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 Charles Heller Archive

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*Indicates recommended listening and some of Charles Hellers favorite shows.

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Liberty Watch
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(1st hour) Saturday, 12/14, we did a special live remote from St. Phillips Plaza on a beautiful Autum Day. Interviews with the artists on the album "I Will Live Free, "The celebration of Bill Of Rights Day", and a very special veteran of World War II, Russ Hamacheck, who fought with JFK in the Pacific on PT Boats, and commanded Squadron 39.

Hear Russ' description of being one of history's few PT skippers to get a Jap submarine mad enough at him to spend a torpedo on his 80' boat. It missed, but by going under, not in front or behind. Hear his reaction to the shot, and a reading of the encounter from Capt. Bulkley's excellent book, "At Close Quarters."


(2nd hour) Bill of Rights Day live remote features Public Access Cable Mogul Dan Harrigan, explaining some of the pitfalls of that system. Dan is also the voice of the Bill of Rights reader on the CD, "I Will Live Free," put out by JPFO.

(3rd hour) Saturday, 12/14, we did a special live remote from St. Phillips Plaza on a beautiful Autum Day. Interviews with the artists on the album "I Will Live Free, "The celebration of Bill Of Rights Day", and a very special veteran of World War II, Russ Hamacheck, who fought with JFK in the Pacific on PT Boats, and commanded Squadron 39.

Hear Russ' description of being one of history's few PT skippers to get a Jap submarine mad enough at him to spend a torpedo on his 80' boat. It missed, but by going under, not in front or behind. Hear his reaction to the shot, and a reading of the encounter from Capt. Bulkley's excellent book, "At Close Quarters."

Clayton Cramer is a historian with several books to his credit, the seminal work of which is: "For Defense Of Themselves and The State..." Which is a complete history of the 2nd Amendment and relevant court cases. For the student of the right to keep and bear arms this is a must have.

Clayton shres his analysis of the recent 9th circuit court decision and a blow by blow description of some of its technical and historical errors. You don't see many historians who write law review articles, but this one does. He's also the guy who in large part debunked Michael Bellisliles fraudulent "Arming America."


Jon Roland is President of The Constitution Society, and has authored hundreds of articles on such subjects. Lively discussion on what can be done (concrete methods) on how to maintain a free country and push back the frontiers of tyrany.

His tone is a tad flat, but his ideas are animating and envigorating. Enjoy this constitutional scholar as I did.

Bob Costello (1st hour) - is president of Social Security He wants to make it legal to invest and control a small part of our social security taxes so that the system becomes fully funded instead of the Ponzi Scheme we have now.

I hit him with some foundational questions about the morality of forced altruism that stopped him in his tracks. (Nicely.) Also some good info about the Federal Reserve for which he used to work, and the Acton Institute, of which he is a board member.

Wes Bramhall (2nd hour) - is President of Arizonans For Immigration Control, and a retired Tucson Electric Power manager. Chris Simcox has made national news by forming a militia to patrol the border and embarass the government into doing its job. A lively hour ensued, with a couple good callers.
James Lee Witt (1st hour) -This personable former head fo FEMA, answers questions on
whether or not his erstwhile organization has federal detention camps in store for us, and how to manage a crisis.
Mike Hardiman (2nd hour) - Michael Hardiman - This Washington D.C. insider and lobbyist
talks about the dangers of the "son of CARA" bill and others. Also a revelation from me that the new homeland security bill that arms pilots, only arms some of them. The freight hauling pilots are exempted from the bill.
Michelle Malkin - Her tremendous book, "Invasion, How America Still Welcomes Terrorists To Its Door," is a must read. She is also a live wire and fun to listen to. See her website by all means.
Masad Ayoob - The premier law enforcement and use of force trainer in the country, Ayoob is the author of, "In The Gravest Extreme," "The Truth About Self Protection," "Stressfire,"and hundreds of articles in magazines and videos. If you have any concern for selfdefense at all, this is a must listen to.
Joyce Malcolm - Joyce Malcolm This self described "academic egghead" is one of the sharpest tools in the shed. She documents the horrible rise in crime in England since citizen
disarmament, and manages not to come off sounding like an academic in the process.
She is principled, reasoned, and witty. I was also on my game that day and rather
Jim Supica - Jim's "Arm Chair Gun" is one of the largest antique firearms dealers in the midwest (Lenexa, Ks.) His encyclopedic knowledge of firearms is matched only
by his love of the romantic lure and lore of them. If you like guns, you'll love this
Interview with Roger Deavers from Petra (People for ethical treatment of rocks) concerning rocks rights. Do rocks have rights? Should they? Tune in and find out. This guy had a brilliant idea for a show and I went with it. I wasn't sorry, and it set a record to that date for most phone calls on an hour segment of Liberty Watch. Subtle.
Harry Browne - Harry was the libertarian presidential candidate in 96 and 2000. We sparred lightly on why I'm not a libertarian, why libertarians aren't getting more traction, and what it means to be a libertarian.
Liberty Watch text archive - contact Charles Heller via email to request audio files
Show Description
Michael Kent Curtis - This Duke University Professor's second book, "Free Speech, America's Darling Privilege," is a brilliant treatise on the history of free speech, from
the perspective of the Sedition act of 1798 and the anti-slavery suppression of speech.
Think the arguement over speaking one's mind is new? Think again...
Gary Mihalic is the Vice-President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, talking about the truth about "ballistic fingerprinting." Can it really exist? What happened when the rifle that supposedly shot Martin Luther King was tested? What happens to the accuracy of such a system is tested with unknown samples?
Chris Bird - Liberty Watch At The Firing Line this week featured Chris Bird, author of "The Concealed Weapon Manual." Chris is from England via Canada, and has been an army trooper, a cowboy, a crime reporter, and a concealed weapons instructor.

