
Collected Dream Texts Bibliographies

G. William Domhoff

Visit the Quantitative Analysis of Dreams Web site and contact Bill Domhoff.

Domhoff, G. William (1993). The repetition of dreams and
     dream elements: A possible clue to a function of
     dreams. In: Allan Moffitt, Milton Kramer and Robert
     Hoffmann (Eds.), _The Function of Dreams_. New York:
     State University of New York Press.

Domhoff, G. W. (1985). _The Mystique of Dreams: A search
     for Utopia Through Senoi Dream Theory_. Berkeley, CA.: 
      University of California Press.

Domhoff, G. William (1982). The dreams of college men and
     women in 1950 and 1980: A comparison of dream content
     and sex differences. _Sleep_ vol 5. With Calvin Hall,
     Kenneth A. Blick and Katheryn E. Weesner.

Domhoff, Bill. (1969). Home dreams verses laboratory
     dreams. In Kramer, M. (Ed.),_Dream Psychology and the
     New Biology of  Dreaming_ (Chap. 10, pp. 199-217).
     Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, Pub. 

Domhoff, G. William (1968). The dreams of Freud and Jung.
     _Psychology Today_ June. With Calvin Hall.

Domhoff, B., & Gerson, A. (1967). Replication and Critique
     of three studies on personality correlates of dream
     recall. _Journal of Consulting Psychology_, 31(4),

Domhoff, B. & Kamiya, Joe (1964a). Problems in dream
     content study with objective indicators. Archives of
     General Psychiatry, 11(5), 519-532.
   I. A comparison of home and laboratory dream reports.
   II. Appearence of experimental situation in laboratory
dream Narratives.
   III. Changes in dream content throughout the night.

Domhoff, G. William (1964b.) Friendliness in Dreams.
_Journal of Social Psychology_ 62. With Calvin S. Hall.

Domhoff, William G. (1964b). Night dreams and hypnotic
     dreams. _The International Journal of Clinical and
     Esperimental Hypnosis_ vol 12. (Reprinted in _The
     Hypnotic Investigation of Dreams._ C. Scott Moss (Ed.)

Domhoff, William G. (1964c) Methological Problems in the
     study of dream content with objective indicators of
     dreaming. _Archives of General Psychiatry, vol 11.
     (With Joe Kamiya).

Domhoff, William G. (1963a). A ubiquitous sex difference in
     dreams. _Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology_,
     66(3), 278-280.(With Calvin Hall)

Domhoff, William G. (1963). Aggression in dreams.
     _International Journal of Social Psychiatry_, 9(4),
     259-267. (with Calvin Hall)

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