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Poems in these pages could be couplets, triplets, acrostic , limericks or any such stuff. Personally I prefer limericks to other forms and hence they are likely to dominate.

Limericks are poems in which the first, second, and fifth lines have one rhyming pattern, while the third and fourth lines have another. They are normally humourous in nature. I shall give an example from memory:

There was this student from Damascus
Who swallowed an Abacus
Rumblings internal
Where quite phenominal
For what is inside that counts

The Designer
To become a designer above par was my longing
Of traffic Systems-freeways,bridges and cars including
asked 'em one day why cars have steerings round
Why not they be rods horizontally bound
Thy laughed at me 'n told;son, it is the Steer-ring!!


'Samasya' is an ancient but popular game or puzzle in poetry. Here essentially you are given a suggested last line of a four or eight line poem (stanza). You have to complete the poem making sure that the last line is the given one. The more original the underlying idea, the better. We do not know whether similar games exist in English literature.

Let me try to give you an example from Sanskrit literature. Kalidasa the famous ccourt poet of King Vikramaditya was given a 'samasya' like this: The last line was 'A B C D' .(Remember this is my translation of the original Sanskrit poem and hence it will not sound as good). Kalidasa could not think of any suitable lines to complete the poem. Dejected, he was sitting under a tree when he saw a small girl going to the school. The conversation ensued was as follows:

What is your name ?
Lara Wellbrookes
Who is your father ?
Tommy Wellbrookes
What are you holding ?
Pre-school Note Books
What is in there ?

Obviously Kalidasa got his little poem ready in the process.

(The original is of course thousand times better !!!)

What we propose to do here is to post 'Samasyas' every week. We will give the last line and you have to send your solutions to me by E-Mail. We will put the selected ones with your name on the web.


This week's last line is :

"Not me, nor you, neither the guy next door "

My sample solution
Man evolves to cannibals; Change so clear
World degenerates to hell; end so near
Somebody should do something; oh dear
Not me, nor you, neither the guy next door.

Send your solutions at the earliest

Solution from Jessy

Up in the sky, there's the shining star
Down on the earth, there's the hunger war
Someone have to do some' to help the poor
Not me, nor you, neither the guy next door



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