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~ Sacred Plants for the Spirit ! ~

~ Ama Kawku, pronounced as Ah Muh Kow Koo

~ Burning fragrant herbs like sage can be used in everyday life.

~ These dried plants are burned like incense, it is the smoke that is the cleansing element.

~ One can pass an object through the smoke to cleanse them too.

~ Use a little or a lot. It is even used fresh as an offering or as an air freshener.

~ The scent relieves stress and it is believed to draw in the good and overpower the negative energies.

~ Sacred smudge is a trade material and is very much in demand in this day and age as it was long ago.

~ Sagebrush is for cleansing. It definitely brings in the positive energies.

~ White Sage, AKA California Sage, or Buffalo Sage is good medicine. Loved by all, it is exotic.

~ Cedar is for purifying, when fresh and when burned. A favorite of the Pacific coastal natives.

  • Sweetgrass, is for protection. Loved by all who smell it! It still remains a favorite by all First Nations people everywhere.

  • ~ Long ago the elders used to throw smudge on the woodstove tops after people were sick in the house, to cleanse in an anti-bacterial way.

  • ~ As offerings and as gifts, this has long been a traditional symbolic offering and is the most thoughtful gift to receive from a friend.

  • ~ One should be considerate of others when using smudge as they may suffer from bronchial problems.

  • ~ Always take care not to burn around pregnant women. And children should always be supervised.

... Our creativity takes us to many places...

1... Spirit Quest the world through Live Cameras
2... All about Positive Energy !
3 ... One of my web pages
4... Shamanism.

What is the ceremonial smudging all about? At Powwows and other First Nations ceremonial events, we are seen cupping our hands and drawing the smoke towards our bodies.

During the smudging ceremony it looks like we are washing ourselves or objects in the smoke of the burning plants. This is just one way we would cleanse our spirits, bodies, and objects of great importance.

Smudging with these plants may clear the path for better things to come. We believe it can be used by all people of the world and we gather all these plants ourselves. We feel great respect for them and we hope the good spirits are happy once again with the increased interest in the everyday use of smudge plants.

If you have any questions about anything, please reach out by e-mail. We'd love to help.

Hi'Chka! ( means thank-you ) Merci, Mee'Gwich. Val @ Ama Kawku

... last updated Nov. 10, 2009.

Click here for Lillooet Sagebrush Album 2008


The Smudging ceremony has survived the centuries during the incredible history of First Nations peoples, cleansing and healing deep wounds to start journeys of enrichment with peaceful positivity.