The swan has leaped into the desolate heaven:

That image can bring wildness, bring a rage

To end all things, to end

What my laborious life imagined, even

The half-imagined, the half-written page;

O but we dreamed to mend

Whatever mischief seemed

To afflict mankind, but now

That winds of winter blow

Learn that we were crack-pated when we dreamed.

William Butler Yeats

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Volume 4 Issue #7

27 July 1997

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams - on the World Wide Web


-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:

Bob Krumhansl <>

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:

Peggy Coats <>

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:

Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues, editors addresses

and other access & Staff see


at the end of this issue


Download a GREAT COVER for Electric Dreams 4(7)!

Cover by Jesse Reklaw



++ Editor's Notes

++ From the Webmaster

Display your Dreams and Articles Better on Electric Dreams!

Matthew Parry

++ Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton

++ Dream Trek : Visitors to the Land of Mutual Dreams

Linda Lane Magallon

++ Column: Life, Art, Dream: Good Humor

Alissa Goldring

++ Interview: Richard Nagle and DreamScape Website

++ Dream Education Series - Gestalt and Dreamwork

Richard Wilkerson

++ Dreams Increase Our Sense of Oneness with Others

Comments on Ullman by Henry Reed

++ Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 7th House

++ Island's 7th House Dreams and Questions

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G NEWS - Peggy Coats

- Consciousness: Dreaming and Waking

- Advanced Applications of Dreamwork

- Your Dream Maker as a Spiritual Guide

- Tending the Voices in the Dreamscape

- Dreams and Dreamwork -- An Overview

- Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying:

An Exploration of Consciousness with the Dalai Lama

- DreamSpinner Software in Alpha Release

- Alchemical Dreamwork

- BOOK REVIEW: Radical Intercourse

- FILM REVIEW: Time of the Gypsies


- Volunteers Needed for Laboratory Research


- Dream Link Updates (Dead or Moved Links)

- News From Fly-By-Night Club

- National School of Sleep Medicine

- Griebel's On-line Dictionary of Dream Symbols

- Dream-Inspired Artwork

- Electric Dreams Cyber-Dream Library Update

And also the DREAM CALENDAR: Aug-Sep 1997

D R E A M S S E C T I O N for ED V4 N7 by Bob Krumhansl

Includes dreams, comments on dreams, previous comments and more!


August 13, WED deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(8)



Editors' Notes


In the short history of the Internet, summer-time in America has traditionally been an off-season for online activities. And yet the summer of 1997 has been one of the most active periods in online communications, in the judicial sectors, the entertainment sectors, the business sectors and yes, even in dreaming online.

Admist the exaggerated rumors of the demise of Apple, the support by the White House of free speech and rush of Disney online, the online dream network continues to flourish and wonderful new projects by individuals are sprouting up everywhere.

There is always a concern in dreamwork between opening new pathways into the unknown and building and supporting older relationships with soul, image, ritual and others. Fortunately, we have our dreams to guide us and also some very generous people who are sharing their work and ideas with us.

The first gift is from Linda Magallon, author of the new book _Mutual Dreaming_. Linda continues her campaign to draw us into the DreamCity, a dreamnoosphere reality that continues to imagine beyond our dayworld desires to download all the meaning and value of a dream into waking life. Hey, give it a break. Learn some basic rules for traveling in this wonderful land and communicating with its inhabitants.

Alissa Goldring bring us another example of dream inspired art in her Life, Art, Dreams column.

Richard Nagle brings us the inside scoop on DreamScape, a new web site and how a dream inspired his project.

The Dream Education Series continues this month with Gestalt and Dreamwork. Try it out, get past the bullshit and game playing to arrive at something real.

Henry Reed send us a few comments on Ullman and the oneness of dreams. Its an old lecture with a current message.

Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series continues with hints on how to use astrology with dreamwork. Island shares some examples and an fascinating exploration of the Seventh House and dreams.

As always, there are several interesting topics in the Dream Airing column, including comments on Ullman's newsletter, Dream Songs, Dreaming and Pot, Dreaming and Spirituality.

For the latest scoop on dreams and dreaming on and offline, be sure to read Peggy Coats Global Dreaming News, check out the book & movie reviews and mark your events calendar!

Special note- several major dream sites have changed url addresses, please note this in the GD news web update.

And to all web dream information providers - if you have updates on your sites, send them in to Peggy so we can get them out to the online dream community. Electric Dreams reaches over a thousand subscribers and updates will increase the chance of your information being distributed in a timely manner.

Of course, our unique dream section is full of dreams from from folks around the Net and the World. Hear are some highlights from Bob Krumhansl : Ominous dreams of shuttle disaster and nuclear devastation, happy dreams of Good Humor, a line/path of safety, a magical elevator ride, a plunge over the Niagara Falls, a lake connection to Hong Kong, a journey to Tibet, Bill & Hillary, and a visit with a Spiritual leader.

If you have comments on these dreams, or want to send in dreams of your own, send them to Bob at

Please include a pen-name and title.

Contributors to ED - note the offer from Matthew Parry about getting your articles displayed more graphically. I've put in an example on each article this month, so read his instructions below and follow suit.

The Dream Wheel Dream Groups will start the first week of August, so if you want to join, this is the time to jump in. Students from the DreamGate History of Dreaming Class will be joining us this Wheel as well as some other new folks.

Send a note to me that you are interested and I'll send you the instructions. The groups last about 2 weeks and are lots of fun, plus a chance to focus on the imagery in you dream in depth.

All done via email.

Send to

Hope to see you there!

-Richard Wilkerson


Display your Dreams and Articles Better on Electric Dreams!

Webmaster - Matthew Parry


Do you want everyone to see a prettier version of your Dreams,

Articles etc? Well I've now worked out how to get the HTML version of ED to look much nicer. All you need to do is write your article on some user friendly HTML editor and put it on

your web site somewhere. Then from your web browser save

the file as ascii text, add the following line to it:

<hfile href="">

and send it off to Richard or Bob or whoever it is you

would normally send it to for inclusion in ED - But please

DO NOT send them HTML files, just ascii text versions of it.

The HTML version will then make a link to your pretty page

instead of the ugly text ones.

N.B. The ED archives at the website will still have a link

to your page after the next version of ED comes out, so

don't erase it. In the near future there will be a way for

you to change the links at the ED web site if you move or

rearrange your website.

Matthew Parry - Webmaster <>


Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton


Do you have questions, answers, comments, replies? This is your column to communicate with the rest of the Electric Dream Community, so just send those email to me at...( victoria is on maternity leave) send to Richard at


++++ More Dream Songs for Dick McLeester:

Dream Weaver Gary Wright

Dream Theater (they're a prog rock group)

Dream of the Blue Turtles Sting (Gary Watts) (FC)

Joe Satriani, "Flying In A Blue Dream"

he also has another one, I think it is called Dreaming 11.

But I am not sure. Thanks John


++++ On Ullman's Dream Appreciation

From Bill K

I noticed in the latest _Dream Appreciation_ newsletter of Montague Ullman an interesting article by Eva Zetterberg. Zetterberg has been trying to implement dream sharing programs in Sweden as preventative medicine for psychiatry. After some positive reception while a council member of Stockholm. Now Zetterberg is a Swedish Parliament member and is continuing to propose the introduction of dreamwork at local health stations.

I thought you might be interested in this.

