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Welcome to our mushing 101

Mushing 101 was designed to allow first time mushers a course that they are able to learn mushing from the basics to finally driving your own team at the end.
If you want more information on the course please email us or check out fort Edmonton Park In Edmonton Alberta

Our mushing students
feb 15th 2004

Mushing 101 feb 15th 2004: well I had to place a small diary entry about our great class. I arrived with a group of people curious about mushing and in the end had a group of people able to drive a team of dogs with confidence. all my students I was thrilled with. everyone seemed to have a greatway with the dogs although they made my tough sled dogs in to cuddle bunnys. I have to thank NASAP staff for coming down to help handle the dos thay added to our new group of friends.

I can say this was a great day with great people and we have walked away with new friends and maybe new and up coming mushers.

below you will see some more photos sent to us from our students thanks!