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~*You step into a large dark room and a dusty scent becomes detectable. You stand a moment to allow yours eyes to adjust and you find yourself in a small dark passageway. You walk a little further finally comeing to a large cavern. You look around and see some rich tapistries on the hard stone walls and a few dreamcatchers as well. There is a large stone couch twords the back made smooth by years of dragon hide sleeping apon it. On the couch is a fresh bed of straw and old quilts still vibrent in color and design. The out looking ledge is large enough and strong enough for a dragon to land and take off from as well as bake in the warm mid day sun. The view consists of decent shot of the hunting grounds.You continue you inspection and relize that there is no way a dragon could live here for its cold and dusty. You walk over to a wooden door and are about to open it when someone taps you on the shouilder. You look around and see a young girl roughly 17-18 years of age.~*

Welcome. Sorry bout not being here earlier to welcome you. Valdez, my canine, ran off again. Welcome to my home. well sorta. you see I dont live hear yet and wont till I am out of weyrling class if I impress. My name is Rosa and I am a canadate for dragon impression. It is never cirten if i will or not... Twice before I have been up for impression but have failed both times. My family were members of a group of holdless travilers. When I grew old enough I decided to move to a small hold and work there. I was searched and failed to impress. A year or so later I stood on the sands again and failed again. I was sent to work in the lower caverns and well this I fear is my last shot.

*you nod as the girl looks down saddly and turns to continue the preperations for a possable impression. you turn to leave feeling a bit depressed now. You stop suddenly as you feel a light tugging on your pants leg. you look and see a small spotted puppy. The girl quickly turns around and picks him up off you.*~

Valdez! Heh, You'll have to forgive him. He is just a puppy still, I got him on a trip to Talis during a recent hatching where my friend impressed. You can get ther by following that path They have quite a few pups there. Well If your at all curious about your chances of impression try taking the left fork. If youd Like to see mine and Valdez's Stat sheets your welcome too. And If you'll excuse me I need to get back to work. Thank you for visiting me.

~*You nod and give valdez a pat on the head and leav Rosa' to her work. You smile and think how lonely she must be and couldnt help notice an air of sadness about her till she picked up Valdez. She seems like a quiete nice girl and you can only hope she gets what she deserves. On your way back to the main corradoor you glance at to engraved plauqes.~*

    Rosa's Stats
  • Name: Rosa
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Rank: Canadate/lower caverns worker
  • Dragon: N/A
  • Weyr Mate: N/A
  • Wing: N/A
  • Pets: Valdes(canine pup)

    Vadlez's Stats
  • Name: Valdez
  • Age: 6 monthes
  • Species: Canine
  • Sex: Male
  • Owner: Rosa

    You can Reach me at if you would like me to make any graphics for you.