Hi Bill,

I saw that article too (in issue 2 #3) and found it quite interesting. I was sorry there was not more info or any kind of contact or reference for more information. I also liked that the editor, Wendy Pannier, took up the issue of Montegue Ullman and the proper reference to his work. Often people refer to the Second Stage as the whole process. This is the part where other members in a dream group take the dream "as if it were their own". Wendy rightly points out that there are other important parts in the process for Ullman and his groups, including the associations, the dialogue, construction of waking life emotional contexts and re-reading the dream and final sharing of insights.

For those interested in learning more about this process, the original book is _Working with Dreams_ 1979 Ullman, M. & Zimmerman, Nan. New York: Dellacorte Press.



++++ Children and Dreams Online

For those of you following the issues about dreams, children and the Internet, the latest scoop from the White house may be of interest to you. -R

"In a move that virtually ensures that any new legislation on the topic will have an uphill battle should it even get to the White House, the President and the Vice President announced that they support technology and old-fashioned parenting as the way for parents to supervise their childrens' access to the Internet. "Parents must make the commitment to sit down with their kids and learn about the Internet together" said the President. "We need to give parents a virtual toolbox," said Vice President Al Gore. The Vice President also introduced a new website designed to help parents learn about various ways to control their childrens' access to the Internet, Netparents.Org ("

From Cybermind Digest - 16 Jul 1997 to 17 Jul 1997 - Special issue

Dreaming and Pot - From RF

For some time I'm trying to dream (or more precisely remember my dreams) more frequently however there is a problem with that. I've been using marijuana for a long time now and I notice it prevents me from remembering my dreams. I've also read the same thing in a book about lucid dreaming. But I have also read that drugs can improve or at least change dream activity etc. I was wondering whether you know more about how drugs affect dreaming or where I could learn more about it. I really want to work with dreams but my drug use is preventing it. I cannot remember a dream from the past months, but when I stop using drugs for a week or so the dreams come frequently.

My last dream was, I think, almost a lucid dream. I was walking through a city from the center to outside the center. Then I noticed there was nothing interesting outside the center so I walked back to the center. I started running to get there faster and then I suddenly realized I was dreaming! I did not know what to do but to test I was dreaming I jumped forward while I was running and then all went black and the dream was over...

Funny, now I've written this dream down in a few lines I also recognize it's meaning. The time span of the dream (minutes) is in realty my whole life, first living in the center, then when I grew up more outside the center, and now returning back to the center. I now also recognize the same pattern from an other source related to drugs.

I was wondering whether pot use completely stops dreaming or just affects dream memory. Does it improve/affect dreaming but prevent remembering them? Also, what is the effect of a dream on the sub/unconscious when there is no memory of it due to drug use? I hope you can help me!

PS: Pot use is legal in my country (The Netherlands).

Dreams and Spirituality

"When I first realized I was dreaming I quickly remembered that I had planned to search for God in my next lucid dream. I had reasoned that if their was a God, He would be in my head. The dream became hazy and dark as my dreams often do when I become lucid. I found myself in a huge warehouse. So huge that no human could have built it. Although it was there, the ceiling was too far away to make out. The floor was dirt. There were no windows but there was enough light to make out different sculptures. They seemed to be made of black melted glass. They were all about the size of a refrigerator. I yelled at the top of my lungs. I demanded that God show himself. There was only the echo of my voice and then silence. I waited for about half a minute and yelled again. I was about to give up when I noticed something slithering down one of the walls. I got closer to the wall and realized that there was an enormous black snake-like monster slowly making its way to the floor. It was wet looking and had no eyes or mouth that I could see. It moved in silence and seemed far too large to be clinging to the wall. Its weight should have pulled it from the wall. I sternly questioned the being as to what it was. "Are you God?!", I demanded. The creature stopped as though acknowledging me but it didn't respond. It headed back up the wall. I gave up the quest and woke up in profound despair. I now had a firm understanding that there was no creator."

Shaun Graham



By Linda Lane Magallon

Visitors to the Land of Mutual Dreams


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The validation criteria for psychic dreams is clear: find a dream that corresponds to the waking state. The psychic dreaming equation is dream-to-waking reality. Since physical reality is comparatively stable and can be described using literal English, we seek the same sort of verification when it comes to the land of dreams. It's true that dreams can copy the waking world and the dreaming self can mimic the behavior, attitude and appearance of the waking self, especially under the compulsion or request of the waking ego to serve its practical needs.

The validation criteria for mutual dreams looks similar: find a dream that corresponds to another dream. But because mutuality is dream-to-dream, that correspondence need bear no relation to the waking world. When the necessity to link with physical reality is broken, the dreaming selves are released to act beyond the constraints of space, time and stability. Freed from domesticated behavioral patterns, they can go native.

The question is-can we follow our dreaming selves back to the wild to observe and appreciate them in their native habitat?

In terms of mutual dreaming, the dreaming selves can and do play the extremes. They can empathize. They can walk in one another's moccasins, peering out through each other's eyes, seeing things more or less from the other guy's point of view. Voila, the meshing dream. Or they can individuate and separate to such a great extent that my dream has no relation to yours at all. No mutual dream. One both/and version is the meeting dream: agreement to mesh the landscape and events, but retain individual body sense. That's the trick we perform out here in physical reality, with little appreciation of just how complex the procedure is. It's the one we learn through acculturation: the illusion of a common landscape, a common waking reality, hidden behind a common language.

You and I agree that there is a "chair" sitting in the middle of the room. But your association with the word chair and your inner picture of a chair is a conference room chair and my inner picture is of a Queen Anne highback. This is despite the fact that the physical chair is actually a rocking chair. In waking life, we ignore our inner pictures in favor of the same word. When we compare dream reports, we can't ignore the fact that I dream of Queen Anne while you're dreaming of a conference room chair, as a result of a common stimulus of rocking day residue.

If our dreaming selves decide to meet in the dreamscape, do they drag along the rocker, the Queen Anne or the conference chair? How about "none of the above"? Remember, in dreamspace, our dreaming selves sit on symbols-illusions, when they bother to sit at all. And when they fly beyond the constraints of physical time, space and solidity, they fly into a world that more closely resembles the morph of virtual reality, the wave of quantum physics than the particulate form of physical matter.

Unless we become aware of the rules of dream reality, finding evidence of a mutual dream may elude us. When we insist that the dream act exactly like the waking state, we become the dreamland equivalent of the "Ugly Americans." You know, the tourist who demands in a loud voice, "How come these foreigners don't speak English!?!" A courteous visitor might be wiser to follow the advice, "When in dreamland, do as the dreaming selves do."

Can you "go native," just for a little while? Here's a quick exercise to help you see things from the dreaming selves point of view. Remember your last dream. Become the self of that dream. Now think for a moment: you are a native of dream reality. You can fly, walk through walls and suddenly transport into an entirely new scene. What do you think of waking reality? Can you prove that waking reality even exists?


Column: Life, Art, Dream

Good Humor

by Alissa Goldring


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The dream: ( 3- 12- 96 )

I am driving my car home after an important event where I learned a lot and changed significantly. It was a large gathering, over a period of time, and I feel it has had a deep influence on me for the good. I want to bring this home with me in how I act in life and how I feel about myself. It is a sunny day.

I suddenly realize I'm driving carelessly because I hear a car on my right, behind me, making musical notes to get my attention. I realize I had not seen it and was almost crowding it off the road. A Good Humor truck playing chimes.

I slow down and let it get ahead of me and watch carefully to be sure no children run out into the road. I feel relieved that I have caught myself and "come back to my senses", and not had an accident. I drive on calmly, carefully.

I see the driver of the GH driver pull over to a parking area on the right where children are waiting for her and greet her happily, eager for ice cream. She is a cheerful plump young woman, with honey colored, wavy hair and fair skin, strong, secure, capable, responsible, alert to the children she attracts with her chimes and sells ice cream to, careful to protect them.

