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Sacramento's Best Rock Site

Welcome, you have found Sacramento's best webpage for Rock Music and Concert info. We also offer information on local and national bands, ticket information, rock stations, and CD reviews. We will also post any picture you give of your self supporting Sacramento or it's bands, hell well post it even if you don't support them as long as you have a good one. Angelfire Fires Terms of Service Says we can't place nude pictures on our sites, but I say fuck em' we'll do what we want. So send all pics to the e-mail below. Right now Sacramento is the best place to rock because of all the great bands starting up and all of the ones we allready have. Great bands such as Deftones, Simon Says, and Oleander have come out of Sac, and now just getting famous Paparoach!!! There new CD comes out April 25... You'll see me at Tower buying it that day. To help keep this page free we ask that you click on the links as many times as you want, but at least one. This page will be updated about evey other week so book mark us please. You can reach me on icq and on Aol, my icq # is 68166596, and my Aol screen name is mdhatea. Also take the time to fill out the poll at the end of this page and tell me what you think. Thanks For comming and to all people from Sac remember to help keep all local bands going strong by supporting them in any way that you can.~Adam Newcomb

Page Last Updated on March 19, 2000

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