His book is a serious detailed explanation of what a CCW carrier needs to know to be both safe and legal, and he has a sense of humor to back it up.


Dan Starr is a brilliant piano teacher, composer, and music producer, with a passion for the Bill Of Rights. His new album, "I Will Live Free," is sponsored by JPFO, and is available from We play 3 cuts from the CD, including the one that was written by Charles Heller, "The Guardian."

Dan is funny and on point. This hour on the foundational aspects of the Bill Of Rights ties those foundations to the day to day excercise of those freedoms.

Visit Dan Starr's website.

Ben Anderson (1st hour) - Ben Anderson author of the bi-weekly "Anderson Report" is a retired Army Colonel. He worked in the Middle East and has learned a lot of the cultures there, as well as having taught at West Point. He is a font of knowledge and should be listened to.
Ben Anderson (2nd hour) - Ben was so good I broke format and gave him a second hour.
Neal Horsley - This interesting fellow wants to end abortion in the US by photographing
women attending abortion clinics and putting their faces on the intrernet. His emotion
exceeds his logic, but listen to the reasoning I used with him and form your own conclusions.
L Neil Smith - This popular science fiction wrighter is the author of "The Probability
Broach," "Pallas," "Forge Of The Elders," and many others. Brilliant, topical, and 100%
freedom oriented, if you love liberty, listen to him, go to his site,
and buy his books.
Ken Blanchard & Neal Knox - Ken Blanchard the author of, "Black Man With A Gun," has a unique perspective of ethnicity versus self protection. A former Marine, law enforcement officer, and security expert, he has much to say about going armed. First half hour from the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix this year.

Neal Knox is the former First VP of the NRA, and the candidate that Charlton Heston beat for president. Neal is fascinating in his knowledge of guns, reloading, and politics. He's a refreshing fundamentalist when it comes to rights. Too bad there aren't more like him out front at NRA. 2nd half hour.

Glenn Spencer (1st hour) - President of the American Border Patrol, this guy wants illegal
immigration stopped, and wants to organize private border watchers to do it. Some have
accused him of racism. Listen for yourself and see.
Glenn Spencer (2nd hour) - Such an important topic I again went out of format and gave Spencer 2 hours of air.
Andrew Gause - His book, "The Secret World Of Money," is a short, powerful explanation
of our money system and the dishonesty thereof.
Jack Foote - The border is among our hottest topics. Foote runs Ranch Rescue, a groups that helps ranchers protect and repair their property. Wild eyed vigilantes or helpers with guns and Leathermans? You decide.
Steve May - representative May lost his bid for re-election to the "clean elections"
system. Is it really clean? Hear about his lawsuit against it.
Jane Hulen - The marketing director of the world's premiere firearms training academy talks about the finer points of self defense from a woman's point of view. Includes heckler Mike.
Charles Crehore - Inmate Charles Crehore tells the litany of lies told by the DEA in his case.
Barry Hess
Joe Foss and Tom Whetten
Buttler Shaffer
  Visit The Dome for an archive of shows prior to what is listed here.
Swap Shop
Show Description
Swap Shop (1st hour)
Swap Shop (2nd hour)