I drive on, glad all is well. I want to bring the beneficial effect of the event home with me in how I drive.


The online version with graphics of Alissa's work is at


DreamScape Web Site and Educational Center

An Interview with Richard Nagle


<hfile href="">

Upon entering the DreamScape Web site, something very different becomes immediately apparent. Even beyond the dream music of the Eurythmics, the site sets an immediate tone that you are in a special place, even for the Net. DreamScape's fair assesement of itself and its plans for the future can best be gather by actually walking the walk, but I thought you might like to hear some of the inside details and the delightful power of dreams ......

Richard Wilkerson (RCW): What got you interested in dreaming in the first place?

Richard Nagle (Nagle):What got me interested in understanding my dreams was a very spiritual dream that I had which caused me to be paralyzed when I woke from it abruptly. I was afraid I had died and couldn't really figure out where I was at first. I tried to get up and couldn't move. I tried to yell for

help and couldn't speak. When I got connected to the web I found the link (now and submitted this dream for interpretation. The guy that interpreted it described in detail all of my spiritual beliefs, which at the time were confused. No one knew this about me, but he did because of my dream. I wanted to know how he could do this. Thus my dreaming journey began . . .

(RCW): What's DreamScape about, and how did you get involved in this?

(Nagle): I get excited about dreaming and want to share what I have discovered. Dreamscape is my attempt to share with everyone what I have learned so that they too can try to understand their dreams . . . and themselves. The interface is my attempt at making it aesthetically pleasing and fun to learn about it.

(RCW): Is there a "Next Step" in coming up at DreamScape?

(Nagle): Yes! I want to provide information about how to enter the lucid dreaming world. My problem is that there is a lot of opposing information about lucid dreaming and how to accomplish it. I am currently researching it from different resources so that I may compile a useful and correct guide to entering lucidity. What I don't want to do is provide incorrect or poor

information, so I am being very careful about this aspect of Dreamscape. I have had the fortunate experience of 2 lucid dreams in my life. They only occurred about 4 months ago. I was so excited and told everyone I knew, but no one really understood how awesome lucidity is.

(RCW): Do you have a theoretical stance or bias yourself in approaching dreams?

(Nagle): I don't believe in Freud. I think he was a sickening pervert. I

understand that he was one of the first to attack dream understanding, and I must give him that credit, but I don't have to agree with anything he taught.

(RCW): So, what are your favorite dream books?

(Nagle): It's probably the book called "Dreaming", by Derek and Julia Parker. It was my first book on the subject and provided a very detailed view of the scientific aspects of sleep and dreaming combined.

(RCW): What's your favorite dream?

(Nagle): I have a recurring dream that I have the power of telekinesis. When I saw the movie Phenomenon, it was quite frightening because it so closely resembled the dreams that I have had. Phenomenon is one of my favorite movies now.


Gestalt and Dreamwork

Dream Education Series

Richard Wilkerson


<hfile href="">

"Loose your mind, come to your senses"

Fritz Perls

o Introduction

"Psychoanalysis is an illness that pretends to be a cure"

Fritz Perls, p. 244

The founder of the Gestalt Therapy movement, Frederick (Fritz) Perls, took his initial training as a European Freudian psychoanalyst, but soon saw psychoanalysis as a big game that kept the patient in the therapist's pocket (or the therapist in the patient's pockets) and began to work out quick, powerful techniques to return the control of one's life back to the individual. His own group work would eventually become the model for many peer dream groups that would form in 1960's and 1970's, and his influence is in dreamwork is incalculable.

o The basic concept of Gestalt

Perls believed like Freud that unresolved conflicts from the past had a great deal of influence upon present behavior, and that these conflicts needed to be "worked through" (Perls, 1969). He also felt that dreams were highly symbolic and made extensive use of interpretation. Perls felt all past conflicts were continually acted out in the present, and chose always to work on them in the here-and-now. In the here-and-now we are completely free and can choose freedom, responsibility and openness instead of illness. In the here-and-now we are free to actively control our own "becoming."

Thus Perls would have his patients enact in the present the conflict and have them take on the various parts of the conflict as dramatic roles so the patient could become aware of the conflict, contact it and control the direction of it in the present and future. Thus one's feelings and actions become unified in a whole, what Perls calls a gestalt, that is more spontaneous, open and honest.

While Gestalt therapy has had its own ups and downs, supporters and critics, its own hey-day and decline, what we are going to look at here is the influence it has had on the modern dream work movement, and thus focus on the techniques developed mostly during the 1960's at the now famous Big Sur retreat center in California, Esalen. (Downing, J and Marmorstein, R. 1973, Perls, F. 1969)

o Gestalt approaches to the dream

Nearly all the techniques come from that same set of ideas that Jung offered us, that the dream is a subjective presentation of the dream him/herself and that there is a sense of wholeness in every image. As with Freud and Jung, for Perls what is unconscious in the personal psyche is initially projected out onto other people and to other objects. That is, we see in others first what we refuse to see in ourselves.

Perls takes this idea to an extreme and looks at how *all* we see is in part a projection of ourselves.

"In dreams, the hardest aspect to accept is that every part of the dream is the dreamer: if I am driving along a dream highway, the car, the road, the passing automobiles, the distant mountains, the unseen dread, all are *me*."

(Downing, 1973, pg 7)

As you can see, the difference between Jung's view and Perls' is that for Jung the dream has a subjective-objective tension, i.e. was about something that contained both inner and outer realities. For Perls, the objective outer boundary is allowed to collapse to get directly at the inner fantasy level. In this way the split off inner processes can be re-owned and integrated within the context of the immediate present.

However, as Anthony Shafton mentions, there was a dangerous tendency for untrained individuals to take Perls' technique and turn it into a gimmick, claiming that anyone who got some kind of breakthrough would be cured. (Shafton, 1994, p. 214).

And yet, as I mentioned, there is hardly a modern dream technique or approach that doesn't acknowledge or use this idea of the intrapsychic dream landscape. The compromise for this class will be to keep and eye on the theory, but to focus on some of the ways the technique is unfolded that will allow us to give meaning to our dreams and recover the significance in a non-therapeutic setting. Thus the emphasis is two fold here. The first is a historical rendering of the exercises and the second is a confining for our use the exercises to the imagination. Any direct use of the exercises should be done within the context of a qualified gestalt therapist.

"Lose your mind and come to your senses," suggest Fritz. How aware are we of what we are doing in the present? How often are our minds anxious about the future or remorseful about the past rather than just being here, now? To test out your ability to stay aware in the present, you might want to try the following exercise. For just a couple of minutes, I'd like you to keep saying "Now I'm aware of [blank]" and fill in the blank with a word or two about whatever it is that you happen to be aware of. If you shift from outer observations of the room to inner awareness, keep saying out loud what it is you are aware of. Example: "Now I'm aware of typing this sentence and now I'm aware of wondering what to type next and now I'm aware of the chuckle in my stomach and now I'm aware of the reflections on the computer screen and now I'm aware of some confusion about what I'm aware of and now I'm aware of the sound of a car going by...." and so on.

Now let's apply this to the dream, but use the dream imagery story to guide us along.

Exercise: The first thing to emphasize is the telling of the dream in present tense, as if it were still happening.

a. Take an dream and re-write it or tell it to yourself as if it is happening right now. Example: " I am flying over the bay and I feel anxious. I look towards the horizon for sharks. Now I'm flying towards the beach and see the bathers there."

b. For contrast, re-write the same dream in *past* tense as though it all happened a long time ago. Example: I was once flying over a bay and I was feeling kind of nervous. I was looking for sharks on the horizon. Then I was flying back towards the beach and I was looking at some people in the water."

