You are the ancestor

whose very face challenges me

to stand in righteous relation to life as lover;

to speak long and loud and true;

and to leave noticeable echoes.

Jill Gregory

Novato Dream Library & Archive

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Volume 4 Issue #6

29 June 1997

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams - on the World Wide Web


-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:

Bob Krumhansl <>

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:

Peggy Coats <>

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:

Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues, editors addresses

and other access & Staff see


at the end of this issue


Download a GREAT COVER for Electric Dreams 4(6)!

Cover by Jesse Reklaw



++ Editor's Notes

++ Vote! On new Electric Dream Formats

++ Volunteer! Be an Electric Dreamer

++ Poem: For Allen Ginsberg.

Jill Gregory

++ Column: Dream Trek: Non-Classic Mutual Dreams

Linda Lane Magallon

++ Column: Life, Art Dream : Bones

Alissa Goldring

++ Article: Dream Sharing in Cyberspace

Jeremy Taylor

++ Column: Dream Education Series

Existential-Phenomenology and Dreams

Richard Wilkerson

+ Notes by Harold Delius

++ Article : A Brief History of The Online Guide

To Lucid Dreaming

Philip Marley

++ Article : The Dead Visit in Dreams

Henry Reed

++ Column: Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 6th House



- Book Review: Sex, Symbols & Dreams

- Thresholds of Creativity Conference

- Book Review: Mutual Dreaming

- Book Review: The Dream Messenger

- Reunion of the Once and Future Stars of Mutual


- Film Review: Man Without a Face

- Dreams as a Catalyst for Writing


- Dreams about Work-Related Stress Wanted

- A Narrative Inquiry of Using the Imaginal in

Spiritual Practices

- Dream Puns and Plays on Words Wanted

- Dreams Concerning Multiple Levels of Applicability Wanted

- In Search of Marriage/Wedding Dreams

- Horse Dreams Wanted


- BridgeWalker Ezine

DREAM CALENDAR: July-August 1997


July 16, MON deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(7)



Editors' Notes


June has been a busy month for dreaming and July is shaping up to be just as active. With the end of the Association for the Study of Dreams 1997 Conference in Asheville, tales are coming in and reports are that it was a great time, many wonderful events occurred and many projects were given a forward boost. I met in Cyberspace (IRC) with Roger Ripert from France, Tony Gaddis at the ASD Computer Hub and many other guests for cyber-chats on the Global Dream Congress 2000 and other computer mediated dream issues. If you were at the conference, send us your thoughts and stories.

Mutual Dreaming, where two or more people decide (or just happen) to meet in dreamland has taken a giant step forward with Linda Lane's publication of _Mutual Dreaming_. Linda is also continuing our education on this subject in her Dream Trek Column and in upcoming events.

Another giant step - the U.S. Supreme Court decided to uphold the decision to keep the Internet safe for dreamwork and other free speech activities. This decision will allow parents rather than government to decide what is appropriate for children while protecting free speech for adults. For more on this landmark decision, go to the Electronic Frontier Foundation site

Alissa Goldring continues to show how dream inspired art works together with interpretation. This month she shakes out the leaves of her dream interpretation book to show us the multiple levels that can reside in the soul of a dream.

Jeremy Taylor has an update on dream sharing in Cyberspace. At last years ASD conference in Berkeley we discussed on a panel the problems and virtues of the Net and Dreaming. After another year of experience in live chat Taylor assesses the live venue and how it can be balanced with message boards.

The Dream Education Series returns this month with a look to the Existential-Phenomenology of Medard Boss and how these techniques and ideas have influenced dreamwork. Toss those theories away and let's get right to the thing itself!

One the most interesting phenomena of the Net has been the generosity of its participants. Philip Marley has been a model of this in Lucid Dreaming and we have included a history of his project.

Henry Reed, dreamworker extraordinaire, sends some comments on research on death and dreams.

Madame Aionia continues her Dreams and Astrology Series, investigating Sixth House Dreams and how the House System can be used to unfold deeper meanings in dream imagery.

Peggy Coats continues to bring you the latest in dream news, conferences and events in the Global Dreaming News. You can help out this great networking news project in several ways. First, if you have information about local or regional dream events, or cyber-dream events, be sure to send them to her at If you lose your copy of Electric Dreams, Peggy has the latest issue of the News at along with many other resources and Bay Area BADG information.

Also you can help out by reading the Research Requests. Do you dream about work related stress, horses or marriage ceremonies? Do you find multiple uses for your dreams or use them in your spiritual practice? If so, there are dream researchers that could use your help. See Research Requests for more details.

Dream Groups. We are talking a break this month. Chris Hicks has been running the DreamWheels for over a year now and needs to pursue some other trails. The groups will begin again in Mid-July. If you are interested in joining a group, drop me line and I'll put you on the list. The groups are lots of fun and provide insights not always available with individual dreamwork. For samples and more information, see the dream resources page,

Web Masters & Information Providers - is your dream listing on our resource page and is it correct? Soon we will be sending a monthly notice that will allow you to update and easily change the information we distribute about your dream related projects. In the meantime, drop by the dream resource page at as well as the ED homepage links.

-Richard Wilkerson


Vote! What kinds of formats would you like to see Electric Dreams be in (available on the web site)? Would you like them zipped, stuffed, uucoded, mime coded? Would you like them in:

-- ascii


--Microsoft Word (Win/Mac)

-- Corel Wordperfect

-- RTF (rich text format)

-- other

Send your votes to



Help out Electric Dreams

Be an Electric Dreamer!


Electric Dreams continues to offer a wide variety of free dreamsharing venues and this means we log a lot of online time. It is fun and we do this because we love it! But sometimes we can't keep up with all the networking tasks and then the quality is diminished in our programs.

And not everyone has the time to be a staff member (though if you *do* have the time and desire, drop me a line!).

And so we would like to ask for ELECTRIC DREAMERS - volunteers who can give just a few minutes every week or even once a month. Here are some of the ED areas that Electric Dreamers might help in:

- Moderate a dream group.

- Start a column on ED about your favorite topic in dreams.

- Post a few dreams to a few Newsgroups or Mail lists.

- Post an ad regularly to a Newsgroup you will "sponsor".

- Post an ad to a mail list you will "sponsor".

- Post an ad to a SIG at your commercial online carrier.

- Surf the net for new dream web sites.

- Surf Educational college sites for dream bibliographies

- Send in addresses of magazine departments that might like to carry a story about dream sharing in cyberspace

- Send in local resources on dreams - groups, schools, lectures, library resources, newsletters and new age papers.

- Check you Yellow Pages for schools and ask what programs or classes on dreams and dreaming dreams are available.

- Many other projects available!

Be and Electric Dreamer, sign up today...

Note: If you have offered your time before and I haven't gotten back to you, it is only because I've lost your request. Please resend!!

contact Richard Wilkerson


Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton


Do you have questions, answers, comments, replies? This is your column to communicate with the rest of the Electric Dream Community, so just send those email to me at

Forwarded Message: From Jill Gregory
Subj:	Al Moffitt
Date:	97-06-24 17:40:14 EDT

Please be advised tha Al Moffitt passed away June 2, 1997.

On Al Moffitt

  I didn't know Al Moffitt in person but am somewhat aware of the
contributions he has made to dreams and dreaming from his
contributions in Jayne Gackenback's(ed) _Sleep and Dreams, A
Sourcebook_, _The Funcitons of Dreaming_, Moffitt, Kramer & Hoffmann,
and his other contributions to dream science in journal articles. If
you know more about Alan Moffitt, please share that information with
the rest of the dream community. 


Subject: Al Moffitt, In Memorium 

From: Jayne Gackenbach

Date: 03-Jun-97

Add a Reply

I just heard that Al Moffitt died. I thought we could all post our memories and condolences on our bulletin board. He will be missed.


Too Late to Get in Web Updates:

The GTO Dream adviser, Cyndi, left a message that her site has been updated and included some of the following topics.

Dream Journal Ttaq, Method Nightmares, Night Terrors, Sleep Walking & Talking False Awakening, Lucid Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, Dream Themes & Triggers Recurring Dreams

Common Dreams, Helping Children, Dream Links, Newsgroups, Email Lists & E-zines,

Dream Faq, More Great Links, Books, Sea of Dreams, Your Dreams Personal Info,

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the long awaited book, _Mutual Dreaming_ has finally been published and is now available in bookstores as well as from the publisher.

For information on current mutual and psychic dreaming projects, check out the newly updated Fly-By-Night Club web site.

Thank you very much,

Linda Lane Magallon (Fly-By-Night Club)


Mutual Dreaming

When Two or More People Share The Same Dream

By Linda Lane Magallon

New York: Pocket Books, 1997

$12.00 U.S./$16.00 Canada

ISBN: 0-671-52684-7

Simon & Schuster Customer Service


There is no experience as uniquely intimate as having a dream with another person. Incredible, but very real, the phenomenon of sharing the same dream with one or more people is much more common than we might think -and also extremely revealing about the way the subconscious works and sends us its messages.

_Mutual Dreaming_ leads us on an astonishing voyage of discovery. With dozens of extraordinary anecdotes and true-life stories, we'll find that mutual dreams can take any form-from erotic dreams, to terrifying nightmares to dreams of mystifying encounters with strangers. We will learn how to recognize and understand, decode and gain insight from mutual dreams. We can even learn how to incubate mutual dreams with another person--or more than one person.

Linda Lane Magallon has invested more than a decade of field research in the area of mutual dreaming. Now an internationally know authority on the subject, she has been socially active in the dream-work community since 1984.

Her accomplishments include membership on the founding board of the

multidisciplinary Association for the Study of Dreams, co-founding the regional Bay Area Dreamworkers Group and serving as publisher of the foremost dream community journal, _Dream Network_. Ms. Magallon also makes presentations on the topic of mutual dreaming to international audiences, and regularly conducts dream projects that emphasize group participation.

Praise for _Mutual Dreaming_:

"In her provocative work _Mutual Dreaming_, Linda Lane Magallon has described a dimension of dreams that will enhance the person-to-person communication of her readers. This book is both visionary and practical. Its vision is one of expanded human capacities; its practice consists of instructions on how two

or more people can attain nocturnal intimacy."

Stanley Krippner, Co-Author of _Dreamworking_ and _Dream Telepathy_

"It is an extremely well documented book on the too often neglected area of the shared dreamscape. It offers new insights and techniques from both classical and modern perspectives on how to access this usually hidden dimension of human existence. Rich in detail from a variety of sources and honest in the interpretation of results, it makes a real contribution to the field for both layman and professional alike. I loved having my mind expanded and I think others will too."

Edward Bruce Bynam, Author of _The Family Unconscious_ and _Families and the Interpretation of Dreams_

"Linda has written an original and engaging study of a subject that's not easy to do well. It's fascinating and fun, and I like how she writes with such obvious love for the wise and rumply nature of consciousness. It had the immediate effect of turning my own dream recall on full blast!"

Sue Watkins, Author of _Conversations with Seth_ and _Dreaming Myself, Dreaming A Town_

"The idea of shared dreams is profound, not only as a tool for personal growth, but also as testimony to a new world view in which we are no longer separate from each other, like Newtonian billiard balls, but are profoundly interconnected, like quantum probability waves. Linda Lane Magallon's book is really the first major treatment of this fascinating subject, and I believe it will be regarded as a standard text for many years to come. I highly

recommend it."

Jeffrey Mishlove, Host of _Thinking Allowed_ public television series

Dream Helper Web Site Project

From my reading of the Electric Dreams News and visiting your Web

site, I felt it might be appropriate to write to you about a new Web site, <the Dream Helpers Web Site>. By way of introduction, my name is George Mayo and my connection with the Dream Helpers Web site, has to do with my being a student at Atlantic University in Virginia Beach. As a part of the completion of the MA program in Transpersonal Studies from AU, I am undertaking a Community Project and propose using the Dream Helpers Web

site to conduct this project.

