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Update 7/29/04 Citizen Bank Park Added... To DMB Parks Set 2001

DMB Park Files


DMB Old Time Parks Set 1 (50's Era)

  Old Time Baseball Set I (50's Era)
  Stadium				File Name			Notes and Changes
  Milwaukee County Stadium    	otcounty.jpg
  Sportsman's Park			otsportsmans.jpg
  Ebbets Field			otebbets.jpg
  Crosley Field			otcrosley.jpg
  Shibe Park (Connie Mack Stadium)	otshibe.jpg
  Polo Grounds			otpolo.jpg
  *Forbes Field			otforbes.jpg		graphic adjustment 2/3/02
  Wrigley Field			fbwrigleyb.jpg		same as in 2001 parks set
  Yankee Stadium			otyankee.jpg
  *Comisky Park			otcomisky copy.jpg 		graphic adjustment 2/3/02
  *Fenway Park			otfenway.jpg		adjusted older setting of fenway
  *Briggs Stadium			otbriggsBB.jpg		graphic adjustment 2/4/02
  Memorial Stadium			otmemorial.jpg		
  *Cleveland Municipal Stadium		otclevelandgrassb.jpg		adjusted to 50's era setting
  Kansas City Municipal Stadium		otkcmunic.jpg
  *Griffith Stadium			otgriffithb.jpg		graphic adjustment 2/4/02
  *Braves Field			otbraves.jpg		adjusted 2/11/02
  							listed below

Braves Field (Boston Braves 1941-1952)

Retired Baseball Stadium Set I (Parks of the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's)

  Retired Baseball Stadium Set I (Parks of the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's)
  Stadium				File Name			Notes and Changes
  Three Rivers Stadium		ot3rivers.jpg		1970-2000
  Astrodome			otastrodome.jpg		1965-1999
  Candlestick Park			otcandlestick.jpg		1960-1994 (3COM)95-00
  Jack Murphy Stadium			otjackmurphy.jpg		1980-1996 (Qualcomm)97
							1969-1980 (San Diego Stadium)
  Riverfront Stadium			otriverfront.jpg		1970-1996
  Tiger Stadium			ottiger.jpg		1961-1999
  Exhibition Stadium			exhibition.jpg		1977-1989
  *Fulton County Stadium		fultoncounty.jpg		1966-1996 Adjusted 2/11/02
  Kingdome				kingdome.jpg		1977-1999
  *Arlington Stadium			otarlingtonsom.jpg 		1972-1993 New 2/11/02
  *Busch Stadium			otbuschturf.jpg		Busch Stadium with Turf New 2/11/02
  *Memorial Stadium			otmemorialbb.jpg		70's-90's version adjusted 2/11/02
  *Mile High Stadium			milehigh.jpg		1993-1994 New 2/16/02 found below
  *Metropolitan Stadium (Minn.)		otMetb.jpg			1961-1981 New 2/19/02 found below
  *Kauffman Stadium (with turf)		otkauffmanturfb.jpg		With Turf New 2/19/02 found below
  *Metropolitan Stadium (Minn.)		otmetbb.jpg		Minor changes 2/22/02 found below in Metropolitan Stadium with original 
  *Exhibition Stadium			otexhibition.jpg		Changed with turf 2/22/02 included in Retired Ball Parks I Set
  **Sick's Stadium			otsicks.jpg		New File added 3/6/02 

Mile High Stadium (1993-1994)

Metropolitan Stadium Minnesota (1961-1981)

Kauffman Stadium (with Turf )

Sick's Stadium Seattle Pilots (1969)

Retired Baseball Stadium Set II (Parks of the 50's, 60's and 70's)

Retired Baseball Stadium Set II (Parks of the 50's, 60's and 70's)
  Stadium				File Name			Notes and Changes
  *Seals Stadium			otseals			1958-1959 New 2/13/02
  LA Memorial Coliseum		otcoliseum			1958-1961
  *Colt Stadium			colt.jpg			1962-1964 Adjusted 2/13/02
  *RFK Stadium			otrfk.jpg			1962-1968 RFK
							1969-1971 DC Stadium   New
  *Jarry Park			otjarryb			1969-1976  New 

Retired Baseball Stadium Set III (Pre 50's Parks)

Retired Baseball Stadiums Set III (Pre 50's Parks)
  Stadium				File Name			Notes and Changes
  *Baker Bowl			bakrb.jpg			1895-1938 Adjusted 2/14/02
  *League Park			otleague.jpg		1934-1946 New 

DMB 2001 Park Images

DMB American League 2001 Park Images

DMB National League 2001 Park Images

2001 Park Images Special Notes
  Stadium				File Name			Notes and Changes
  Bank One Ballpark			bank1ccc.jpg		Adjusted 2/16/02 & file name change
  Cinergy Field			fbcnrgybb.jpg		Adjusted 2/16/02 & file name change
  PNC Park				fbPNCbb.jpg		Adjusted 2/16/02 & file name change
  Kauffman Stadium			fbKaufmannb.jpg		Adjusted 2/16/02
  Safeco Field			fbsafecob.jpg		Adjusted 2/16/02
  Tropicana Field			tropicanab.jpg		Adjusted 2/22/02 a little clearer
 							found with DMB American League 2001 Park Images Set
 **Edison Field			newedisonb.jpg		Created 3/26/02 upto date image found below as seperate download
 **Great American Ball Park		GAP.jpg		                Created 12/30/03

**(Edison Field 2001)

**Great American Ball Park(2003)

***Citizen Bank Park(2003)

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