What did you notice about the difference between the exercises? How alive did you feel in each exercise? Make some notes about this difference.

Now that we have moved into the present, let's move into the subjective mode as well and see all parts of the dream as ourselves.

Exercise: a. Take a dream and after each thing, adjective or action, put the phrase "Part of me". Example using the Bay Flyer dream: " The I (part of me) flies (part of me) over the bay (part of me) while the looking (part of me) for sharks (part of me)..."

I realize this exercise is a little silly, but just want you to see how each part of the dream may be seen as part of yourself in projection. Now we can unfold each of the parts a little more.

b. Pick one of the parts of the dream that have some feeling or puzzle for you. In my example I'm going to choice the "sharks" and the "bay". Now pretend you *are* that part of the dream, as if you were playing that character on a stage and describe yourself and your role and whatever else comes up.

Example: "I am the Shark and I lurk unseen in the dream. I could swoop in at any moment and eat the bathers and yum, how good they would be too! I make the flyer nervous because I cause him to worry about things over which he has little control. But I give him a purpose too. All the dream flyer can do is watch, watch, watch. I like the unseen waters I swim in and hope the flyer gets a little closer to the water too!"

"I am the bay. I am both shallow and deep, friendly and dangerous. My waters flow out to the deep sea and up against the beach were people play.

The dream flyer soars above me and sees both these parts of me, but he seems afraid of entering me himself. I am cold and liquid and bounded only by dry and structured things. I provide passage for many ships and fish."

Try this for as many part of the dream as you can. Notice how this changes (or doesn't) your feelings about the dream images and the way they fit together.

There is notion in Gestalt work that by taking on these roles, we begin to integrate them into a gestalt or whole personality. In a sense this makes the dream out to be a deception and we dream because we can't directly admit to being these parts, i.e. we have disowned them. But in another sense the dream is the carrier of our fate and future growth, and by re-owning these parts, we re-own a more complete personality.

Exercise: Take an image in the dream and walk around the room acting like this image. You might play a character as complex as a friend or relative, but also try playing the inanimate objects, like a stick, a rock or a watery bay.

But what about parts of the dream that still don't seem to fit, even after becoming that part of the dream? For this is there is an additional exercise of having the parts talk and interact with one another. This is the famous procedure of using an empty chair and talking to one part of the dream image, pretending it is sitting in the chair, and then taking on the role of that image and speaking back.

EXERCISE: a. After dramatizing a few parts of the dream as in the previous exercise, pick two dream images. In my example I'll use the Bay Flyer and the Shark. Pretend that you are one of the images, and that the other image is sitting close enough to you that you can talk with the image. Put that image in an empty chair or use a pillow or something else to represent that part of your dream. Have a conversation with the image, tell the image from your role how you feel, what you see as happening in the dream, what you would like to happen. Then switch seats. Take on the role of the other image and respond. Play act, experiment, have fun. If you get stuck, switch roles. Do this in the spirit of putting on a puppet show.

B. If there is an unresolvable difference between the two parts, make up a third chair and put in that seat the unresolvable difference. Allow the unresolvable difference to speak about itself as well as about the other images.


_Bay flyer: I'm concerned about you shark and if you come into my territory I will warn everyone to get out of the water. I feel concerned and plan to warn the innocent people about you.

_Shark: Hog wash. Without me you wouldn't even exist. I draw you and everyone elses' attention to deeper things. You eat life, I eat life. I don't need your moral attitude. I feel connected to my depths and hunger.

_Bay Flyer. Oh, you are connected to your hunger alright, but don't think you can satisfy it in my bay. There are plenty of ways of connecting us to our depths without eating us alive. I'm highly skeptical that you have any concern for all we have constructed here in the bay and feel threatened by your inconsiderate destructiveness.

_Shark: Yes, all you have constructed for your own purposes, while excluding nature, me. Your daylight projects you tout as creative constructions are clearly johnny-come-lately attempts to control what is not yours to control, since you repress and cast out of the bay anything that doesn't fit into your own little self-serving world. I'm not the one who doesn't fit, you are. You keep me hungry by scaring all my dinners away.

Enter _The Unresolvable Issue: I am the tension between you both and feel both the hunger and the abandonment of the flesh.

_Bay flyer: I need that distance resolved so I can have some fun too. I don't feel I can have fun as long as you and Shark exist.

_Unresolved Issue: I cannot be wished away, nor can you use me to keep Shark away.

_Shark: Ya!

_Unresolved Issue: But Shark, while you offer some advice, that need to connect with depths - you must learn to carry some of your own hunger. Being an animal, you are simply hungry, but being cooperative, you may learn that the Bay people will feed you on a regular basis.

_Bay flyer. There's an idea.

_Shark: Ya, give me a leg right now - har , har.

_Bay Flyer - so it seems we are agreeing to all three exist. But how to feed Shark?

_Unresolved Issue. I'm not here to solve issues, I just want some breathing room too. You and Shark have to work that out.


End example

"Most of our whole striving in life is Pure Fantasy. We don't want to become what we are (but) what we should be." (Perls, 1969, p. 224)

Now in real Gestalt therapy there is an attempt on the part of the therapists to bring the dialogues out of these more superficial levels and into high emotionally charged areas. It is the belief that it is only in breaking though to these charged areas that true integration can take place. But in the decades since these encounter groups and intensive therapies, there has grown a general belief in a kinder, gentler way towards integration. The point of all this is not so much to find an answer as to be in present time contact with the issues and imagery. The solution is being present. Fritz: "...once you judge you can't experience anymore, because you are now much too busy finding reasons and explanation, defenses and all that crap..."

( Verbatim, 225)

o Gestalt measures of intensity

So how deep do we go as individuals alone or in a peer group? The answer, of course, is up to you. But here is a measuring stick that combines Fritz's work and that of a student of his, Jack Downing:

There are five levels all of this can be seen.

Level 1: The Chicken Shit Level. Good-morning-how-are-you-great-fine-nice-weather-be-seeing-you-bye. Barely functioning and very dead. Downing calls this the Cliché layer. No contact, no risks, no life.

Level 2: The Bullshit Games Level. This is the social roles level where I am the student, the boss, the bully, the important person. Usually you can see it in binary form - husband-wife, sick person-healer, student-teacher, boss-employee. Lots of games, but no real life. Lots of danger in there being just a game and no one really there to play it.

Level 3: The Impasse Level. This is were we get stuck and lost. We are becoming aware of ourselves and the chicken shit and bullshit just isn't working. But we are lost, frozen , uncertain. We know we have to change, but we just don't know how or where.

Level 4: The Death Level. The Sick point. This is the final extension of the impasse. Its the implosive or death layer were things really feel lost, dead, sick. Really the repressed life we have denied is struggling for expression, but so is our strongest rigid holding back. We are contracted, compressed, withdrawn.

Level 5: The Explosive Life Level. Here the authentic self has been contacted and there is a free explosion of life, feelings and reactions that can take various forms. Perls usually worked with grief, anger, orgasm and joy. Downing adds to this ecstasy, where the complete freedom to feel and experience is available and responsibility is seen less as a yoke which burdens us but rather as an ability to respond without playing games.

