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League system and number of teams [Last added season 2018/2019]


No of Teams No of Seasons Seasons
10 teams 9 seasons 49/50-50/51-52/53-53/54-54/55#-58/59-59/60-60/61-61/62
11 teams 2 seasons 48/49-55/56
12 teams 13 seasons 64/65-65/66-66/67-71/72#-72/73-78/79-82/83-83/84-84/85-85/86-86/87-87/88-88/89
14 teams 17 seasons


15 teams 1 season 76/77
16 teams 10 seasons 57/58*-79/80-95/96-96/97-97/98-06/07-07/08-08/09-09/10-10/11
18 teams 7 seasons 73/74#-74/75-90/91-12/13*#-15/16-16/17-17/18-18/19
19 teams 1 season 11/12*#
20 teams 1 season 14/15
22 teams 1 season 13/14*
24 teams 3 seasons 62/63*-63/64*-75/76*
* 2 group system in 6 seasons (1957/58, 1962/63, 1963/64, 1975/76, 2012/13 & 2013/14).
# Unfinished seasons 6 (54/55, 71/72, 73/74, 89/90, 11/12 & 12/13)
In Only 1 season the competition was not held (51/52) to prepare for Helsinki Olympic Games


Relegation (Stats) [Last added season 2018/2019]

Season Groups Teams Relegated Teams  -
1948-1949 1 11 1 Teram  
1949-1950 1 11 1 Younan  
1950-1951 1 10 Relegation Cancelled  2nd division competition was cancelled
1952-1953 1 10 1 Port Foad  
1953-1954 1 10 1 Sekka  
1954-1955 1 10 Unfinished Season 
1955-1956 1 11 No relegation  League teams increased
1956-1957 1 14 Relegation Cancelled Mansoura spared relegation League teams increased and divided into 2 groups
1957-1958 2 16 6 Ismaily, Ithad, Maleyat Kafr El-Zayyat, Mansoura, Masry & Suez  
1958-1959 1 10 1 Teram  
1959-1960 1 10 1 Ithad  
1960-1961 1 10 1 Mahala relegated instead of Ithad Suez Due to lack of fair play in "Tersana 0-0 Mahala" match
1961-1962 1 10 Relegation Cancelled  League teams increased and divided into 2 groups
1962-1963 2 24 1 Menia  
1963-1964 2 24 12 Bahareya, Beni Suef, Damanhour, Domiat, Ithad Suez, Maleyat Kafr El-Zayat, Mansoura, Port Foad, Suez Petroleum, Taiaran, Tanta & Teram
1964-1965 1 12 2 Haras El-Hedoud & Suez  
1965-1966 1 12 2 Ithad Suez & Quanah  
1966-1967 1 12 2 Sekka & Suez  
1971-1972 1 12 Unfinished Season 
1972-1973 1 12 Relegation Cancelled  League teams increased
1973-1974 1 18 Unfinished Season 
1974-1975 1 18 No relegation  League teams increased and divided into 2 groups
1975-1976 2 24 9 Belquas,Beni Suef,Domiat,Factory 36,Menia,Quanah,Sharquia,Shourta,Tanta Suez spared relegation "unfair play in Olympic 0-4 Sekka match"
1976-1977 1 15 3 Kafr El-Shaikh, Sekka & Taiaran  
1977-1978 1 14 4 Esco, Factory 36, Gut Belbais & Plastic  
1978-1979 1 12 Relegation Cancelled Damanhour & Olympic spared relegation League teams increased,
1979-1980 1 16 4 Damanhour, Factory 36, Suez & Tanta  
1980-1981 1 14 2 Koroum & Sekka  
1981-1982 1 14 4 ESCO, Mansoura, Plastic & Tersana  
1982-1983 1 12 2 Domiat & Gazl Domiat  
1983-1984 1 12 2 Koroum & Plastic  
1984-1985 1 12 2 Gazl Domiat & Olympic  
1985-1986 1 12 2 Menia & Plastic  
1986-1987 1 12 2 Mansoura & Suez Montakhab  
1987-1988 1 12 2 Gazl Domiat & Naseeg Helwan  
1988-1989 1 12 Relegation Cancelled Mareekh & Menia spared relegation League teams increased
1989-1990 1 14 Unfinished Season
1990-1991 1 18 6 Aswan, Gomhouriat Shebeen, Koroum, Menia , Port Foad & Suez  
1991-1992 1 14 4 Damanhour, Mansoura, Mekawleen & Tersana  
1992-1993 1 14 3 Menia, Sekka & Tanta  
1993-1994 1 14 3 Mansoura, Mareekh & Tersana  
1994-1995 1 14 2 Aswan & Dina  
1995-1996 1 16 4 Domiat, Mahala, Olympic & Tersana  
1996-1997 1 16 4 Aluminium, Gomhouriat Shebeen, Koroum & Mareekh  
1997-1998 1 16 4 Gazl Suez, Menia, Shams & Suez Montakhab  
1998-1999 1 14 3 Aswan, Baladia & Mahala  
1999-2000 1 14 3 Aluminium, Sharquia & Suez Montakhab  
2000-2001 1 14 3 Dina, Koroum & Sihag Railways  
2001-2002 1 14 3 Gazl Suez, Quanah & Sohag  
2002-2003 1 14 2 Goldi & Mekawleen  
2003-2004 1 14 3 Aswan, Koroum & Quanah  
2004-2005 1 14 3 Baladia, Mansoura & Tersana  
2005-2006 1 14 3 Aluminium, Assiut Cement & Koroum  
2006-2007 1 16 3 Assiut Petrol, Olympic & Tanta  
2007-2008 1 16 3 Aluminium, Baladia & Assiut Cement  
2008-2009 1 16 3 Etisalat, Olympic & Tersana  
2009-2010 1 16 3 Assiut Petrol, Mahala & Mansoura  
2010-2011 1 16 Relegation Cancelled Ithad, Mekawleen & Smouha spared relegation Due to revolution, League teams increased, divided into 2 groups
2011-2012 2 19 Unfinished Season
2012-2013 2 18 Unfinished Season
2013-2014 1 22 5 Beni Suef Telecom, Intag Harby, Mahala, Menia & Quanah  
2014-2015 1 20 5 Alassiouty Sport, Damanhour, Gouna, Ragaa & Nasr  
2015-2016 1 18 3 Shourta, Haras El-Hodoud & Mahala  
2016-2017 1 18 3 Aswan, Nasr Mining & Sharquia  
2017-2018 1 18 3 Tanta, Ragaa & Nasr  
2018-2019 1 18 3 Petrojet, Dakhlia & Nogoom  