My mentor / faculty adviser is Dr. Henry Reed who you may know from his work in the area of Dreams. In discussion with Henry I have decided that it would be best to wait until September to announce / advertise the site to the Internet. I would appreciate it if you have the time to stop by the site and should you feel the Dream Ceremony Project I am proposing

merits your consideration, perhaps some mention of it in the Electic Dreams would be considered by yourself. In any event your comments would be appreciated. You can reach the 'front door' to the Dream Helpers Web site at this URL;


"It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to

"our real work and that when we no longer know which way to go we

"have begun our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not

"employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings."


-- Wendell Berry from Poetry and Marriage

Last Minute - New Web Sites

.... some of your readers may be interested to read my dream interpretation web page, in which I summarise my understanding of Jung's dream interpretation style. The URL is:

If you think that it is OK, I would appreciate a mention!

Martin Thompson

From: "Randy" <>

Subject: Professional Dreamer

Date: Sat, 07 Jun 97 10:55:24 PDT

hello, can you help?

I am looking for additional information on the topic of "professional dreamers".

I saw part of a tv article about a man that works for companies and individuals as a dreamer

problem seer for seeker.. he communicates his dreams that cover the clients. He does no interpretation, only communicates what he say... so you have any information concerning this area of dreaming?

thank you walker

=============WOMEN'S "BIG DREAMS" WANTED =====================

Most of us at some time have a BIG dream that impacts on our lives.

I am writing a book on dreams that shares women's experiences on how "big dreams" have influenced their behavior, outlook, or changed their lives in some way. If any readers would like to email me with their experiences, I would be greatful. Contact:

Jennie Hatherley <>


"For Allen Ginsberg, 1997"


Jill Gregory

June 21-22, 1997


Articulate, hard, brilliant,

you hurled word upon word

from your fevered loom

till magic happened

and the world to which I could not relate

became my birthright -

fire hot and precious priceless

in my hands.

You were the philosopher/poet

so truly yourself

that you left me behind

reaching for the philosopher/poet in me.

You were the urban shaman

whose midnight radio voice

held me in trance

as you wove shockingly uncomfortable word shawls

for me to wear.

For two decades now,

I have traveled to places you had known and foraged.

I find your traces and they reassure me.

I carry you with me,

Allen Ginsberg.

You are the ancestor

whose very face challenges me

to stand in righteous relation to life as lover;

to speak long and loud and true;

and to leave noticeable echoes.




By Linda Lane Magallon

Non-Classic Mutual Dreams


Most dreamers in the group dreaming projects of the '80s and '90s came to the field of mutual dreaming affected by culturally held beliefs about how mutual dreams should look, act and be. The most commonly held assumptions are the classic meeting and meshing dreams.

In a classic meeting dream, two or more people dream of encountering one another. The hidden supposition is that each person will appear and behave just like they do in waking life. In a classic meshing dream, you have "the same dream" as that of another person. However, if you insist that all mutual dreams be of the classic variety, you will only "count" those dreams which are carbon copies of one another, and that occur at the same time.

Our dreaming selves hold to this criteria only on rare occasions. Why should they? They're perfectly able to exist in the wild without the garments of lab and non-lab presumptions. However, I do think that they try to meet us half-way, and we can do the same. We can open our eyes to the "non-classic" forms of dream mutuality. Clues to the existence of these sorts of dreams emerged, as the mutual dream projects began to paint an even wider picture of the field of dreams.

Consider the meshing dream. There is usually no sense of anyone else's presence in such a dream. Instead there is a merging of imagery. Symbols and themes are shared, emotions are held in common. It's called "the same dream" because the phraseology in one dream report is so similar to another. But just as the reports of witnesses at a crime scene vary, so there is no such thing as a perfect Xerox copy of another person's dream. Instead, the correspondence can range from quite consistent to very vague.

The satisfaction of the intent to meet is also dependent on the cooperation of dreaming selves. They determine the where, why, when and with whom of the meeting. They determine the circumstances under which they will meet. Comparing dreams revealed shifts in time, shifts in space and shifts from strangers to an intimate partner. It was also discovered that spouses, friends and family of the group members might spontaneously dream along with the group.

There are also meeting and meshing combinations. The dreamer who experiences the meeting event may see the second dreamer. But the meshing dreamer usually has no awareness of his dreaming partner because he is too caught up in his own concerns, concentrating not on the partner, but on the drama of his own dream.

It takes quite a shift of concentration to become a social-psychic dreamer. Mutual dreaming takes courage to reach out beyond private space and touch the fabric of social reality. It encourages the ability to share.


Column: Life, Art, Dream


by Alissa Goldring




The dream:

I am a small child carrying a pile of books much too heavy for me. I want to put them down but I cannot find any place to set them. I am in the basement of the house. The lady in charge is upstairs and I am afraid of her, and do not want to anger her by putting the books in the wrong place. I struggle to hold the books and do not know what to do. I see a small table where I would like to set the books, but I am afraid that the lady upstairs will be angry.


We know that dreams are multi-faceted. While every element in a dream represents a part of ourselves in our inner drama, dreams also often refer to actual people and situations and our attitudes toward them. This dream is multi-level literally and figuratively: the child is in the basement, the lady in charge in the upper floor, reflecting the inner relationship between a child and authority with power over her. I certainly recognize these sub-personalities -- my intimidated child and dominating "lady in charge" -- and my extreme anxiety and discomfort.

I ask myself, Who is "the lady in charge" in me? I hear the voices of mother and teachers, figures in authority during my early years who had other concerns than a child's feelings and needs. In this dream, the child in me still cannot find her own way, cannot set down her heavy load and free her hands to do what she needs to do in her own life. The books she carries signify to me the weight of intellectualization, of being in my head rather than in my heart. -- a "head trip" laid on the child who was not free to be a child.


The online version with graphics of Alissa's work is at


Dream Sharing in Cyberspace

By Jeremy Taylor


Reprinted from the AOL HUB DreamShow Pages

permission by Jeremy Taylor

I have been exploring dreams with an eye to discovering their deeper meanings for almost 30 years. I have written down and worked with more than 10,000 of my own dreams and probably 100,000 dreams of others during that time. This work has convinced me that our dreams always have multiple meanings, and that those meanings are always helpful and supportive to the dreamer, if only they can be "unpacked" at any level of depth.

Until I came to THE HUB to host "The Dream Show," all my experience helping people figure out what their dreams mean was gained by speaking to individuals and groups in person, on the telephone, or in written correspondence.

I decided to give on-line dream work a try, even though it means that I have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in front of my computer out here in California at 6:00 A.M. (which up until now has not been my habit).

Initially, I had some reservations about working dreams through this distinctly "cool" and physically isolating on-line medium. When I imagined as carefully as I could what it might be like, I was particularly concerned that the "flat" and highly compressed computer communication format might inhibit the flow of imagination, intimacy, and mutual respect so necessary for good dream work.

In fact, I have found the emotionally and physically "flat" format of computer chat between people in widely separated locations appears to enhance many important elements that make group exploration of dreams so productive.

The fact that every participant appears on the screen identified only by his or her screen name means that the sense of safety and anonymity so necessary for productive dream work is assured. I've also found that the necessity of compressing our questions and comments into to two-line "sound bites" in order to send them to the communal screen serves to discourage needless verbosity. This "compression" of ideas required by the AOL's format tends to draw us all into the work at a deep level more quickly than is sometimes the case in face-to-face dream groups.

I am also very impressed with the sense of emotional equality that is created by the fact that everyone's comments appears on the screen in the same bland type-face with the same "inflection." In face-to-face dream work, the comments of participants are always weighted to some degree by our responses to their physical appearance and the timbre of their voices. People have prejudices about who they want to listen to and take seriously, and who they want to dismiss. On the screen, all that is gently wiped away. All comments appear equal, and the participants are much freer to discover insights for themselves in the various remarks without unconsciously pre-judging the speaker.

I regularly find myself musing more freely and "speaking" more openly as I sit comfortably in my ergonomic computer chair, sipping my morning fruit juice, physically much more comfortable and relaxed than I sometimes am doing face-to-face dream work (sitting in a metal folding chair in a drafty church basement). I can only imagine that this "relaxation factor" has a positive effect on all the other participants as well. Presumably, we are all comfortably ensconced in our own private, safe, comfy computer chairs, free from the judgment of others, and thus more able to think and intuit creatively and sensitively about our own imagined versions of the dreams being discussed.

In the virtual dream group, people are free to come and go as their interest and energy dictates, without distracting or offending other participants. By the same token, people are much freer to simply watch, listen, and generate their own "aha's" of insight without participating directly in the work. Such people are commonly known as "lurkers," and "lurking" is a perfectly acceptable activity in this context.

In the virtual dream group, the host has even more influence over the process than in a face-to-face group, since he or she has the power to determine which comments go to the screen. All the problems of differing levels of sophistication and seriousness among participants that arise in face-to-face dream work still exist in cyber-space, but the format allows the host to keep people from interrupting each other, talking too much, or making gratuitous, rude, or insensitive remarks. Balanced against this is the problem of the host/facilitator's unconscious projections and "counter-transference" issues. The unconscious biases of the host have even more influence over the group process than in face-to-face dream work, precisely because the host has so much more influence and control.

In "The Dream Show," the problem of the exaggerated influence of the host over the content and tone is offset by the fact that there is also a 24-hour bulletin board associated with the program where people can leave their dreams for others to comment on and can make suggestions and ask questions without any censorship from the auditorium host. This bulletin board has turned into a vital and eclectic community forum all on its own.

Albert Einstein was fond of saying that "If you can't explain what you are doing to a reasonably intelligent ten year old, you probably don't really know what you are doing." This principle of simplifying and clarifying even the most abstruse and emerging intuitive understandings of one another's dreams regularly comes into play in computer connected dream work. Some of the lyric poetry may be lost in the process, but the "haiku" remain.

Every morning, there is a wide sample of the dreams of people from Canada to Florida, and across six time zones (counting Hawaii) shared over the computer connection. It's like taking the pulse of the continent's unconscious. Computer-assisted "virtual dream groups" will never replace the richness, vitality, and intimacy of face-to-face dream work, but they are another way to explore the creative possibilities that are our birth-right as human beings.

(c) Jeremy Taylor


Existential-Phenomenology and Dreams

Part of the ED Dream Education Series

Richard Wilkerson


".... to the things themselves!"

Husserl (see note Delius1)

Ed Husserl said " Return to the things themselves" and in this statement can be unfolded much of the phenomenological and existential beginnings in dream work. This is best seen in the development of Dasien-analysis as developed by Medard Boss. Here is how Boss himself separates himself from Freud and Jung:

" There are two main reasons I have chosen to make a clear distinction between the phenomenological approach to human dreaming and the interpretation based on the more traditional dream theories. First, such a separation will effectively highlight the true nature of the phenomenological approach, as it is applied in Dasein-analytic therapy. And the second, a direct confrontation of phenomenological understanding of dreaming, on the one hand, and Freudian-Jungian "dream interpretations," on the other, will confirm that the latter, do not actually interpret, i.e., make intelligible, the phenomena of the dreaming itself, consistently "reinterpret" without this "reinterpretation" having any basis in observable facts. Rarely if ever do Freud and Jung pursue the wealth of significance inherent in dream entities themselves, preferring instead to impose meaning on them form without to confirm them with prescribed theory"

Medard Boss P. 143 , _"I Dreamt last night..."_

Without going into whether or not this is a fair assessment of Freud or Jung, I'd like to say this is a fair assessment of Boss. It is the *surface* of the dream image itself that is presented to us in our waking memory that Boss find so interesting. And in his Dasein-analysis he sticks with the surface of the dream and allows the patient to unfold his or her process as it unfolds. The most famous example, and the one that is used by one of Boss' modern proponents, Erik Craig, is the dream series of an engineer. The dreams evolved over a three year period from near dreamlessness, to prisons, to mechanical dreams of turbines, cars and planes, to plants and animals to real human beings. (Craig, 1992)

How do we stick with the surface of the image without pouring out our preconceived notions and re-interpretations? Boss offers an revision of Husserl's technique of "Bracketing out" where we attend to an object, carefully noting all that comes to mind, but immediately setting it aside and returning to the object of study again and again. If Husserl is to be believed, we not only reach observations of the object outside of preconceived notions, but begin to experience the experience as well in a mystical non-psychical way.