Perls also stated as a measure the following: "Once it clicks, you are through the projection and it's all over. First you look through a window, and suddenly you recognize that you are just looking into a mirror" (quoted form Shafton 225-226). As Shafton goes on to comment, we can see the value in the experience without assigning it some grand cure or panacea. In later body based dream techniques, this click will become the central focus, not so much in determining health or sickness, but as an internal measure of the *place* where meaning and value is created in the body.

The issue here, however, is that we can use this measure to get a sense of where other's may be pushing us. To be one's own authority is to catch on that being pushed into authenticness can be an abusive act. As the Buddha said, we are already enlightened. Attempts to become enlightened are looked upon the same way that a man in a lake looking for water is looked upon.

Sometimes Perls was accused of dragging people across their pains and wounds, always focused on suffering. His response was to turn the accusation into an exercise:

" I don't preach suffering. But I'm willing to invest myself whenever a suffering, an unpleasantness comes up. ... Staying in touch with the unpleasantness is the only means of growing and consolidating one's position."

Here's an example of the exercise: Play What Won't I Suffer? Pick a part of the dream you don't want to deal with, the ickest part, and say " I'm not willing to suffer this because [blank]." Fill in the blank with various levels of answers, from the chicken shit level to the bullshit level and so on until there is an impasse. Then begin with the impasse as the new thing you won't suffer, and say " I'm not willing to suffer this because [blank]."

Make some notes about the icky feeling and impasse - describe them as if you were making a weather report.

These kinds of techniques are fine if you are having dreams, but what if you are not having dreams or your dream completely stump you? There is one last example exercise I want to pass on. In these places Perls would have the person take on the character of the dream itself.

Example: "I am your dream and I stay away from you. You try to catch me in the morning, but I'm more clever than you. I have all the answers to everything and even when you do catch me I won't tell you what I mean. I hide everything you want in dark symbols and evaporate any meaning you assign to me."

Exercise: Go ahead, give it a try - become your dream and have a chat with yourself.

It should be clear by now how any part, fragment or even absence of a dream image can become a useful dialogue or drama that can bring us into an awareness of the present and involve us in being our own authorities in the destiny of our lives. Whenever we find ourselves in confusion, deadness or distance from our lives, there we find that impasse and a chance to wake up to a more colorful and vital existence.

A final quote from _Verbatim_(1969):

" Now if we understand the impasse correctly, we wake up, we have a satori, I can't give you a prescription because everybody tries to get out of the impasse without going through it; everybody tries to tear their chains, and this is never successful, It's the awareness, the full experience, the awareness of *how* you are stuck, that makes your recover, and realize the whole thing is just a nightmare, not a real thing, not reality. The satori comes when you realize, for instance, that you are in love with a fantasy and your realize that you are not in communication with your spouse.

The insanity is that we take the fantasy for real. In the impasse you have always a piece of insanity. In the impasse, nobody can convince you that what you are experiencing is a fantasy. You take for real what is merely an ideal, a fantasy. The crazy person says," I am Abraham Lincoln," and the neurotic says" I wish I were Abraham Lincoln," and the healthy person says, "I am I, and you are you."

(Perls, 1969, p. 40)

o Conclusion

While the pressure of a group process to be "authentic" is seen today as a little harsh, the basic techniques of taking responsibility for one's own dream and dream imagery are universal. Once these techniques are shifted from a pre-determined course to being used to explore the unknown, they become user-friendly, and we can allow ourselves to be most essentially who we are, ourselves.

o Bibliography and Citations

Downing, J and Marmorstein, R. (1973). _Dreams and Nightmares._ San Francisco: Harper and Row.

Fosshage, J. C. & Loew, Clemens, A. (1987). _Dream Interpretation: A Comparative Study._ (Revised Edition) New York:PMA Publishing Corp.

Mindell, Arnold (1982). _Dreambody_. Boston: Sigo Press.

Narajo, Claudio (1980). _The Techniques of Gestalt Therapy_. Highland, New York: The Gestalt Journal.

Perls, Frederick S. (1969). "Dreamwork Seminars." In _Gestalt Therapy Verbatim_, Moab, UT : Real People Press.

Perls, Frederick S. (1970). _Dream Seminars_. In Joen Fagan and Irma Lee Shepherd (Eds.),Gestalt Therapy Now: Theory Techniques Applications. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, Inc.

Shafton, Anthony (1995). _Dream Reader: Contemporary Approaches to the Understanding of Dreams_. Albany, NY: Suny Press. See especially Chapter 6, "Gestalt", pp 213-231.

Van De Castle, R. L. (1994). _Our Dreaming Mind_. New York: Ballantine Books. See esp. pp. 191-196.

o Gestalt on the Net & Web

A note on Gestalt Therapy. There are not a lot of pure Gestalt Therapists, though the techniques are learned and used by those studying other types of therapy and group processes. Often Gestalt is mentioned in NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, an offshoot of Milton Erikson work. This is a completely different system, though they trace back through Gestalt therapies. Also, Gestalt Psychology is a German psychophysics movement that preceded and influenced Gestalt therapy but if fundamentally different, though the metaphors used are shared.

Simpified Summary of Gestalt Therapy (AAGT)

Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therpy (AAGT)

Gestalt Therapy Page

A short History of Gestalt by Daniel Rosenblatt, Ph.D.

Dream Wisdom by Valma Granich (Short Essay)

Gestalt Therapy - By Alan Brandis, Ph.D.


Dreams Increase Our Sense of Oneness with Others

Comments on Ullman by Henry Reed


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"Oneness, oneness, oneness," Cayce emphasized, suggesting that it be our first lesson, repeatedly, until we learned its truth. Dreams may have a role in helping us to recognize and apply this fundamental principle, especially when interpreted in group settings. Such was the essence of the message given by Dr. Montague Ullman at the Fifth Annual Gardner Murphy Memorial Lecture, delivered in New York City, April, 1989.

Known for his research at Brooklyn's Maimonides Hospital demonstrating dream telepathy (with funds obtained through the efforts of Dr. Murphy), Dr. Ullman has devoted the past several years of his life exclusively to educating people about dreams and how to appreciate them, using the special group format he developed (as outlined in his book, Working with Dreams). At this particular lecture event, which honored an influential patron of parapsychology, Dr. Ullman's topic was "Dreams, species-connectedness and the paranormal." One of his major proposals was that "our dreams are not concerned primarily with us as individuals but, rather, as the necessary agents in ensuring the survival of the human species."

He notes that the major aspect of consciousness which gives it survival value is its ability to help us learn to cooperate. Learning to cooperate, if you recall, was Cayce's first principle in developing psychic ability. We have developed illusions, however, that cloud our waking consciousness. We have used language, for one example, to help us to hide our true feelings and to create illusions that promote fear and competition. Dreams, on the other hand, are innocent and honest. They cut through these illusions and bring us back face to face with the truth. Dreams show us the essential unity of humanity.

Ullman believes that it is through sharing dreams with one another that we can best learn to appreciate their valuable message. When we work on a dream alone, our insights may remain too private--something to "know," but not necessarily something to apply for fear others may not approve. Developing our dream insights in a group setting helps these insights to become more "socialized" and a working part of the interpersonal world. The ESP dimension of dreams, which becomes more evident in group work, also helps develop the individual's consciousness of interconnectedness with others.

Perhaps more than any other form of public forum or group discussion, sharing dreams may be a key ingredient to the survival of our species.


Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 7th House


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Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?

There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the images of astrological to give meaning to one's life and empower choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave) dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.

This year we are focusing each month on a different House. The inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12 distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday activates. One will be about physical appearances and temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example. Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts, dreams, and our waking life.

The Seventh House. Libra. Just as the First House relates to personality, the Seventh House relates to close relationships, marrriage partners, close business partners and open enemies.

