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M is for the Memories, we gather through the years,

E is for the Exciting times, friends, love, laughter & tears,

M is for the Moments spent, precious & sweet,

o is for the occasions, on which kith & kin we meet,

R is for the Reveries, dreams & fears,

I is for the Insight, we receive through the years,

E is for the Eternity, that's how long, memories last,

S is for the Snapshots, our visible links to the past.

                Without Memories to keep us company,
                    our lives, a dull empty existence, would be.

                                                                        Patricia D'Costa


Ralated Links:

Secrets of Success
How To Lead A Happy life
Words of wisdom
Sayings of Hazarat Ali

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Hussain Noorallah Hussaini