But this goes a little beyond our purposes here. For Boss, and for many later phenomenologists, there becomes a complete unfolding of reality by attending to the surface and no need to delve below the surface with theories and speculations. If there is a mysticism we need to draw on here, its simply that there is a recognition that the sleeping self and waking self are but two parts of the same self and dreams are simply the flow of life into the night. In philosophical parlance, there is no deep object/subject split. In terms of dream work, this means that we consider the dream not as something we have or make, but a part of our existence that we live.

But let us begin with the (modified) technique of bracketing:

EXERCISE: Bracketing : Choose a dream. Enter the dream in your imagination as if you were there. Begin to describe the dream in the minutest details without going beyond what you can directly see, hear, smell, or otherwise sense. Describe any actions in the dream and any thoughts you have in the dream. As you describe the dream image, return each time to the image and experience it again. If a thought about what the dream image means comes up, simple set it aside or bracket it out and return to describing the image. Include how you experience the image, but if you fall into why you are feeling that way, set those speculations aside. Set all assumptions and guesses aside. Bracket them out and return to the image itself. Try to stay with the image for a few minutes. Follow the Gestalt maxim: "Lose you mind, come to your senses"

Example: Dream: 'I saw a refrigerator through the kitchen door'

"It is chalk white and disturbs me. Its about 6 feet tall and rounded like old refrigerators. I like those old General Electric refrigerators...ooops, set this train of thought aside and go back to describing the image. The hinges are chrome and the handle, the handle seems vague to me, a handle with one side open. It reminds me of -- oops, set that aside. The door opens from left to right. Its a little off the floor, maybe an inch or two. There may be some dripping water there. There is a guard on the bottom that looks rusted. I hear it humming. Hey, I'll bet this dream is about how.. oops, set this assumption aside and return to the image."

Is you mind starting to wander? Have you begun to wonder if this is going somewhere? Note where you have wandered, but return to the image. What does it sound like? Where is the refrigerator plugged in? Is the cord black, green, grey? What shade? Is there a tangle in the cord or is its straight? What did you feel when you saw the refrigerator? Where in your body did that emotion have the strongest feeling? Was it a comfortable or uncomfortable feeling? Was it a feeling getting stronger or weaker, or was it steady? Where there any smells at the time?

Make a few notes about the difference between the dream before the descriptive exercise and afterwards. How do you feel about the dream image now? Is the image more or less important, more or less meaningful?

This basic idea of bracketing out preconceived notions and focusing on the details of the dream as a valuable procedure in itself . Not only does this approach sharpen our skills in attending and recall with dreams, but allows us to become aware of the notions we and others try to impose on the meaning of dreams. One of the main underlying motives of this class is to teach ourselves to be our own authorities in the matter of our own dreams, and to allow others to do the same. My hope is that this comes about by seeing a variety of approaches and beginning to question the authority by which we and others interpret our dreams. Its not something we can just say, "Oh, ok, let's no longer impose unconscious assumptions on our dreams". Rather it is a life long process of letting go of old authorities, find and understanding new ones and forever being vigilant of our own.

That the approach has its limits need not concern us much. Like all living things, there is a limit. We may touch transcendent points were we feel clear of all theory and meta-assumptions, but as James Hillman points out, even bracketing-out of theories is itself a fantasy theory. What seems to be the value of bracketing is not that we can take this technique and reach the god-head, but rather that we can open a few windows and air out our homes. And even more, that we begin to appreciate what is already before us. In the next group, the surrealist, we begin to not only appreciate our dream images, but to find in them the most wonderful of all experiences.

Note: Delius1 from H. Delius

About "to the things themselves" - this is a slightly distorted version of the last sentence of Husserl's "Vorwort"(preface) or "Einleitung"(introduction) to "Logische Untersuchungen" (1900/01). *} There he proclaims his purely DESCRIPTIVE method - as opposed to speculative, dialiectic, constructionist, transcendental and ALL other philosophers who try to develop a THEORY about "the World", "Bewusstsein", "Being", "Knowledge"... etc.etc. Like later Wittgenstein (few people ever notice this similarity!) Husserl's attitude was strictly ANTI-THEORETICAL. Like Wittgenstein, he claims that all philosophy can ever do and achieve is "describing, description" (in PU, somewhere near # 133 *} ) - but while with Wittgenstein the object of this description was the use of words (rules, "language games"); with Husserl it was the "phenomena" = acts and structures of consciousness. These, in a loose manner of speaking, he also calles "die Sachen" (= the objects of phenomenological reflection). Husserl's actual wording was a kind of request and (philosophical) war-cry: "Und nun zu den Sachen selbst!". "Sachen" in German is a kind of weak synonyom for "Dinge" = things. But the request: "Now let us turn to the things themselves" has nothing whatever to do with the (Kantian and later) "thing in itself" (which would be a metaphysical, theoretical construct, spurned by Husserl!). The "things themselves" here simply means: the things (phenomena) as they present themselves "purely", i.e. when freed from all the theoretical accretions, prejudices, unjustified opinions we may have about them. "Zu den Sachen selbst" has indeed become a kind of slogan among the phenomenologists of the first third of this century - and in English expositions it has turned into the somewhat misleading (see above!) "To the things themselves!"


+++Boss, Medard (1977). _"I dreamt last night...":A New Approach to the Revelations of Dreaming - and its uses in Psychotherapy_. New York: Gardner Press, Inc.

--------. (1957). _The Analysis of Dreams_. Arnold J. Pomerans (trans), London: Rider & Company.

--------.(No date on this book! ). _Psychoanalysis and Daseinsanalysis_. Ludwig B. Lefebre(trans), New York: Basic Books.

+++Craig, Erik (1992). Dreams and Phemomenology Workshop. ASD Conference: Santa Fe, NM.

--------. (1987a). Dreaming, reality and allusion: An existential phenomenological inquiry. In F. van Zuuren, F. Wertz, and C. Mook (Eds.), _Advances in Qualitative Psychology: Themes and Variations _ (pp. 115-36). Berwyn, PA: Swets North America.

--------. (1987b). The realness of dreams. In Richard A. Russo (Ed.), _Dreams Are Wiser Than Men_. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.

--------. (1988)a. Freud's Irma dream: A daseinsanalytic reading. In Erik Craig (Ed.), _Psychotherapy for Freedom: The Daseinsanalytic Way in Psychology and Psychoanalysis_. Special issue of _Humainistic Psychologist,_ 16(1), 203-216.


A Brief History of The Online Guide To Lucid Dreaming


Philip Marley


The idea of an non-commercial online guide to lucid dreaming first came about in early 1996. After developing LIP, a computer program that used audio cues to aid lucid-dreaming, I had been maintaining a small set of pages to provide support for its users. These pages grew to include an explanation of what lucid dreaming was, and even some basic information on how to induce a lucid dream. The pages became known as The Lucidity Pages.

In March 1996 I posted a suggestion to a the Usenet Newsgroup alt.dreams.lucid, where most of the online members of the lucid dreaming community can be found, asking whether people thought it would be a good idea to have a central, non-commercial website where people could swap information and tips and find out more about lucid dreaming. The vote went in favour of such a site, with myself as maintainer.

The first version of The Online Guide To Lucid Dreaming went online in April. Since then, many more pages and areas have been added: there are now forty-seven different pages and numerous pieces of software available. The site continues to thrive thanks to submissions by its readers, new software developments and the donations of computer hardware by lucid dreamers. The site has survived two moves and now resides in a safe home on Sonnet Internet's web server. The future, as they say, looks bright.


1997, The Web, and Lucid Dreaming


It's been a funny year so far. It's certainly been an eventful year for OGLD. After a stable start in January, continued poor service from the web space provider of the time forced the decision to move the site. Then everything improved with the move to Sonnet Internet in March. Just as things were settling down again, software problems meant that I lost email access, and couldn't contact contributors or even make an appearance on a.d.l. And now with the arrival of the conference, everything's finally getting back to normal again.

There have been high points as well as low, however. The opening of new websites devoted to lucid dreaming can only lead to more people discovering the subject, and some (PasQuale's, for example), take whole new directions in getting their message across - vital for capturing the attention of different audiences. With new software just around the corner, and ASD97 proving the importance of cyberspace in the dream research community, it definitely seems like we're back on our feet: and '97 is shaping up to be a great year.

Philip Marley

If you aren't having fun, you're doing something wrong.


The Dead Visit in Dreams


Henry Reed


Have you been visited by the dead in your dreams? Chances are close to one in five that you will. In a survey of close to 250 college students conducted at Harvard Medical School, 45 respondents reported a total of 77 dreams of the dead.

An analysis of these dreams, reported in Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, revealed that most commonly (39 per cent of all dreams of the dead) the deceased person appears to be alive. Such a dream occurs close to the time of death, to someone intimate with the deceased. The predominant theme is denial of death or feelings of guilt about not being able to have prevented the death.

The second most common dream (29 per cent) involves the deceased saying good-bye to the dreamer. This dream occurs an average of 3 years after the death, to someone intimate with the dreamer. The predominant theme is the acceptance of death.

The third most common dream (23 per cent) involves the deceased person giving advice to the dreamer. This dream occurs an average of 3 years after the death, usually to someone close to the dreamer, but not always. There is no predominant theme, except that it involves something of concern to the dreamer.

The fourth most common dream (18 per cent) involves the deceased providing some information about the state after death, or teasing the dreamer with the prospect of such information. This dream occurs an average of five years after death and may occur to anyone, even someone who was a stranger to the deceased. The predominant theme in such dreams seems to be the dreamer's own mortality. A significant aspect of these dreams is that more than half of them involve the deceased talking to the dreamer on the telephone. Since telephones appear in only three per cent of all dreams, their regular appearance in these "communications from the dead" dreams may be significant.

For more information, contact Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D., Behavioral Medicine Program, Harvard Medical School, 1493 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02139.


Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 6th House


Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?

There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the images of astrological to give meaning to one's life and empower choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave) dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.

This year we are focusing each month on a different House. The inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12 distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday activates. One will be about physical appearances and temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example. Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts, dreams, and our waking life.

The Sixth House traditionally includes such areas as work, health, servants, and now employer-employee relationships. Thus we are moving into an individual's work habits, the situations one is likely to attract to the work situation and one's attitude toward routines and service. Today's servants are more likely to be the waiter, the repair person, the toll booth collector, the customer service agent. Health may be seen as the body vehicle of service.

Dream: I am in a coal (?) mine and we are sending buckets of rocks up to the next level. I notice one fellow who is weaker than the rest and kind of sneaky and seems to put something other than coal in the buckets. A foreman catches him when a larger worker tilts his head in the little guy's direction. The foreman doubles the load he must dig and send up to the next level.

Dream: I am trying to get the washing machine repair main to fix the washing machine. He continually complains about the color of clothes that are being washed, that yellow clothes clog the machine and should only be used with fabric softener. I ignore his suggestions and ask say its the spin cycle that needs to be fixed regardless of the cloth's color. His attitude really bugs me and I know he thinks I'm stupid.

Dream: There is an assembly line were we have to put several items together to make a musical instrument. Its kind of like a xylophone but different items are used for the keys. I find it odd that there are so many different ways to put the instruments together. We are allowed to let some items go by if we feel someone else needs them. I'm surprised when I see on the assembly line toys from my childhood.

Dream: I notice a man working on a train track. He seems to be hammering in spikes, but stops every once in awhile to do something. I see is continually pushing bulges in his body. As one bulge goes in, another seems to pop out. I'm especially disturbed when his head bulges.

