my belly and nap with me. He was a wonderful comfort to me.
Now, he likes to hide during the day, and only comes out at night. He is very shy of strangers. He took really well to Joey, which spoke well for Joe! Love me, Love my cat!


Tux was my second oldest cat. His birthday is August 3, 1997. He has been missing for over a year and a half, and we have pretty well given up hope of finding him... but we still love him and miss him a lot! I got him to keep Trouble company while I was at school, and because he was so darn cute! He was the cutest kitten I have ever seen. He was a bundle of trouble though, always getting into mischief. He was always doing something to drive me crazy! He hated to be kissed. When he got angry, he sighed angrily, staring right at you!


Grizabella was my youngest cat. Her birthday is probably sometime in November, 1998. A friend of mine found her on a road in the country, and took her to the vets. She need to find a home for her, or she would be put down. I couldn't bear the thought, so we took her in. I was living with a friend of mine and Aron at the time. We were big fans of "Cats"(Andrew Lloyd Webber) and thought the name suited her well. She was extremely tiny...that's Aron's hand when he was 9 months old! She had ear mites, a scrape on her head (she was bald for a while!) a cold, and a bloody nose. All she did for the first few days was sleep and cuddle.
She is now a very active cat, she and Aron are nearly inseperable. She sleeps with him almost every night. He likes to chase her around and play ball with her. She likes to be petted every chance she gets! She is still very affectionate!
Unfortunately, she too has gone missing...the town was trapping cats recently and I think she may have gotten caught, as she won't keep collars on.

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