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Hi every body, thanks for visiting!
My name is Sam aka Casper, I live in Melbourne Australia and I'm 21.
I won't bother describing what I look like, if you really want to know then just follow the link below to my Picture.
I like parties, movies, music, driving, socialising, well I generally like everything that keeps me from yawning my head off.
I work in the IT field and enjoy a good challenge.
I originally got connected for research reasons but when I found out what the net can really do, I became rather interested in more than work related topics.
Please take the time to visit all my friends links below as they are all special people that care, listen, understand and like me love to have their quest book signed *hint, hint*.
If anyone wants to chat to me they can add my icq uin 1889035.
And for those of you who haven't figured this out yet, Street Fighter Alpha 2 is my all time favourite action game and I'll challenge anyone, anytime, anywhere in it.
One last thing, is a piece of advice! Never give your entire heart out to anybody, because if they break it, you will be left with nothing!

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A special Lady Friend
View The Following Images - If you'd like to see what I look like
With A special Lady Friend
Read The Following Lyrics - If you like Hip - Hop
Learn The Following Information - To inhance Your Street Fighter Knowledge