The first six signs and houses of the Zodiac are often associated with one's personal development, while the last six are associated with one's participation in group life. This make the sixth house a kind of turning point. While traditionally it is seen as weak or not very important (*), it may be seen as important in the integration of the first five houses in preparation for the last six and in group life. Work and relationships therein become a symbol of how one has integrated the first houses and is able to use them. Compare, for example, the coal mine dream to the assembly line dream. In the coal mine, there is an unintegrated shadow and a sense that the work is more like slavery. What may need to be integrated is the ego, not the shadow - so to speak. The weak resistant miner shows signs of creativity and may offer some new paths to the dream miner. The assembly line worker also has some stuck-in-a routine issues, but seems better integrated, building musical instruments that include personal items from an earlier stage.

The body also is a place of integration. Note that in the Rail worker dream the poor fellow's bulges might correspond to chakra's and energy centers in the body. Often when we have earlier issues unresolved they come out during work.

Thus sixth house dreams may be a kind of testing and turning point where we can look at the ways in which we work and are worked, our inner and outer habits and patterns and the ways the elements of earlier houses have been integrated. Habits and personalities that may have worked in the family or school may not work so well in the public sphere. Finding ways to express and unfold these personalities will be the work of the next six houses.

Note on Virgo

(*) This may be due to the interpretations of Virgo, who is connected with this house. Virgo's virginity is often literalized, thus being seen as a form of naivete and inexperienced and lack of sexuality. However, these interpretations don't hold up mythologically. The Virgin goddesses were often prostitutes and ruled over the mysteries of sexual union and birth. Later patriarchal pairings gave these goddesses over to various gods and diminished their powers. More currently the virgin goddess has been restored as the feminine archetype that can mate and give birth, but is never fully under the dominion of any male deity or power.

M. Aionia








- Book Review: Sex, Symbols & Dreams

- Thresholds of Creativity Conference

- Book Review: Mutual Dreaming

- Book Review: The Dream Messenger

- Reunion of the Once and Future Stars of Mutual


- Film Review: Man Without a Face

- Dreams as a Catalyst for Writing


- Dreams about Work-Related Stress Wanted

- A Narrative Inquiry of Using the Imaginal in

Spiritual Practices

- Dream Puns and Plays on Words Wanted

- Dreams Concerning Multiple Levels of Applicability Wanted

- In Search of Marriage/Wedding Dreams

- Horse Dreams Wanted


- BridgeWalker Ezine

DREAM CALENDAR: July-August 1997




==== Book Review: Sex, Symbols and Dreams =====

Sex, Symbols and Dreams

by Janice Baylis

Sun, Man, Moon Publishing (1180 Oakmont Road, 51-J, Seal Beach, CA 90740)

ISBN 0-917738-05-5

Reviewed by Ziah Borkesh

Janice Baylis is not a practicing psychologist, she is an educator. Nevertheless, she is not a dream neophyte. As her extensive references demonstrate, she has been deeply involved in dream study and instruction for many years.

Exposing the logic and system behind the seemingly bizarre is the special genius of Sex, Symbols & Dreams. Part I demonstrates on what basis dream-mind substitutes an image as a reference to a related idea, activity, feeling or meaning. There is always some connecting area of similarity.

Baylis proceeds by inductive reasoning from astute observation of waking language, the history of dream interpretation, and even cartoon humor, to the formulation of generalizations supported by empirical data. The result is this statement of a general relationship between many variables. "Dream images and their referent meanings are two sides of an equivalent equation. There is a sufficiency of similarity in regard to the areas compared such that one can substitute the other."

With exceptional analytic and organizational skills, Baylis delineates seven symbol substitute systems. For example, qualities or properties -- shape, function, etc; word relationships -- puns, homonyms, etc.; literary figures of speech -- allegory, personification, etc.. Detail by detail, with dream examples, Sex, Symbols & Dreams builds a compelling and logical case for these systems.

A secondary focus is how sexual imagery fits into each system. Dream examples range from sexual rape as a substitute for financial rape or sexual organs as a substitute for creativity to sexual attraction as a substitute for attraction to philosophy. The chapter "Beyond Personality Plus" is all about the transcendent function of the psyche and it's uplifting toward ultimate joining with divinity.

Part II extends this focus and presents sexual imagery related to the practical side of dreams. This emphasis on dreams being relevant to the dreamer's daily problems is another Baylis specialty. She also wrote Sleep on it! The Practical Side of Dreaming. The sexual focus necessitated the occasional use of some offensive vocabulary, but it is kept as minimal and clinical as possible.

I enjoyed reading Sex, Symbols & Dreams. It is well organized, very well referenced, amusing and often touching. However, so much is covered, that I felt overwhelmed. I'll have to live with the book awhile to absorb all of it. A chart section in Part IV will surely help. The major concepts are laid out in charts. A mini-dictionary demonstrates how to relate a given image to each of the symbol systems and how its meaning would vary accordingly.

The author's purpose does not seem to be to argue the reader into accepting the claims of the seven symbol substitution systems. Rather, she wishes to present evidence that suggests this is what goes on in dreams. She is willing to leave tracing the neurological brain paths of associative linking to laboratory scientists. I agree that the premises deserve further investigation. Dreams use narrative symbolism with a logic of their own, rather than straight forward factual documentation and that is not easy to trace.

I came away with an added respect for the vastness and mystery of the dream-mind terrain. All in all, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

============Thresholds of Creativity Conference -- Eros, Shadow and Spirit=====================

The Association for Transpersonal Psychology presents its 1997 annual conference at Asilomar Conference Center in Monterey, California, 1-3 August. Open to everyone, the conference explores how a transpersonal awareness of Eros, Shadow and Spirit furthers our mental, physical and social health. Eros -- in its broadest sense -- brings us into a deeper awareness of our life-force, physicality and need for relatedness. Shadow brings us to a greater sense of wholeness as we face those aspects of self and society that have been disowned, feared or dismissed. Spirit infuses our lives with meaning and aliveness. The dance between Eros, Shadow and Spirit is crucial to healing ourselves, society, and the earth as we move into the next millenium. Conference keynote speakers include Andrew Weil, Terry Tafoya and Frances Vaughan, with pre-conference institutes conducted by Ralph Metzner, Terence McKenna, Lige Daily, Jim McQuade and Lauren Artress. There is an optional youth conference for children and teens, so the whole family can attend. For more information, contact ATP, P.O. Box 3049, Stanford, CA 94309-3049, 1-888-801-1997, or fax 415-327-0535.

========Book Review: Mutual Dreaming ==========

Mutual Dreaming

by Linda Lane Magallon

Simon & Schuster, 1997

ISBN 0-671-52684-7

Have you ever had the experience of sharing a dream with another person, only to discover that they had had a similar dream themselves? Or to read about a stranger's dream and to recognize it as your own? These are examples of the fascinating phenomena of "mutual dreaming", where two or more dreamers, known or unknown to each other, share the same dream. Through her research, author Linda Lane Magallon, long interested in dream telepathy and other forms of psychic dreaming, has identified two main types of mutual dreams: Meeting Dreams, in which two or more dreamers encounter each other, often taking the form of dream romances, shared nightmares, out-of-body experiences and lucid meetings, and Meshing Dreams, in which people view the world from another's perspective, actually sharing the same dream.

The book is organized into five main parts: "Introduction to Mutual Dreams", "Ways and Whys of Dreaming Together", "How to Dream Together", "New Field Research", and "Results of Research". This structure serves to illuminate the author's research findings; discuss concepts and premises of mutual dreaming and to present workable techniques for deliberate attempts at mutual dreaming.

Whether you're simply interested in the idea of sharing dreams, or you'd like to experiment yourself, Linda Lane Magallon's new book is sure to delight. [NOTE: if you'd like the chance to hear Linda talk about her new book, plan on attending the BADG get-together July 20. For more information, see the calendar section and the article in this issue Reunion of the Once and Future Stars of Mutual Dreaming]

===== Book Review: The Dream Messenger ======

The Dream Messenger

How Dreams of the Departed Bring Healing Gifts,

by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D.

Hardcover Simon & Shuster 1997. 271 Pages Suggested Retail $22.00 US, $30.00 Canada

If you have not yet read this latest book by dream research pioneer Pat Garfield, you are in for a treat. Garfield draws upon her immense familiarity with dreams and a special collection of more than 1000 dreams about the dead to identify typical dreams arising during loss, grieving and healing. As always, Garfields observations about dream patterns and human experience are extraordinary, yet easy to digest and apply to personal and professional experience. Whether you are wondering about your own dreams of the departed, or have wished for something more concrete to share with friends, students and colleagues about such dreams; The Dream Messenger is an invaluable resource, and a friendly uplifting work to read. Gillian Holloway, Ph.D. (Gillian Holloway teaches courses in the Psychology of Dreams in the Pacific Northwest, and is a columnist for Women's World Magazine.)

=============Reunion of the Once and Future Stars of Mutual Dreaming=====================

On the occasion of the publication of "Mutual Dreaming" by Linda Lane Magallon, you are cordially invited to a waking state/dreaming state celebration in honor of the people who made the magic possible, July 20, 1997 2-6 PM at a Waking State Meeting / Potluck/ Presentation and Pool Party.

Linda Lane Magallon presents a summary of her research. Bring a potluck dish and a sociable dream to share. Pool available for swimming. Sponsored by Bay Area Dreamworkers Group (BADG), the keepers of the flame of the partnership paradigm that supports the safe universe of mutual dreaming.

R.S.V.P. Diane Bick, host (415) 961-9109/1050 Crestview Dr. #29 * Mountain View, CA 94040. From Highway 101, take 85 South; 280 to 85 East; South at El Camino Real; Right on Crestview

The weekend of July 19-20, 1997 / Dream State Meeting / Incubate * Recall * Record Reunion Party. Look for surprise guests in your dreams. Sponsored by Fly-By-Night Club (FBNC), the group that supports playful proactive dreaming with the accent on flying, lucid, telepathic and mutual dreams.

To receive a report of day and night festivities, include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your dreams and send to Linda Lane Magallon * 1083 Harvest Meadow Ct. * San Jose, CA 95136. Or contact

For more information, check out the Fly-By-Night Club web site:

========== Film Review: Man Without a Face ====

The Man Without a Face

by Shaul Olmert,

This films combines the concepts of "dreams" and "wishful thinking". This is the story of Norstad, a 14- year old boy who spends a summer vacation with his mother and two sisters. Norstad's father was killed when Norstad was a baby, while serving his country as an aircraft pilot. That is why Norstad's dream is to go to a military academy, and become a pilot, just like his dad. The film starts with s dream scene, in which Norstad is seen in a pilot's uniforms, being carried on the shoulders of his fellow pilots, at the graduation ceremony of the military academy. His mother is waving at him from the stands, while his step-fathers (he had quite a few of those), are tied in chains behind him. His beautiful girlfriend walks beside him. Norstad's dream includes almost every aspect of his wishful thinking- the wish to take his father place, the wish to revenge those who attempt to take his father's place (his step fathers), and

the wish to become a grown independent man for himself. On the surface it seems like an ordinary wishful dream, but taking a closer look shows that this dream reveals also a different aspect of Norstad's personality. While waving at the crowd and smiling at his girlfriend, Norstad suddenly feels the presence of "a face in the crowd" that he can't see. That is when the atmosphere changes, and Norstad begins to wake up. This feeling of fear is a result of the absence of a father figure, an absence whose existence and meaning Norstad is not fully aware of. This is where the second aspect of the dream takes place. It's not only a dream that allows unconscious wishes to come true, but also an expression of Norstad's unconscious fears and complexes. Since Norstad himself is narrating the dream, he can't fully explain the part that touches his unconscious fears. This is why he reefers to that feeling as a search for "a face in the crowd", and not being able to explain it's meaning. Since this scene is the opening scene of the film, it serves a main function in presenting Norstad's character, and some details about him. This is a very common use of dream scenes in films- using the dream as a way of presenting important unconscious conflicts of the characters. This technique is used also in "DonJuan de Marco", Akira Kurasawa's "Dream", and many other films.