The charateristics that are valued in others and sought in a partner, as well as characteristics possessed by our enemies that make us vulnerable are found in this house. Thus we will have both Jungian Shadow and Anima/Animus issues here. A correction to this. Generally the Jungians feel the Anima/Animus a very strong archetype in determining a persons libidnal desires, but a *mate* is usually better found in someone that can satisfy both the mother/father complex as well as the anima/animus complex. Both the perfect mate and the not-so-perfect mate may show up in Seventh House dreams.

Dream: "I am at a show an watching an actress who I know immediately I was meant to be with for life. She comes to my table and leads me across the room like a pet. People laugh all around but I don't care."

This is more the "Siren" aspect of the Anima and she leads the man to ruin and is nearly irresistible. A more positive aspect is the "Sophia" that leads a man to his true Self.

Dream: "After wandering for hours in a forest I feel quite lost. A woman appears and leads me up a hill. I follow her to a cave near the top of the hill that I realize is my cave, and I am the teacher that lives here."

Seventh house dreams may make us aware of the characteristics we are seeking in a partner an will (hopefully) someday develop ourselves.

Dream: "My sister visits me with an unknown woman. While I sit in the kitchen they bring up bags of potatoes and other vegetables from the cellar. I think they are planning a large celebration or getting ready for the Fall or Winter. It makes me feel like I'm part of a larger family."

The Shadow will generally have 3 characteristics, they will appear to us as morally inferior (drunken, braggart, thief, glutton, lazy), will get under our skin without much provocation and we would rather die than have someone think we are like them. These qualities are our own, but we have denied them for so long they now appear foreign and disgusting. If they are deeply repressed, they may show up as monsters trying to get us.

In the Seventh House, the characteristics that make us vulnerable will be more emphasized, even though the characters may show other shadow characteristics.

Dream: "I went to B's party, even though I knew there would be trouble. As soon as she open the door to let me in, she wickedly complemented my hair which for some reason would not stay up. I kept trying to put it up but the latch in pin wasn't working. Later B. also mentioned my dress, which had the same latch problem as the zipper on the side wouldn't stay up. "

Dream" I had counted the money from the register twice, but when my partner came by to check, I couldn't get it to balance. I felt like he was being really smug about this and it somehow proved he was right about everything we had disagreed about. "

Often the Seventh house is about fate that seems to be in the hands of our partners. Good and bad luck, happiness and unhappiness, and other events that seem to be "outer" directed. A growthful way of approaching these events is to see that they are manifestations of our inner life. In dreamwork, this is a common interpretive approach and a much more useful approach than blaming the stars, even if the stars are to blame.

Thus dreamwork in the Seventh House becomes essential for those seeking partners as well as those who have partners. Patterns of hurt and rejection may become apparent. Often those who seeks partners based on superficial values of appearance, financial status, emotional dependency or social pressure are simply planting seeds of loneliness. These values will show up dreamland.

On the more positive and fun side, looking at dreams from the view of the Seventh House leads to finding just what it is that does satisfy us and produces positive, productive unions. These partnerships can be outer as well as inner ones. By attention to the values and characteristics pf partnerships, as well as contracts and agreements, we can arrive at unions based on harmony in both ourselves and others.

Next month: 8st House - Crimes, inheritances of money and emotional patterns. Send in your dreams to

M. Aionia at


Dreams of the 7th House.



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Following is a journal entry of dreams that focus on seventh house issues, precipitating questions that I would like to share:

July 8, 1997. Journal Entry. Vivid dream about Nikki. I'm avoiding transcribing it, only because I don't understand why I'm dreaming of her. We were never friends because she treated me as if we were enemies, sometimes treating me with disdain; other times as if I didn't even exist, and she even went so far as to influence how others treated me. Her best friend who openly competed with me and lost for head majorette actually slapped me without provocation when we were in training one afternoon. What a humiliation! Nikki's best friend also became intimate with my boyfriend, who became ex-boyfriend in the process, and he later told me, in derision, that she said to him, "What did you ever see in her (me)?" What was worse, Nikki was the most popular and well-liked person in our highschool. But she brought me a lot of pain (I have not actually seen her in thirty years, with the one exception where she attended the funeral of the gay brother of her best friend who had died from AIDS. As I recall, nothing had changed -- 17 years later, she was still as arrogant and aloof as always. This last encounter was before the suicide of her son). Even several nights ago, I dreamed of her and didn't record it. That dream was where she was still mourning the fact of her 16-year-old son's suicide. (Nikki had become a well-liked teacher in that same highschool, but they, for whatever reasons, moved to another state. Her son, apparently, was violently opposed to the move, and took his life.) In the dream, I took compassion on her, held her in my arms, and rocked her, saying that, one day, I promised, she would see that that event, (which happened at least a decade ago), held great meaning for her life in the overall scheme of things. My thought after awaking was, "Why did I assume I had that kind of power? To promise her that she, at some future point, would resolve that kind of pain?" I also dreamed, I believe it was Sunday morning, that my husband's former business partner is present, talking, just as my husband and I are to head out for Catalina Island. I ask my husband if he still wants to go to Catalina. First, he says, "no," and then at the very last moment, he changes his mind again. I say, "It's too late," and am very firm about it. Because of my decisiveness, the relationship ends. Then a famous actor takes me into his family, places me in the movies, primarily because I wasn't striving for it at all, as I had given up on that lifetime hope and dream that I could be with someone who, not only would embrace me wholeheartedly, but would cherish me as well. It came as a total surprise. That dream left me feeling ambivalent, until I realized that, at first, my husband wasn't especially devoted to me. As a result, we never went to "Catalina Island." Instead I poured my energies into work in a very decisive manner, uncharacteristic of me, since I really don't draw the line about anything generally. That decisiveness led to a remarkable shift in our relationship, and he became like this famous actor and, just like in the dream, he takes me into his family, places me in "our movie," a total surprise. Now onto the dream of Nikki this morning: somehow we're visiting Nikki -- my husband and myself. First there's a car that we're in. Our prime worry is where we will make love. Apparently even though we visit Nikki, no one is actually offering to put us up or house us anywhere, perhaps because it's not an overnight visit. I think in the dream of making love in the parking lot of where we currently live but realize it's too lighted an area and we will be seen. Then Nikki negotiates with me for some books. Now she actually drives a very hard bargain, although I freely tell her that she may have anything that is on my shelf. I then also tell her the actual recent event of the big box of books I packed in New York, books very important to me since they represented five hard years of the study of poetry, just before moving to California, about 75 books in all, only to have them scattered by postal authorities as the box was negligently handled on a conveyer belt and immediately sent to San Francisco, where my books now flounder in an ocean of books coming from at least ten other states, never to be retrieved without an exact title supplied to the authorities in writing. As I relive by recounting the event in my dream to Nikki, I am as upset as I was in reality. I then continue to look for a place to make love. At that point Nikki suddenly enters what appears to be a dark closet. She goes down deep inside, and I worry for her. What has happened to her? Did she, too, commit suicide? Or was she showing my husband and I where we might make love? She seems to have entered this dark closet, then lowered herself to a room far below, through some sort of opening or hole in the closet floor. My concern mounts. So I go to the opening in the floor, peer down inside, then call out to her, to see if she needs my help, or to discover what has happened, if she is even still alive. I find that she is actually swimming in that hole.

