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La Casa de Johnny K



Me and my Autographed Volleyball

What it’s all about….

Ø      Contact Information

Ø      Personal Interests


Contact Information:


Hey everyone. For those of you visiting I thank you and hope you enjoy. Most of you probably know who I am, that’s why you’re visiting. I doubt anyone will actually be able to get this off of a search engine but hopefully some will. This site is designed to tell a little about myself but mainly get across two of my biggest passions: Duke Basketball and the Dave Matthews Band. Hopefully you will be able to get some use out of the site, find what you need, and get on with life. Please feel free to write me about problems you have with the site or compliments you may have. I am just starting this whole web page thing and am going to constantly try to update and improve it. For now, enjoy!!


Email Me:


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My life as of now:


Well, I have quite a few interests. Obviously Dave Matthews and Duke rank up there but other things take up some time too. I am currently a freshman at Elon University and enjoying life as a student there. At the bottom of the page I have a picture of a few of my friends at school; I hope you take a look at it. I have a passion for almost all sports, and have found some success at baseball to say the least. I have recently picked up golf and am not too bad for a beginner. Soccer used to be life for me but baseball took over (and eventually golf). Hopefully things will continue to go in the upward direction for me. Take your time around the site, and please feel free to give me your comments!



Some of my favorite non-Duke/DMB links:

Third Floor Virginia Official Webpage

Official Pat McGee Band Website

Hey Dude Unofficial Website

My Personal Quiz

Town of Kells, Ireland, Website

Teens Camping Tour of the West Official Website

Elon Volleyball Official Website


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Third Floor Virginia at Carowinds


Last revised: December 21, 2001


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