=========Dreams as a Catalyst for Writing=======

Marjorie Ryerson and Gail Ellison will be presenting a workshop using dreams as a catalyst for writing on July 12, 1997 , from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at DreamStudio in Melrose, Florida. Marjorie Ryerson, MFA, chair of the Communication Dept at Castleton State College (VT), who also teaches poetry at Middlebury College/ Bread Loaf Young Writer's Conference. Marjorie's poetry has been published in

many national literary journals; she is listed in Who's Who Among American Teachers & Who's Who in the East. Gail Ellison, PhD, is an oneirologist (person who studies and teaches ways to work with dreams) and writer. She directs the DreamStudio, and is writing a book on house dreams. For more information, call 352-475-2220 or email




==== Dreams about Work-Related Stress Wanted ===

Gillian Holloway is conducting research about frustration dreams and occupational stress. If you have dreams you believe are related to job stress, professional hazards, or discontent with your job, please contact her at: for details. (Gillian Holloway teaches courses in the Psychology of Dreams in the Pacific Northwest, and is a columnist for Women's World Magazine.)

===========A Narrative Inquiry of Using the Imaginal in Spiritual Practices =============

I am looking for participants in a narrative inquiry focusing on the experience of the imaginal in the spiritual practices of adults. I am expressly interested in discovering how the imaginal emerges in people's practices, along with how they view the role and significance of the imaginal in their practices.

I use the term "imaginal" to signify the expression of symbols, feelings, inner sensations, or felt-sense. It's forms, for instance, occur in myths, are experienced in dreams, or expressed in the arts and literature. Terms often used which refer to the imaginal include imagination, fantasy, dreams, day dreams, inner voice and visions.

A requisite for taking part in this investigation is a minimum of five consecutive years of maintaining a spiritual practice. Techniques of spiritual practice may be borrowed from religious institutions, however the mainstay of your practice must be of your own creation. It's important that you place a high value on the use of the imaginal in your spiritual practice.

As a participant in this inquiry, you will be asked to write a narrative about the inception and development of your spiritual practice using the imaginal. In addition, you will be asked to use a self-selected imaginal perspective to reenter your story in order to uncover its deeper meaning. The self-selected imaginal perspective is most likely the perspective or method you use in your spiritual practice. Some examples of engaging in this type of inquiry could be asking an inner voice, reentering the story as one reenters a dream, spontaneous writing from the perspective of one or more images or symbols, movement, artistic expressions or ritual. After completing this process, you will need to write down your description of this process. For more information, contact Astrid Berg, 415-751-8476. The

deadline for response is July 31, 1997. My address is P.O. Box 170676, San Francisco, CA 94117.

====Dream Puns and Plays on Words Wanted===

If you have had one or more dreams which were very meaningful to you and which related directly to an issue then under consideration (where the recognition of the pun/play was a key to your understanding), then I hope you will consider sharing the report, in your own words, of that dream with me. Email John Herbert at

==========Dreams Concerning Multiple Levels of Applicability Wanted =========================

The ASD Statement of Ethics states that "Every dream may have multiple meanings", and acknowledges "these multiple layers of significance". I am very interested in documenting specific instances where a dream metaphor seemed to apply directly to a real life existing situation and also seemed to apply to a spiritual or philosophical issue. Email John Herbert at

===== In Search of Marriage/Wedding Dreams====

I'm researching dream unions of all kinds. If you're willing to share yours, please forward to me at the address below, with any pertinent details you'd care to add: Rita Dwyer, 117 Kingsley Road, SW, Vienna, VA 22180,

=============Horse Dreams Wanted ===============

I'm researching ways in which horses appear in dreams. Please send any horse dreams you're willing to share to: Nancy Gazells, 83 Pleasant St. #6, Marblehead, MA 01945. Email, or phone/fax 617-639-8614.




======================BridgeWalker Ezine -- Alternative Dream Themes ======================

The latest issue of the BridgeWalker ezine takes the theme of dreams. There are a range of features and an interview with Merrilyn Tunneshende who is using dream healing to overcome AIDS. The dreams issue will be up until 1st July, but even after that,all material is archived and remains permanently accessible. Do take a look when you have a moment - you'll find it at


DREAM CALENDAR -- July-August 1997


The Dream Calendar is updated between issues and posted at:

Jul 5 -- Santa Cruz, CA

Dream Theater Dream Group every six weeks at the Dream Institute located in Santa Cruz. Call Kathleen O'Connellat 408-425-3320 for more information, or visit the website at

Jul 7-11 -- Abiquiu, NM

Dreamwork as a Catalyst for Poetry with Gail Ellison and Marjorie Ryerson. Call 505-585-4333 for more information, or email

Jul 12 -- Melrose, FL

Dreams as a Catalyst for Writing with

Marjorie Ryerson and Gail Ellison from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at DreamStudio. For more information, call 352-475-2220 or email

Jul 12 -- Mendocino, CA

Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Call Nancy, 907-964-2849

Jul 12 -- San Francisco, CA

"Dream Reentry, Drumming and Art Workshop" with Fariba Bogzaran, 2 to 4:30 pm, 21 Almaden Ct. RSVP Besty Wood, 510-526-0066 after 24 June, and bring light snack or juice and $3 for mailing If you have not come to a meeting in last year

send $3 to stay on Dream Art List. Mail to Jill Gregory ,

29 Truman Drive, Novato CA 94947

July 17-20 -- San Diego CA

Comic-Con International at the Convention Center Jesse Reklaw will be presenting Concave Up, the illustrated dream anthology, at the "Best of the Small Press" table. Drop by and have your dream sketched! Contact Jesse Reklaw for more information or visit the Concave Up website at

Jul 17-20 -- Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Five day workshop with Jeremy Taylor at Hollyhock Retreat Center. For more information, call 604-935-6773.

July 20 -- Mountain View, CA

BADG Meeting and Presentation by Linda Lane Magollon of her new book "Mutual Dreaming". R.S.V.P. Diane Bick, host (415) 961-9109/1050 Crestview Dr. #29 * Mountain View, CA 94040.

July 19- 20 --

Mutual Dreaming Reunion, sponsored by the Fly-By-Night Club (

Jul 23- Aug 13, Santa Cruz, CA

"Dreams: Resource for Healing and Guidance", instructed by Gina Pearlin. Wednesdays 6:30 - 9:30pm. Tuition:$112. Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts, Santa Cruz, CA. (408) 476-2152.

Jul 20-Aug 8 -- Rhinebeck, NY

"Jung on the Hudson" presented by The New York Center for Jungian Studies presents a seminar series held in the scenic Hudson Valley, designed for those interested in exploring the relevance of Jung's ideas to their personal lives and/or professional activities. For more information, call 212-689-8238

Aug 3, Santa Cruz, CA

"Dreams: An Adventure into Dreaming". A one day, experiential workshop led by Gina Pearlin, CHT. Guided trance, art play and writing will used to explore and understand your dreams. Sunday, Aug. 3. 10am - 4pm. $60. Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts, Santa Cruz, CA. (408) 476-2152.

Aug 1-3, Monterey, CA

"Thresholds of Creativity Conference -- Eros, Shadow and Spirit". Sponsored by the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. For more information, contact ATP, P.O. Box 3049, Stanford, CA 94309-3049, 1-888-801-1997, or fax 415-327-0535.

Aug 10-16 -- Assisi, Italy

"The Confluence of Matter and Psyche", a conference dealing with Jungian archetypes, self-organization and archetypal fields. For more information, contact Brattleboro Professional Center, 802-348-6628.

Aug 11-16 -- Beverly, MA

Five Day Intensive with Jeremy Taylor (part of UCS Summer Program II) at Eddicott College. For more information, call 617-558-7733.

Aug 14-17 -- Berkeley, CA

Conference: Intuition, From the Art of Inner Knowing to the Skills of the Business World, and Opening The Intuitive Gateway Through Your Dreams, Berkeley Marriott Marina. For further information, call 510-526-5510 or email

Aug 23-- Santa Cruz, CA

Dream Theater Dream Group every six weeks at the Dream Institute located in Santa Cruz. Call Kathleen O'Connellat 408-425-3320 for more information, or visit the website at

Aug 30-Sep 1 -- San Rafael, CA

" International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternate Modes of Healing", Santa Sabina Center. For more information, contact Ruth-Inge Heinz, 510-849-3791

== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N6 ==

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Vol. 4 Number 6.

Highlights from this issue: A Brown Bear's Bite from a young child's dream, Unprovoked attacks on a Golf course, trying to capture a conversation with an Angel, the key to an escape is literally the Key, connecting a bike-an apple- and a fall, an a-maze-ing labyrinth discovery, a magical classroom floating & then in a pit is followed by a pool party conflict, a vehicle dream raises the issue: when do our old vehicles leave our consciousness?, a stealth bomber makes an appearance and we meet the pilot and a sprinkling of Nutcracker episodes interacting with the media famous and personal pals always in a gripping story.

New Category: ANGELS - Visitors from Spiritual dimensions





PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

See Writing and Writers

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

* Dream: "The Brown Bear Bite" by Emily

= Commentary by RCW on "The Brown Bear Bite" by Emily(970528) =

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

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AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

* Dream: "Golf Molestations" by Bev (970613) *

= Commentary by Earl Koteen on "Golf Molestations" by Bev (970613) =

= Commentary by Hermine on "Golf Molestations" by Bev (970614) =

*Dream: In A Hail Of Gunfire by Nutcracker (970430)*

*Dream: Morphing Intruder by Nutcracker (970426)*

*Dream: Dirty Harry by Nutcracker (970404)*

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

*Dream: "Angel at my Bedside" by Andrew (970616)*

=Commentary by Heratheta on "Angel Dream" (970616)

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: A Bear that bites under CHILDHOOD]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

(Can you find Clint Eastwood? - Hint- look for Harry)

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

*Dream: To Be Or Not To Be by Nutcracker (970403)*

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

* Dream: "A Key Dream" by K (970605) *

FEAR [What scares us]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

(Will the Pez be sucked away by a Tornado? - Check TORNADO!)


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

* Dream:"New Bikes; Boy Catches Apple, Falls into Square" by Dionys(970603)*

= Commentary on "Bike, Apple..." by Rosalie (970605) =

* Dream: "a maze ing" by Souby (970611) *

= Commentary by Rosalie on "a maze ing" (970611) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on "a maze ing" (970611) =

*Dream: Heather, A Bomb and Paris by Nutcracker (970428) *

*Dream: Circle The Wagons by Nutcracker (970421)*

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

*Dream: I'm With The Band by Nutcracker (970404)*

*Dream: The Singing Interview by Nutcracker (970430)*

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

*Dream: Bewitched by Nutcracker (9704 )*

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

*Dream: Soap Opera by Nutcracker (970410)*

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

* Dream: "Pit Classroom" by Eternal Student (970627) *

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

*Dream: Pez Tornado by Nutcracker (970402)*

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

*Dream: Sierras Auto by RCW (970627) *

*Dream: "Stealth Bomber" by TimD of UK (970612) *

*Dream: The Deceiver by Nutcracker (970412)*

WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

*Dream: The Faux Publisher by Nutcracker (970412)*

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(See some Nutcracker gems sprinkled about)

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Well, that's all for now Folks. See you in ED 4.7.

Hasta La Vista!

Bob Krumhansl


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The 4th of July is Independence Day in the US. It is a day associated with colorful geometric Firework displays and strong loud vibrations of artificial thunder. It's a day to remember the founding of a nation. This nation and the world, however, are dependent on the cooperation and interdependence of many individuals and organizations with many purposes and goals. How it all comes together is a mystery of coordination and circumstances.

Sometimes our dreams feel so unique and special, almost taking a life of their own, yet the whole complex of an individuals dreams are but a part of the self which is at once their originator and audience. The dream and dreamer are intimately linked in a meaning unique to one person, yet like candles lighting other candles, lose none of their own power but rather gain momentum in the process of sharing and illuminating the lives of others.

