Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong - Ella Fitzgerald

"Who is Tala?" you ask?

I am a Goddess in my own right. I am Shamanism. I am chamomile tea and blueberry bread. I am Anis Anis. I am "Wuthering Heights" and "Interview with a Vampire". I am fairies. I am Mt. Dew. I am fried chicken and portabella mushrooms and pasta. I am the internet and I am web design.

I am pretty writing paper. I am daisies in the Spring. I am tabby cats and parakeets. I am Egg McMuffins and hash browns. I am Player vs. Player and Winnie the Pooh. I am photography. I am wolves. I am Marlboro Lights. I am Counter-Strike and Diablo II. I am snow. I am sunshine. I am rain.

I am a mother, daughter, sister, niece, cousin. I am blue hair. I am Art of Noise and Korn. I am t-shirts and jeans. I am Nikes and Doc Martins. I am dragons and Grateful Dead bears. I am Mac and pc. I am the mountains and the sea. I am Depression and I am Bi-Polar. I am NHRA and racing.

I am poetry. I am candlelight dinners. I am baths and blueberry soap. I am Cub Scout Mom. I am Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia. I am barefoot. I am silver. I am eclectic picture frames. I am Christmas lights. I am pink and purple pens. I am Unix in a Nutshell.

I am a sum of all my interests. I am a sum of all my experiences.

Please join me on my adventure...

How's this for close?

what's new:

11-28-01: have been trying to get some things in order on here. the music page is now updated. cleaning up odds and ends throughout the pages. updating and so on and so fourth. wheeeeee!

on this site...

about me
body modification
photography hrmmm
my music lists
come chat with me on irc. server: irc.gamesnet.net | room: #tala


Satan Stole My Teddybear
mental fragments
think geek
i have a secret
moran farms

odds and ends...

« I Kiss Girls »

icq status: #42963166
MSN: talashandy
Yahoo Messenger: talashandy

email me

These pages are ©1999-2001 Tala. Don't copy shit...it's not yours...I'll sue...blah, blah...I'll take your money..blah, blah...