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I am currently unable to trade or sell anything on this page. However, if you have any of the items I am looking for, I would be interested in purchasing them. Updated January 2006 .

Manga   Cards   Cels   Shijitaki  

-Sailormoon original Japanese manga in mint condition. Volumes 1, 2, 4, 8, 13(2), 14, and the very special final volume 18. $7 each. See picture below for a sample
-Yu Yu Hakusho 19

Trading cards
The card section is closed until further notice

Go here

Shijitaki (Pencil Boards)
Fushigi Yugi:
-Tasuki Pencil board
-Tamahome Pencil board
I would like to trade for a Pencil board of Nuriko.
Sailor Moon:
-Michiru in school uniform
-Haruka in school uniform - $40 for both

If you're interested, please email me.