Relegation Stats [Last added season 2018/2019]

Team Number of Relegations
Mansoura 8
Koroum 7
Menia 7
Mahala 6
Tanta 6
Tersana 6
Aswan 5
Quanah 5
Sekka 5
Aluminium 4
Damanhour 4
Domiat 4
Olympic 4
Plastic 4
Suez 4
Suez Montakhab 4
Baladia 3
Factory 36 3
Gazl Domiat 3
Port Foad 3
Sharquia 3
Teram 3
Assiut Cement 2
Assiut Petrol 2
Beni Suef 2
Dina 2
Gazl Suez 2
Gomhouriat Shebeen 2
Haras El-Hedoud "Sawahel" 2
Ithad 2
Ithad Suez 2
Maleyat Kafr El-Zayyat 2
Mareekh 2
Mekawleen 2
Nasr 2
Ragaa 2
Shourta 2
Taiaran 2
Alassiouty Sport 1
Bahareya 1
Belquas 1
Beni Suef Telecom 1
Dakhlia 1
Etisalat 1
Goldi 1
Gouna 1
Gut Belbais 1
Intag Harby 1
Ismaily 1
Kafr El-Shaikh 1
Masry 1
Naseeg Helwan 1
Nogoom FC 1
Petrojet 1
Shams 1
Sohag Railways 1
Sohag 1
Suez Petroleum 1
Younan 1