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This is my adopted angel "StarShine". She was adopted 10/15/98

Welcome to Ducky's World!

Hello, my name is Ducky. I also go by the name _SmilingWolf_. This is my first home away from home :-) I hope you enjoy your stay here. I have many places that you can visit. Do you love Wolves? Dale Earnhardt? Applets? Warping the President? Well I got it...HeHe...Why not take a peek. I'm always adding or changing things around. I will be adding my links page soon. Don't forget to visit my other worlds.(I have two more) Thanx for stopping by and visit again soon ;-) Peace & Love Always, Ducky aka _SmilingWolf_

I received this Spirit Flower from Sister Truffle.
Thank You my fellow Butterfly. Your so sweet *smile*

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Visit my webpage that is dedicated to our TROOPS and SUPPORT PERSONNEL in Kosovo. And when you are there, please sign the guestbook. To visit just clickLET'S END THIS WAR! Thank You :-) Ducky

Please join me in the SUPPORT and SAFE return of our Troops in Kosovo.
Click on the virtual candle to get one for your homepage.

Call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) If you have seen any of these Children.
Please help bring our Children Home!

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Angelfire Directory

This is my adopted moose "Molly". To adopt one of your very own,
click on her picture :-)

Please visit my net sister Naomi's website :-)

Also visit my great friend & net sister Tammy's website. If you have a page dedicated to racing,
why not join her very cool webring. I sure did! :-)

click for this week's free wallpaper poster

Click HEREto give away free wallpaper on YOUR site!

Free Guestbooks by Phaistos!
Read My Guestbook!|Sign My Guestbook!

"The Unforgiven II" by: Metallica

Aren't we all Sisters???

April aka Ducky is a Net Sister.
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Aren't we all Net Sisters?

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Ducky .

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*Big Smile*