These dreams, suggesting a very curious seventh house emphasis, reveal roots that go back to childhood, nearly four decades ago. To me, it's an amazing example of how deeply I may be impacted throughout my life by seemingly insignificant, inconsequential events transpiring decades earlier. For in reality, who is Nikki to me now? Why do I care what Nikki did or did not do to me three to four decades ago? Am I still consciously angry with Nikki? How could I allow her to influence my life in the present? Or is she symbolic, gracing me with aspects of myself that I would never be aware of consciously and, even if made to be aware of them, be hard pressed to admit? The fact that dreams are probably the only happening that would ever have Nikki surface, giving rise to a multitude of questions, is yet another example, for me, of what a wonderful healing gift dreams are.

Partnering has always been very important to me, and I have had my share of disappointments, especially through what I perceived to be "open enemies." These few dreams dreamt within one week's period seem to point to the fact that, although I am happily married, I am not done yet as, obviously, I am relating to myself, my business associates, and close intimates in ways that are either serving the relationships or not. How much in reality have I become like Nikki, I must ask myself, first? Am I mourning still a life shattering event from the past, and do I need to take myself in my arms and say to myself, "At some point I'll understand. In the meantime, take courage"? How much do my childhood perceptions of how others view me, whether they are my close friend or not, loyal partner or not, open enemy or not, color my present close relationships? Because 23 degree Taurus is on the cusp of my seventh house, I know that I seek stable, committed, trustworthy relationships. Further, I value relationship. Are the dreams suggesting that open enemies must be embraced, forgiven, loved, if relationships are to thrive? Or even more to the point, do I drive too hard a bargain, expecting -- even demanding -- that people be dedicated, committed, stable at all times -- if I am to allow myself to form a close relationship with them?

How did the move from New York to California really impact on me emotionally? Did I, metaphorically, commit suicide, or am I now swimming in a hole far below in my subconscious and have all but disappeared to my loved ones? But as I do not especially appreciate Nikki's style of driving a hard bargain, her arrogance, her superiority, her aloofness -- which may be my own -- should I just let her swim around for a while? Or are those aspects of myself being regenerated, far below, in the oceanic depths of my being?

Or is the key to improved relationships to be found in a measure of "decisiveness," as the dream suggests, something so difficult for me, when I recall the house of my undoing (12th house), where Libra sits on the cusp. Does the fact that Libra is on the cusp of my 12th house suggest that relationships in and of themselves are my undoing? Or is the indecisiveness I bring to a relationship, my inability to draw the line, perhaps characteristic of Libra, my undoing in relationships? Should I even fear the ending of relationships? Here the dream suggests that, proverbially, as one door closes, another opens, for when I put my foot down with my husband due to his indecisiveness about going to Catalina (or my own indecisiveness), and say, "no, I will not go at the last moment," the relationship ends, but in reality, it only changes, and is improved.

Books. What do the books symbolize? For me, books are like intimate friends. When I read a book, I have come to know intimately aspects of another person that I would never know otherwise, not even, perhaps, if that person were in actual, close relationship to me day after day after day. Now the dream seems to suggest that, these aspects of humanity that I value so highly -- and the fact that they are poetical -- representing the highest and best qualities -- are actually mishandled and devalued by the "authorities," and are thus dispersed, ending up in an ocean of books (intimate aspects of others) where they cannot be differentiated, one from another. (It is only through a feeling process of differentiation that I can even begin to choose partners, perhaps because Gemini, the fact gatherer, also occupies my 7th house). This drives me wild, both in dream and reality -- 75 of the books. Lost forever. The 7th house, the 5th house, and adding the two together, the 12th house. Again, the 7th house, being closely related -- understanding and owning aspects of self so that partnering can actually result; 5th house, once understanding and owning, expressing those aspects to others so they may or may not choose to form and further relationship -- be it romantically or creatively (as in someone choosing to read a poem I've written, or admire a painting I've painted), only to end in the 12th house, the house of sorrow, shadows and endings, poignantly calling to mind a verse from Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen, by William Butler Yeats, which seems to express my sentiments precisely, though all the intellectualization in the world doesn't seem to unlock the truth of the dreams:

The swan has leaped into the desolate heaven:

That image can bring wildness, bring a rage

To end all things, to end

What my laborious life imagined, even

The half-imagined, the half-written page;

O but we dreamed to mend

Whatever mischief seemed

To afflict mankind, but now

That winds of winter blow

Learn that we were crack-pated when we dreamed.






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Look for current News & Events during the month

at DreamTree



- Consciousness: Dreaming and Waking

- Advanced Applications of Dreamwork

- Your Dream Maker as a Spiritual Guide

- Tending the Voices in the Dreamscape

- Dreams and Dreamwork -- An Overview

- Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying: An Exploration of Consciousness with the Dalai Lama

- DreamSpinner Software in Alpha Release

- Alchemical Dreamwork

- BOOK REVIEW: Radical Intercourse

- FILM REVIEW: Time of the Gypsies


- Volunteers Needed for Laboratory Research


- Dream Link Updates (Dead or Moved Links)

- News From Fly-By-Night Club

- National School of Sleep Medicine

- Griebel's On-line Dictionary of Dream Symbols

- Dream-Inspired Artwork

- Electric Dreams Cyber-Dream Library Update





====Consciousness: Dreaming and Waking=========

A 4-day Residential Training Program in Lucid Dreaming with Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. and Special Guests will be held at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, August 21-25, 1997. Becoming adept at lucid dreaming requires a degree of focused and sustained attention and practice that is often difficult to arrange in the face of the many demands of our busy workaday lives. This carefully designed program provides an ideal

opportunity to devote four nights and days exclusively to

cultivating your lucid dreaming ability and enhancing your consciousness in everyday life. Unlike weekend workshops, in which we are limited to instruction in methods of lucid dream induction for participants to employ at home, this intensive program aims to bring you to the experience of lucid dreaming during the course of the program through practice, discussion, guidance, and specially designed sleep schedules. The retreat includes: Four days and nights of focus on lucid dreaming while lodging on the beautiful, dream-inspiring Stanford University campus, daily group and individual exercises in developing lucid dreaming skills and enhancing consciousness, dreaming and waking; a sleep schedule (including naps) optimized for the promotion of lucid dreams; use of lucid dream induction technology:

DreamLights, SuperNovaDreamers, PESTs, DreamSpeakers, and new experimental devices ; discussion sessions and personal guidance by Dr. Stephen LaBerge, author of Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming ; lectures and discussions on the science of lucid dreaming and continuing research and a field trip to the Stanford lab to observe lucid dreaming research in action; group support in your endeavor to master lucid dreaming; instructional materials including the Lucidity Institute's Course in Lucid Dreaming and Oneironautical Log.


Thursday Evening-Monday Noon, August 21-25, 1997.


$990, includes room and board. Space is limited; a non-

refundable deposit of $100 will reserve you a place in the program. A portion of the fee may be tax-deductible. Inquire about group discounts and scholarships.

For information, or to register, call 415-321-9969 or 1-800-Go- Lucid; FAX 415 -321-9967; EMAIL: or write to The Lucidity Institute, 2555 Park Blvd., Suite 2, Palo Alto, CA 94306.

==== Advanced Applications of Dreamwork ========

Pacifica Graduate Institute presents a workshop, September 1-4, 1997. This advanced, limited enrollment seminar is based on Dr. Aizenstat's original research. Participants practice an

integrative approach to dreamwork based on the concept of tending the living image. The theme of the seminar is Ancient Dreamings, Mask Making. Working at the intersection of psyche and world, participants will give voice and form to the visitation of ancestral and angelic images in dreams through the creation of masks. Mask making connects us with the pulse of the living image and the voices of the dreamscape. Dream figures will be invited to speak through "their" masks in ceremonial masquerade. Seminar topics include:

- "The Multidimensional Psyche" -- Participants engage the four levels of psyche -- the conscious mind, the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious and the world unconscious.

