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Chris's Web Page


Web Ring


Image made by bullz

Congratulations! You have been lucky to find my web page. This is under construction, but my COOL Stuff page is ready for visits. Now a little bit about me. My name is Chris, i am 13 years old and live in San Antonio Texas. My favorite sport is tennis. I guess i'm pretty good at it since i made the team at my school. The things that I really hate are mean people, PEOPLE THAT HATE AUSTIN POWERS, Titanic, Hanson, and the Spice Girls. I have tons of email addresses and web pages. I will add those later. I like alternative music, some rap, and ska. I love to design web pages and do other stuff like that. My ALL TIME favorite cartoon is South Park, and Kenny from South Park rules. That's about it. Here are some cool links and some of mine.

My links

COOL Stuff

My other web page

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Beat up a celebrity you've always hated!
Nintendo online

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What are the requirements?

First of all, you need to have a home page. It must be updated at least every few days, or weeks. Now, I know some of you don't know HTML that much, but that is okay. I'm just looking for a nice neat home page, there is no need to buy tons of HTML books to impress me with all these bizarre graphics. By the way, I am a web designer. If you need help with a page, Mail Me Second, you have to have the web ring logo on your web page.

What happens if I join the webring?

This is simple, more people come to your page. Your counter will read off the charts! This has been proven by other webring owners. :)

Instructions for joining the ring!

First, you gotta fill out this form:

Submit site to the Ring of Homepages and other Stuff
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

After you fill out the form, copy 'n' paste this HTML in to your page

(This will be the graphic on your page)

<!-- BEGIN Ring of Home pages RING FRAGMENT -->




<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">


ALIGN=LEFT ALT="Ring of Homepages" HEIGHT=150 WIDTH=200 BORDER=0></A>



<FONT COLOR="#00ff00" SIZE=2>


<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">

Ring of Homepages</A> site<BR>is run by


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Want to join the ring? Get the

<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">info</a>.

</FONT></TD> </TD></TR></TABLE>

<!-- END Ring of Homepages RING FRAGMENT -->

Remember to fill your ID#, Name, and Email where specified!

When you finish copying and pasting the HTML code, your finished product should look like this:

Ring of Homepages
This Ring of Homepages site
is run by Chris.

[Prev | Skip It | Next 5 | Random | Next]

Want to join the ring? Get the info.

Once you have put the banner (picture) on your page NOTIFY ME.

If you are already a member,

Site ID:

Forgot your password?

If you enter your site id below, your password will be e-mailed to you immediatly.

Site ID:

Forget your ID#?  If you're in the ring, click here...look through the sites for your site, and your ID# as well.  If you're in the queue, click here and look for your site and ID# in the list.

If you have ANY kind of trouble, PLEASE mail me