A dream itself is but a fragment of a life issue brought to awareness. From the independence of solitude and the unknown, the images and feelings explode like fireworks into the interdependence of consciousness and our waking life dramas - if we can but hold on to them and keep the memory of their image alive. May powerful and joyous dreams populate the fireworks illuminating the children of your mind. May you get to know some well and keep some of their beauty and wisdom as a gift for a lifetime.

As always, thanks to the many dream contributors who generously share their dreams and the commentators who share their dream wisdom.

Wherever you are, thanks for reading, and come on join in the fun. Send us a dream or commentary.

Bob Krumhansl



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PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

* Dream: "The Brown Bear Bite" by Emily

Emily had a dream about a brown bear at grandma's window, that was hungry.

Grandma chased it but it didn't go away.

It bit grandpa's hand.

Could this be sibling rivalry?

Victoria 8*)

= Commentary by RCW on "The Brown Bear Bite" by Emily(970528) =

I think if I were a child having an animal intrusion dream I would want my parents to give me some kind of protection skills - regardless of the source of the intrusion. (I like Ann Wisemans' magic circle drawing approach)

My father didn't do so well along these lines. I remember worrying about things in the basement and not wanting to go down at night to put my clothes in the laundry. My father said if he were a monster, he would prefer to hid behind the mirror in my bedroom. Thanks Dad.

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

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AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

* Dream: "Golf Molestations" by Bev (970613) *

I have dreamed this dream 4 times, consecutively. I am in a parking lot, at a golf course, at night - Someone comes up behind me... slams my head into the car and starts beating me. I know I only have $2 on me, no wallet or anything. His entire purpose seems to be just to beat me. Each time I have dreamed this more and more details come and the dream progresses. What do you think this all means?

= Commentary by Earl Koteen on "Golf Molestations" by Bev (970613) =

My favorite kind of dream to interpret: a short one!

I don't have the whole dream in a picture, so let me just play w/ some of the parts.

I'm intrigued by the $2. My net worth is $2. My worth is twice one. The one who is slamming my head against the car is the other. He is the other half of my worth.

In my dreams, my car is my body or my vehicle, it's what gets me where I need to go. Is this stranger asked me to pay attention, to think about where I'm going? Does the dream keep reappearing because I'm not listening?

In my dream, I'm behind the golf course. I only have $2 because I've already played, and I've lost the rest of my money. What have I recently taken a chance on which has reduced my worth? Am I playing a game which the stranger thinks is dangerous? Or is he just "beating" me at my own game?

I don't know whether any of these thoughts are of use to you, but I hope that they will be.



= Commentary by Hermine on "Golf Molestations" by Bev (970614) = Hi dreamer,

If it was my dream:

I am at an isolated place(parking lot)

The golf course is also a play hitting balls, how do you do that/

Are you criticizing yourself? Maybe you did it wrong? Don't use your head, play and have fun. don't beat yourself or blame yourself! It does not bother me any longer, I let myself not beaten up by the situation (golf course) and maybe I(you) never dream this again.


*Dream: In A Hail Of Gunfire by Nutcracker (970430)*

Myself and a group of others were doctors. One day a guy was brought in from an accident. One of the other doctors (female) discovered he had drugs hidden in his truck which was in the park. She took off to retrieve the drugs so the guy wouldn't get in any trouble with the police when they impounded his vehicle. I can't believe she's risking her career to help him. I follow her to the park. I drive around until I spot the guy's truck (blue and white). It was parked in front of my red Datsun which I guess I had let the other doctor borrow, only now the driver of my car is a criminal that the mob is after. I had overheard how this guy had killed some mob guy's wife by cutting off her head, but only half way. The person I overheard went on to say, "Can you imagine what it must feel like to cut off your own head?" I watch the criminal sitting in my car. I park, get out and start to walk over to my car to stop him. Another car drives slowly past and opens fire on me with a spray of bullets from a machine gun. I hit the ground. They missed. The car continues up the street then turns around and comes back toward me. I get up and run to my car. I tell the guy to get out. I don't know why I'm trying to save his ass. Now it's as though I'm him, the criminal (physically) and myself (in spirit). I run to the gated entrance of the park. My spirit self is telling me to run to this machine shed to hide. There's no door, just a small square hole for me to crawl through. I wonder why my spirit self is so sure this will be a safe place to hide? (97/4/30) #268 M&M/Mystical

*Dream: Morphing Intruder by Nutcracker (970426)*

I was in my bedroom (hotel or home?). I sensed someone in the room with me. They leapt at me in the dark. I struggled with them and got away. My sister was visiting me and I ran down the hall to her room. "There's someone in my room," I told her. We went down the hall together. None of the light switches worked. The electricity had been cut off. We get to my room. My lights don't work either. Through the darkness I could make out the faint shape of the intruder, someone a little shorter and lighter than myself. I manage to catch him and I bite his arm. I can taste a faint hint of blood and spit it out. I worry about AIDS and being sued by him. I called to my sister to find or fix the lights. When the lights came back on I discovered I had caught a young black man (19-20). I dragged him by his arm around and around the room, deliberately running his body and head into the furniture to bruise and injure him and teach him a lesson. I had my sister call an ambulance and the police. Now it's like we're sitting in the middle of a junk yard, the black kid and myself. The perpetrator is now of Mediterranean descent with black curly hair and a swarthy complexion. He's trying to talk me out of turning him in. Normally I would be swayed by such talk, but now, as a victim, no way. He tells me he has two little girls, trying to gain my sympathy. I tell him, "I like you. I like you a lot, but I can't let you go. The guilt of turning you in will eat at me the rest of my life." The authorities come and take him away. A short while later I see a red haired woman come wandering through the junk yard looking for him. I also worry that he'll come after me when he's finally released. (97/4/26) #257 F&F

*Dream: Dirty Harry by Nutcracker (970407)*

I'm in a building; I don't know what it is, an office or bank. Clint Eastwood is there. He's Dirty Harry in reverse. He's the bad guy. He was the one shooting everyone. He shot two people and then shot me in the leg. I crawled under a table and tried to lie still so he wouldn't shoot me again. Even though I was shot, I could feel no pain. He then crawled under the table with me , as though he were hiding too. His feet were kicking me in the head. I had to move about four times before I could get comfortable. It seemed everyone was moving. All he wanted was for everyone to be still. Some guy from a car rental agency came in complaining about a scratch on one of his limos. I thought, if you don't shut up, the scratch will be the least of your problems. (97/4/7) #222 Celebs

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

*Dream: "Angel at my Bedside" by Andrew (970616)*

Hi all,

The phone woke me up early yesterday out of some churny kind of dream, and as I sat up to answer the phone, the dream stopped, and I realized that I was in deep conversation with an angel at my bedside, for I sat at the end of my bed, and my left arm was still pulled back towards my pillow - where my 'spirit' hand was still being held by the 'angel' sitting there - I remember that the conversation that I was having with this spirit was quite different from the 'dream' - as if my lower self was watching 'TV' whilst my other higher being was talking about nice and important things - unfortunately the phone kept on ringing - and I began to lose the meaning of the 'angelic' conversation as my work-a-day mind kicked in, but after the phone call, I still had this overwhelming yearning to reconnect with this incredibly beautiful and peaceful person ie. go back to bed 'My' Angel has never been far away ever in my life - and I always know that I am never alone - which is a great comfort.

I always remember sometime near my twenty-first birthday that I had gone to a sea cliff to climb for agates, and 20 feet up I slipped and knew that I was about to fall onto the rocks below - I remember that what flashed into my mind was the front page of a newspaper that I had never seen before - the Dundee Courier which had the headline 'Boy 13, dies in cliff plunge' - as I started to fall, I remember thinking, but I'm not 13 .... and everything went into slow motion, the fall took an eternity during which time I twisted my body into a position which minimized the damage on the rocks below. The time recently when my group/band journeyed to Aberdeen at high speed in the pouring rain, passing all kinds of hazards on the way North, and the steering track rod broke on the Aberdeen city limits, at a layby, near a garage, phone and a toilet ... !!!

Sometimes as I close my eyes at night. I see a bright pin-prick of light rather like a star in my vision - its not after image, I rush towards that. One morning when I was working at an out of town lab, I had missed my alarm clock, and had fallen asleep again, a physical knocking on my head woke me up.

One year I was ill, and I went 'through' to another place of trees and water, it was a waking dream or something very akin to being there, I could hear, smell and, feel the caress of her hand on my brow and see the circle of friends around me - I knew that I wanted to stay, perhaps longer, but that if I did, I would not want to go back. I have since flown across that continent like a bird, seeing everything in detail that is 'photographic' - I have seen strange sailing ships and circled them like a gull with 'another gull' at my side ...

I suppose there has to be some good reason for me being here - but I suppose only God knows what it is ? :)


=Commentary by Heratheta on "Angel Dream" (970616)

sounds like its time to let yourself and others go satisfactorily and stay away from you bed for a while preferably in a direction off to the side of the bed until your next dream

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: See a Bear that bites under CHILDHOOD]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

(Can you find Clint Eastwood? - Hint- look for Harry)

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

*Dream: To Be Or Not To Be by Nutcracker (970403)*

I was in a play. My neighbor Jack was in charge of the costumes. I was playing the role of a man from the era of Henry the VIII. My first scene was with my stage wife. I was to walk on stage, see her, give a scornful look and leave. In my second scene I only had four lines to say, but I couldn't remember them. I still didn't have my costume and went to find Jack. He was backstage. I asked him for my costume and he went to look for it. I saw him walk on stage, behind the set, but the audience could see him as he did so. He found my costumes hanging on the back of the set and brought them to me. My costumes had two jackets and a pair of black pants. The clothes had large, silver metal clips on them (like the kind in stores to prevent theft). Jack couldn't get the clips off and they were too thick to cut with wire cutters. I thought that we could cut the wire hangars and slide the clothes and clips off of them that way. Attached to the costume was a copy of my script. At first it was a piece of parchment rolled up in a scroll. I went into the bathroom to change and read over my lines. Now the parchment is a piece of brown cloth, like a very fine burlap, but is falling apart from age. I can barely hold it in place to read what my lines are. I had gotten a copy of the script months ago. Why hadn't I memorized my lines before now? (97/4/3) #217 J&B

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

* Dream: "A Key Dream" by K (970605) *

I dreamed that I was lost, but in my dream I wasn't too concerned about finding my way. It was a sunny day and I found myself walking down a big sandy beach with my fiancé. We saw the remains of a wooden shack that had been covered by sand and decided to sit for a while. Suddenly I noticed that there was an old man sitting next to us on the wooden remains. We didn't say anything to him because he didn't say anything to us. After walking a few steps down the beach I saw an old bicycle come wheeling out of the waves. It surprised me, but I was pleased to see it. Then it disappeared. I turned to my fiancé and he had seen a bird fly out of the waves and disappear. We thought that we were seeing what we wanted to see. We saw some people, but they looked strange. Since we were lost and it was getting dark, we decided to take the offer one of the families had given us to stay in their home. The inside of their home was very strange and we both felt like we were in danger. We decided to leave, but when we went to the front door we found that the town was there to capture us. We got away and hid in the top part of a building. The roof was in bad repair, so we were able to watch the people as they marched in a kind of parade. I saw a baby atop a pillow at the front of the parade, holding a silver key or object. At that moment I realized that are only way to safely leave the town was to take the key. When the parade was over and everyone was asleep, we tip-toed to the cathedral where the baby was sleeping with the key. As soon as we had the key, the whole town was in front of us. They couldn't hurt us because they needed their key back. We ran for our lives with the key and then tossed it behind us when we felt we were far enough away.

FEAR [What scares us]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

(Will the Pez be sucked away by a Tornado? - Check TORNADO!)


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

* Dream:"New Bikes; Boy Catches Apple, Falls into Square" by Dionys(970603)*

I have a new, very sturdy, well-built off-road bicycle. I'm with a small group of males of different ages, mostly youngsters and teens, but a few adults as well, who are on a short "road trip" through the local countryside. I'm standing beside my bike, looking it over and noticing especially the strong, deep-treaded tires, while most of the group are riding by, or seen on the road ahead. It's a narrow dirt road or trail, with no car traffic.

A boy of 8- 12 or so is nearby, standing beside his bike, which is also new. It looks to be of equal quality to mine, but more high-tech and expensive. He confirms when I ask him that it's a "racer." We (vague) head off on the road.

The group has stopped somewhere at a building of some sort. A young boy is sitting on top of a wall facing me. I ask him if he wants to join us or (vague) if he wants to race. He says he can't because he's fallen from his bike too often, and is not allowed to fall again. (I sense this is a rule set down by his parents.) ( vague ... probably to get him to change his mind, but maybe just for fun )... I gently throw him a shiny red apple. He reaches to catch it, and in doing so, slips off the wall.

At this point the "wall" is now one of the four smooth walls of a simple, square structure of stucco or brick, open at top. He falls the 10 feet or so to the ground inside the structure, and may have injured his legs, but is not in pain, in fact is smiling at the unexpected throw.

Thanks for any comments.

= Commentary on "Bike, Apple..." by Rosalie (970605) =

I liked the apple in your dream. The dream-ego throws the puer an apple to invite him to dare to fall into depths. It makes me think of forbidden fruit. Especially since the boy has been forbidden to fall. Hey, this is great, The Fall, and Forbidden Fruit all in one sentence. And a young boy, a puer, who is caught between obeying and wanting to join the bikers. Bikers always speak to me of roaming independently, finding their own way. When he accepts the forbidden fruit, he falls into a larger, deeper space. Now he is free to fall, not forbidden to fall. Neat dream!


"But what can one 'create' if one doesn't happen to be a poet? If you have nothing at all to create, then perhaps you create yourself."

-Karl Jung

* Dream: "a maze ing" by Souby (970611) *

The dream began as I and a small mixed group of people my age (30 something) were getting out of some tourist vehicles somewhere in Greece. The scheme of things at this point was that all of us had paid to go on this spiritually-oriented tour of the ancient Grecian ruins as well as some other less-known mysterious sites of ancient Greece. Our teacher/tourguide was a female in her 40's, and this dream takes place during the 2nd or 3rd stop along the way on this guided tour. (in other words, the feeling was that this particular stop was just another stop among many on this guided tour).

So: our tour guide gave us each a project at every site we stopped at. At this location, her project for us (to help us discover the true meaning of the spirit of these locations) was to seek out the hidden labyrinth in this place, and journey through it, and report on what was found. The scenery was coastal; waves were audible from just over the small ridge, large chunks of white rubble from ruins lay strewn about, and tender green grass grew everywhere (seemed to be early Spring). She split us up in pairs and threes to go explore this entire area, and handed us all some paper on which to write our observations. The two people I was with wanted to explore the cliff-side view of the ocean, and considered the task of finding a labyrinth ridiculous as there was no labyrinth on the maps they had of this area, and it must have been a metaphor for some other kind of maze. They dispensed with trying to actually find the labyrinth. Something inside me urged me to find it though, I knew it was around there somewhere, so I left the two others to enjoy the view of the ocean and meditate as they saw fit.

I felt bad that I left the group to fend for myself, but that was the only way for me to accomplish the task set by the tourguide. The sun rose high in the sky, I wandered and wandered, found myself traveling in circles, couldn't even find another one of the people from our tour group; I was isolated. After the sun followed it's course in the sky, it was just about sunset, and I had aching feet. I still knew the labyrinth was nearby, and I had given up on trying to find anyone else in the tour group to find it with me. As I walked next to this slight ridge, a voice told me I had found the labyrinth.

I almost laughed, as nothing around me appeared to be that sort of structure. Doubt crossed my mind; all along, I had felt that this labyrinth actually existed, that it was not a metaphorical journey this time, and now I was being told by this authoritative voice that I had found it, and that it was invisible. I leaned up against the rocks on the side of this ridge, and the insistent voice said to me "You are right there. If you just turn around, you will find it". So, I un-leaned myself from the rocks, turned around, and saw nothing but the ridge. Then, an irresistible need to walk forward came over me; I held out my hand as I walked forward, to find that the ridge was an illusion. I walked right through it, and found myself in a huge cave which was filled from floor to ceiling with rack upon rack of treasures.

Each shelf had massive quantities of gold, silver, and brass vases, candleabras, pitchers and hordes of jewels. The voice came back to me; "You may have all you can carry. Everything here is yours to take freely from this place..." And my thoughts were only for a small moment doubtful. Such was the gifting from this voice that I didn't have to question or feel undeserving of whatever I wanted to take with me. My next thoughts were: How could I possibly carry out of here as much as I want? This stuff's heavy! And the voice stated "You can do anything in here. You are creative and you'll find a way to carry everything out of here that you want".

And somehow, an idea came to me: I need a shopping cart. So, there was the shopping cart before me, just like I wanted. I began filling it up, and it became heavy. So, I thought: I need someone to help me push this. My ex-husband appeared to dutifully push my cart. I filled the first cart, and 'conjured' a second one. My ex was subservient (how ideal and unlike him <G>) and had no problem helping me acquire more treasures. It wasn't really my ex, I was aware that that was a symbol of my underlying need for what I loved about him, and this appearance was a treasure in and of itself. Anyway, I was able to carry so many things with me that I wondered at something; where is the labyrinth?

I just don't think that the whole point of the labyrinth is to carry as much treasure out as possible without having gone through a maze. Either the voice, or something inside myself told me that the labyrinth in this dream was merely to walk through the facade wall of this place. That leap of faith, to cross over into what turned out to be mySELF. Lots to think about here for me.


= Commentary by Rosalie on "a maze ing" (970611) =

Hello Soubya,

What an amazing wonderful dream. It is so Archetypal that everyone would be blessed if they had a dream like this. I certainly would feel very blessed if I remembered a dream like this.

If this were my dream I would see it is an expression of my spiritual quest. I too would go to Greece and look for ancient gods and spiritualities. But then I would know that I could not only look on the outside, to the outside world, or to the others in that world to help me find it, but that I must break the illusion that it is all out there, but that the treasures are also in my own depth. If I was told that I can take as much as I can carry, I would understand this to mean that yes, all the treasures are there in my own center, but only if I become strong, filled with painful longing for these treasures, if I cultivate a deep appreciation for these inner treasures, then I will be able to carry them one by one and cherish them as my own.

Your dream has certainly given me lots to think about this morning, as I too oscillate between the quest in the outside world, and the search for the riches in my inside world. Thanks.


= Commentary by Heratheta on "a maze ing" (970611) =

the key word in this dream, which like all dreams is a psychic boomerang coming on to you like karma on a sharp stick, is "just". when I have a dream like this I try to stay away from situations which I may find to be "just" as in less than or disappointing. people say to treat every dream as a kind of piece of death ready to cut you down or seduce you into some slide to hell doesn't sound hopeful for fun or entertaining but to me knowing that I have identified death and also knowing even where it is coming from most likely as in the geographical location of the dream and that location vectored to my location where I was dreaming it is the ultimate entertainment. it is the dance with god, the devil, and their entourage. neither one of us is really leading but we try and where we end up on this dance floor called life is all dependent on where every body else is. 90 degrees away from the eternity of dreams is an ideal way out of the maze and into the eternity that is fit for those rats who see the cosmos as twin eternities. one filled with traps and one filled with us. trying to get to that out with a rat trap of a dream snapping on your right and left and rogue traps closer by is as exciting to me as running the gauntlet at Balaclava and living to tell the tail where you've been. you ain't been around.

*Dream: Heather, A Bomb and Paris by Nutcracker (970428) *

I was in Europe, riding in a car with three other people. Our tour guide (male) was driving. He was taking us to London. As we rode along we rounded a curve in the highway. To our right was a quaint little village. He told us this was Italy. I asked if we could possibly stop there on our way back. He said yes, we could. We've reached our destination and now I'm on my way up to my friend's hotel suite. I knock on the door and she (Heather Locklear) opens it. She's crying and I give her a hug. Just then a girl comes out of the bathroom and leaves. "Who's that?" I ask. "She's from next door," she tells me. "She saw me in the hallway crying, trying to get my key in the lock and she offered to help." I felt this was suspicious. If she lived next door, why not use her own bathroom? I suspected a bomb to be hidden in Heather's bathroom. We went to check it out. I heard a noise and we ran out. Then after a few moments, we went back in again. We peeked around and left quickly. Everything looked ok, but I was still leery. We went into the kitchen. Her suite is better than most people's houses. Nice, heavy wood cabinetry. Black marble counter tops. There's a large picture window and it's open. We climb out onto the roof (cedar shake). If you look over the edge of the roof there's a circular cement wall below and people are standing around it directly below us. They're watching others play golf. We're on the third floor. There's a golfer ten feet from us, also on the third floor. He's taking a shot into a hole through a metal grate (like a sewer grate, but much larger). With any luck his ball would go down the grate and to the next level. Now Heather has turned into a high school classmate of mine (Anne K.). We can climb down from the roof and jump to the golf greens. It's a four and a half foot leap. Anne jumps first. There is a snow fence around the greens (made of chicken wire with wooden slats). She holds this out of my way so that I don't land on it and hurt myself. When we get down to the cement part, I find one watch, then another watch and a set of keys, and then a ring. They had all fallen into a small puddle of water. I fish them out and lay them in the sun to dry out. Hopefully their owners will find them here. Next Anne and I are in Paris, on our way to the Louvre. I told her, "I was just here last weekend with Jane and Gail (more classmates of ours). She asked me what we did. "We saw the Louvre, Notre Dame and we solved a mystery." "What do you mean?" she asked. I began to explain how we happened upon this cloak and dagger type situation and how we solved it. (97/4/28) #265 Celebs/F&F/Foreign

*Dream: Circle The Wagons by Nutcracker (970421)*

There was an entire community of us. The era was the wild west. Everyone got along, whites and Indians alike. We traveled the country together in (un)covered wagons. Then one day one of the captains had gotten orders that we were supposed to attack the Indians, the ones traveling with us, as well as the ones living on reservations. As our wagons rounded a curve, the horses ran as fast as they could into the oncoming Indians. Some of the Indians with us got injured. One of the older ones said, "So this is what pain feels like." Another was worried about dying and worms eating his body. I said, "We'll close your eyes like this (showing him), so they can't get inside you." (97/4/21) #239 Misc

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

*Dream: I'm With The Band by Nutcracker (970404)*

I'm with Bono (U2). There is some kind of a party about to start (like a frat party). He wants me to leave (for my safety), but I want to stay. He owns the place and I know he'll protect me if things get out of hand. I go upstairs. The bad boy (of the party) arrives (Michael Flatley/Riverdance). He pursues me, but I rebuff his advances. I need to find the restrooms. I ask someone where they are. I'm told they're downstairs. The place is really jumping now. A friend from school is there and goes with me to find the restrooms. We have to walk on top of a couch to get to the doorway. A bunch of guys are lined up on either side of the couch, taking pictures of our legs as we go by, but polite enough not to look up our skirts. (97/4/4) #218 U2/Celebs

*Dream: The Singing Interview by Nutcracker (970430)*

I was fortunate enough to be granted an interview with the world's top band, U2. The interview was to take place in their hotel suite. (at some points throughout the dream, they also appear as Sting and the Monkees) This was to be a working session for them and I was allowed to participate. Their manager (Amanda Donahue/LA Law) was there as well. I was sitting in a chair and had my shoes off. I had my feet propped up on the edge of the bed. Two of the band members were lying on the bed, their manager was sitting in a chair. Bono kept walking in and out of the room. I was talking to Larry (as Davy Jones). I told him I knew an Irish lad once (and recalled fondly the memories). Their manager was speaking when Larry leaned over and whispered jokingly to me, "Get your feet off the bed." His feet were curled underneath him and he still had his sandals on. I grabbed his foot and pulled on it saying, "You get YOUR feet off the bed." Then their manager pulled out some song lyrics, not to one of their songs, but to an old Irish song. She handed each of us a copy. They were laminated in plastic and reminded me of dinner menus you might get at a restaurant. Bono (as Sting) walked through the room again, obviously he would not be participating. Then she played a recording of the song so we could get a feel for the melody, then each of us was expected to sing a part. The first line was to be sung and the rest read as a narrative. On the recording, Fran's mother from the TV show "The Nanny" read the narrative parts. The manager would be first, I was to be third. I couldn't sing in front of these people! In the car or at home, yes. I could sing to my hearts content, but they were U2 for God's sake. I don't recall it ever reaching `my turn', just that they all thought I had a good voice. (97/4/30) #269 U2/Three .

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

*Dream: Bewitched by Nutcracker (970408)*

I was in a building of white polished marble. As in Japan, you were required to remove your shoes. As I was leaving, I saw a pair of shoes at the door that I recognized, but I didn't see the person they belonged to. They were navy ballet type shoes, with a low heel and a decorative doo-dad (like a collar) on the top front in blue suede. I left the room and was a few feet outside the door when I turned to look behind me. There stood a young woman wearing those shoes. I knew of her, she was a witch. She took me to another place. There were others there, about twelve of them. They were all sitting in a row, each on a wooden chair. Their leader and I stood before them. I was their captive. Each one of them was a (different) monster. There was one guy who was turning into a werewolf before my eyes. His face and calves were already completely covered in hair while the rest of him hadn't completely changed yet. (97/4/8) #223 Mystical

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

*Dream: Soap Opera by Nutcracker (970410)*

I'm in a room. It's like an old converted school room (brick walls, dark varnished wood and a blackboard). Actors come here to study and rehearse. I'm sitting (or lying) on a couch, reading. There are two guys, actors, waiting for some others to show up. In the meantime, they play catch with a softball inside the room. One guy throws it. He's not even close to getting it near the second guy, Jax (Ingo Rademacher/GH). I chase it for him as it rolls past me. I tell the first guy (who's also very attractive; 3 day stubble, buzz cut), "Don't hurt Jax," meaning, don't hit him in his gorgeous face, whatever you do. They stop playing ball and the first guy comes over to me and kisses me (he's rehearsing). We kiss for a very, very long time, moving slowly backwards until we're smack up against the wall. Whew, that was fun. Now Jax has come in from outdoors. He's soaking wet. I pin him against the wall and we kiss. His shirt is nearly unbuttoned to the waist. I run my hands inside it, wiping the rain from his bare chest. (97/4/10) #225 Celebs

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

* Dream: "Pit Classroom" by Eternal Student (970627) *

Let me tell you a dream I had. Here is what I've written about it right after I awoke from the nights sleep.

Dream (repeat occurrences):

Started off in classroom environment. But desks were floating in the air. But they were floating above a 200 yard pit. Massive in width across. Almost fell in while in creative writing class. Have lost pencils, newspapers, papers, a Nolan Ryan autographed ball and one important piece of document (single page). Also it is hard to get onto desks without losing balance.

Dream: Night of 6/18/1997 Lost important document containing some sort of very important information. Went back to school right away the next day to see how I could get into the classroom. Kept stressing the importance to Dr. McElroy, the assistant principal, that I need to get in there for the document. But a cage covering went over the top of the pit. School avoided my request for a couple days until I found a new face that had the set of keys and machine that drops you into the pit. But he was found after a shoot out and he was very weak by the time we arrived at the pit. (All the people I recognized from school before hand: Mr. Penzone, Mr. Chechey, Mr. Butts, Mr. Repak, Dr. McElroy and Mr. Austin.)

Finally got into the pit. It was a sudden rush, then the pit curved going vertical to a horizontal position near the end. Felt like I was floating in water, but I was attached to the device still. Met a monster inside after he at the Nolan Ryan baseball that was floating around. Passed over dead bodies, papers, pencils, pens and newspapers. Monster chased me back away when I tried turning left instead of right at the split. But before the split appeared, I hit a button that was a pillar in the wall running up and down.

After I got to the surface from escaping the monster, I found the man that helped me get into the pit dead with blood all over his back, staining his white shirt. He had gun shot wounds in his body.

Later that night, I went to a pool party with some friends. (Steve, Nick, Paul C and Todd G, Luie, Jim W, Jimmy from English, Ryan P, Ryan from English and some new faces, counting girls I've never seen before were present.)

In the pool we played some weird racing, trivia game. Across from me was the best looking girl at the party. Next to her right was two other girls. Next to her left was apparently a guy friend of hers. The eyes of the guy looked very familiar.

After the other team (on the opposite side) had a couple turns, the girl across from me had to race one of my teammates (a guy). On her way over, I grabbed her leg to try to stop her. She stopped at my side having a fit.

She said if I wanted to get with her that I just needed to ask. All I needed to do was talk to her. She ran towards the house, but was cut off by my friend, Steve Heck when he was coming out. She was screaming and yelling at me. She started heading the other direction until another party-goes made her stop.

I heard a growl from behind and it was her guy friend on the other side of the pool. Saw the look in his eyes. Same look from the pit. The monsters look. He jumped across from his side of the pool on top of me and threw punches, while I went underwater. he tried drowning me, but I grabbed his balls to stop him. Also escaped from the threat of danger from the help of my friends and party-goers.

He got out of the pool and grabbed his girl and run through the house with her. They jumped into a black car and pealed out going off in the distance. Before they took off through the house, I screamed, "It's him!" out loud. I ran after him. Went the same path they took through the house. Yelled at Steve to hurry up. Many friends went to chase him also. I jumped over a truck and landed in another white truck as they took off. Then hoped out after they slowed down for me. And waited for Steve to get to his truck.

The End, so far.

If you could tell me what this means, please do so. Also, I've remembered in previous dreams that they attempted to kill the monster in the pit and thought they succeeded. They've closed down the "pit classroom" a couple of times, but finally reopened it. Can you tell me what this means? Thanks.

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

*Dream: Pez Tornado by Nutcracker (970402)*

I was outside my house, sitting on the steps while talking on the phone to my friend Nancy. She was telling me about her neighbor Karen and that Karen was repeating her wedding vows that coming weekend. I didn't know if she meant she was re-marrying her current husband or if she was marrying someone else. As I sat there talking, the wind picked up. I told Nancy the clouds were going by at 20 mph, but it was actually faster than that. The clouds were rainbow colored, a spectrum of colors. I looked to my left, out over the distance. About a half mile away I could see a tornado on the ground. The base of it was very expansive. I told Nancy that I had to go and why. I ran into the house, trying to decide what to take with me into the basement. My purse, my Pez dispenser collection? I grabbed a towel and began scooping all of my Pez that I had on display, into it. I had a quilt rack with a shelf on top of it. In the left hand corner were a pile of Daffy Duck dispensers. I grabbed some, but not all. I then went from shelf to shelf grabbing the others. Oops, can't forget the KISS (rock group) custom Pez I had made. Now, where to hide? I decide that downstairs in the basement bathroom is probably the safest (it's the basement/bathroom in my parents house, not my actual house, which doesn't have a basement). (97/4/2) #213 NES/Pez

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

*Dream: Sierras Auto by RCW (970627) *

This morning I recall dreaming about getting my car fixed. An old friend told me about his car repair garage and I took my car there. After sometime they began giving me an estimate when I realized it was my old volvo, and told them this wasn't any longer my car.

Oh, if it were only so easy to change vehicles in real life!


* Dream: "Stealth Bomber" by TimD of UK (970612) *

In this dream preparations were underway for the anniversary of something like (but not) VE day. I was involved in organizing something, which I can't remember, and then I went home, and was watching some of the celebrations on TV. There were fireworks on the TV, and then a firework display started that I could see out of the window. I was amused by this stereo fireworks. Then there was a huge explosion, and I looked out of the window (the big windows in our living room) and saw a big fireball some distance away. There was then a shockwave which came across the fields; things in it's path were broken up and blown about. The effect of it flattening the crops was particularly spectacular. I had the idea that it was a nuclear bomb, and I and my house would be destroyed. When the shockwave reached me, the cars and things the garden got blown around, and the house shook, but I was unharmed.

Next, although exactly how I don't remember, a kind of stealth bomber appeared, and flew around the house. It flew in the manner of an X-files ufo (I thought that in the dream), hovering, zooming about at odd speeds. Finally it stopped in mid air outside the windows, and slowly came inside, breaking the glass slowly, by pushing rather than impact. It parked in the living room, and the pilot got out. I talked to him, and found out that he was from 1977 (the year I was born); he had apparently time traveled. I talked to him for some time, but only remember bits of what was said: Before he left 1977, he had seen Star Wars, but obviously had not seen the other two films in the trilogy. We talked about Star Wars, but I got to thinking of all the things he'd missed in the last 19 years, (Blade Runner was one thing) and I got quite upset at the tragedy of this.

He was paranoid about Russia etc, not knowing that the cold war is over. I have the sense that the event this day was the anniversary of was some sort of US v USSR war in 1977. Later I talked to him about the author Philip K Dick, pointing out that this whole event demonstrated that PKD was right in thinking that time was an illusion, and that we are really in the early AD's, with Christians hiding from the Romans. He had only read a couple of PKD's non-sci-fi books, and hadn't enjoyed it. This reminds me of one of the character's attitudes in the book "Philip K Dick is dead, alas" (can't remember who it's by), in which Nixon gets re-elected 6 times, and PKD's sci-fi books are illegal subversive literature.

I don't remember much else.


*Dream: The Deceiver by Nutcracker (970412)*

I had gotten back together with my old boyfriend/ex-fiancee. I was attending a parade in my hometown. Traffic was abominable. The 2-3 cars immediately in front of me were blocking traffic by using two lanes instead of one. I keep going, forward, reverse. Forward, reverse. When in reverse and then park, the car just keeps rolling backwards by itself. There is just no way to get around them. Now I'm walking, pushing a cart over some very large gravel. My boyfriend catches up with me. He asks me how many people will be at my parents for Thanksgiving dinner that evening. Thirty? I tell him that my parents aren't home and that we'll have to eat at a restaurant. He suggests `On the Border' or Uncle Julio's. I say, "Uncle Julio's". Which he agrees to. Then I worry about what the waiters might think as I'm having dinner there the following night with B. Will they recognize me and know of my deception? My boyfriend is talking about fixing my parents car, the power steering or something, saying he only has room in his driveway to fix one car at a time (I guess he was working on his at the moment). I don't want to be with my boyfriend (not as a friend and especially not as a lover), but feel I can't break it off because he left his wife and two kids because of me (I gave him hope that we could work it out). Then I worry what my girlfriends will think if they see us back together again. (97/4/12) #228 F&F

WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

*Dream: The Faux Publisher by Nutcracker (970412)*

A (male) friend (reminds me of Matthew Broderick) had gone with me to see an agent about my novel. The agent said that I could work with her, but that it would take a year for it to become a best seller. She handed me a sheet of quotes from some famous people who had read my manuscript. The reviews were very good. I thought I would put them on the jacket cover. Then the agent gave me a book (like a telephone book, with a pink cover). It was a list of editors and agents. Then she dismissed me. My friend and I started to leave when I realized I had taken the wrong book from her desk and went back to exchange them. She gave me the correct one and then when my back was turned, she tore up the sheet of reviews she had given me earlier. There was also another sheet of info which she had given me, but now she had cut out certain parts of it. I was crushed. On her desk I noticed the price of my book that she was negotiating. It was much, much too low ($1130.00 or $113.00 a month in royalties). We were going to have to renegotiate or I'd have to find another agent. As I left, her secretary, who disliked her boss, gave me new sheets to replace the ones she had destroyed. (97/4/12) #230 Writing

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(See some Nutcracker gems sprinkled about)

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Well, that's all for now Folks. See you in ED 4.7.

Hasta La Vista!

Bob Krumhansl





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mermaid 8*)

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+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your dreams!

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+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton


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July 16, MON deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(7)