- "Dreamwork and Depth Psychology" -- Dr. Aizenstat discusses therapeutic use of dreams in the practice of depth psychology. - "Tending the Living Image" -- A process-based, aesthetic approach that connects the dreamer with the living nature of dream images will be described and demonstrated.

- "The Healing Power of Dreams" -- We explore the relation of dreams to disease in the body and ways in which dream images are useful as an adjunct treatment in physiological illness.

Tuition is $450. For more information, contact Pacific Graduate Institute, 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013. Phone: 805- 969-3626. Fax: 805-565-1932.

==== Your Dream Maker as a Spiritual Guide =====

On September 13, Dr. Hellevi Ruumet, Core Faculty and Clinical Director at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology will conduct a workshop entitled "Your Dream Maker As Spiritual Guide". Learn to listen the Divine Voice which speaks through dreams -- bring an open mind and a willingness to participate experientially in dream exploration. 10:00am-4:00pm. $55.00 The contact person for the workshop is Pate Luce at 408- 270-0116, email:

==== Tending the Voices in the Dreamscape ======

Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, CA presents a three- day workshop August 29-31, 1997 on Learning the Craft of

Dreamwork . Deep within and around us the shape shifting voices of Great Grandfather, Grandmother, Elder, Child and the dance of the Angels resonate with timeless purpose. Their living presence orchestrates who we are and who we are becoming. During this introductory three-day seminar, Dr. Aizenstat describes and demonstrates tools of DreamTending that acknowledge and honor these ancestral stirrings and angelic musings that are presented in dreams. In addition, participants learn methods of dream interpretation that explore common dream themes, nightmares, archetypal images, and the recurring dream. Each member of the workshop will receive a manual which further describes and elaborates the methods of dreamwork used in the seminar. Topics include:

- "The Personal Unconscious" -- Dreamwork methods drawn from Freud, Perls, Ullman and others assist us in hearing voices in the dreamscape in relation to personal history and experience - "The Collective Unconscious" -- Archetypal methods of dream analysis based on the work of Jung, Hillman, Woodman, and

Lockhart aid in tending the dream n light of the shared stories and archetypal images of the collective human psyche.

- "The World Unconscious" -- Dr. Aizenstat will demonstrate new methods of Dream Tending which animate the living ecology of the wider dreamscape and give voice to the creatures and phenomena of the world.

- "Ongoing Dream Council" -- Participants will meet daily in ongoing dream councils of 4-6 persons to apply material learned in this seminar.

- "Special Presentation" -- Animals in Dreams. Saturday evening will feature a multi-media exploration of animal images in dreams -- their meanings, their presence and their purpose in our lives.

Tuition is $285. For more information, contact Pacific Graduate Institute, 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013. Phone: 805- 969-3626. Fax: 805-565-1932.

There will be a one-day program on Dreams an Wholistic healing sponsored by ASD to be held at Hawaii Pacific University on September 13. Papers will be given by Robert Van de Castle, Carol Warner, and Katherine O'Connell. A shamanistic workshop by Chuck and Shirl Coburn and an audience participation on discussion of health related dreams will be featured in the afternoon. The host will be Phil King. For further information, contact

===== Dreams and Dreamwork -- An Overview =====

Christine Boyer, dreamwork professional and educator, will be offering a 2-hour general overview of dreams and dreamwork through the City of Santa Cruz (California) Parks and Recreation Department on Saturday, September 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The program will involve a lively and fun discussion as well as several opportunities to work dreams during the session. Please bring your questions and at least one written dream. Information about cost and location can be received by calling (408) 429-3663.

=============Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying: An Exploration of Consciousness with the Dalai Lama=============

A new book describing the 1992 meeting between the Tibetan Dalai Lama and a few scientists regarding sleeping, dreaming and dying (transcripts of Mind/Life IV, edited by Francisco Varela) has just been released by Wisdom Publications. Author Jayne

Gackenbach ("Control Your Dreams") presented material on lucid dreaming and says that " the chapter on the Dream Yoga goes well beyond what we have done in the lucid dreaming research".

========DreamSpinner Software in Alpha Release=========

DreamSpinner(TM), a software package that assists you in doing sophisticated and complex analysis of your own dreams, has arrived in its Alpha Release version. A free demo of the software is available for download at our web site: http://www.spinner- Come on by. Keep checking back at the site because we will be adding more pages, such as a Research page where people can analyze their dreams using our central database. We are also going to have a chat area for long term dream journalers, or for any dreamer who wishes to talk dreams. I will be posting articles about dreams and the language we use to narrate them on our web site. Version 1.0 of DreamSpinner(TM) will be retailing in October 1997 at the cost of $249.99.

=========== Alchemical Dreamwork ==================

An in-depth, multi level training in dreamwork for both

professional and personal applications. The 200hr. program begins mid September at Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts, 1210 Brommer St., Santa Cruz, CA. Call for brochure (408) 476-2152.

========= Book Review: Radical Intercourse==============

by Joseph Goodbread

Lao-Tse Press Softcover, $14.00

This book by respected therapist Joseph Goodbread examines the way dreaming may effect those we dream about. According to Goodbread our dreams may cause people to act out certain roles or behaviors, a process he calls "dreaming up." While most of us notice aspects of waking life appearing in our dreams, Goodbread explains what it can mean when parts of our dreams show up in waking life. A thoughtful, enjoyable work particularly good for therapists and dreamworkers, the startling implications make it worthwhile reading for anyone interested in dreams and

relationship. Reviewed by Gillian Holloway, Ph.D.

==== Film Review: Time of the Gypsies =========

The following movie review was written by Jeff Brown, for The Dream Tree's archive of dreams on film. Visit Jeff's site at:

From Emir Kusturica, director of "When Father Was Away on

Business" and "izona Dream," comes the epic drama of Perhan, an orphaned Gypsy boy with telekinetic powers who leaves his small town and joins a strange caravan of misfits on a journey to Italy -- a trek which includes many magical stops and fascinating, surrealistic moments. From the opening scene in the movie, where we see the backside of a bride who is crying, to the next few moments when she is pelting her drunk husband-to-be and the camera pans to a mental patient who is rubbing the top of his head and explaining (quite poetically) the horrors of the mental hospital where he was made to "eat lightbulbs" (remind anyone of "e Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"...?!), the viewer begins to sense that this deceptively simple small-town setting is actually quite complex.

The movie could, perhaps, appropriately be divided into two parts. During the first half of the film, we see Perhan living in a small village with his grandmother, crippled sister, and compulsive uncle. The story has its beginning with Merdzan, Perhan's uncle, who is quickly becoming the ruin of the family by his gambling debts. When the grandmother brings home a turkey for Perhan (a recurring symbol throughout the movie), Merdzan grows indignant and, judging from his outburst, seems already on the brink of madness. Like Merdzan, Perhan also is very passionate, but he has a gentle respect for and awe of life which makes him his grandmother's favorite. Several times during the movie, he takes up his accordion to play Gypsy folk-songs at her bidding (which, taken alone, make the soundtrack a find -- if you can lay hands on it...). Perhan seems to have inherited a profound respect for the honest Gypsy tradition which his grandmother represents. Perhaps this is why he possesses at least a little of the mystical powers that are more strongly realized in his grandmother. It is during this first portion of the film that Perhan falls in love with a local townsgirl, Azra. When her mother disallows the marriage because of Perhan's perceived inability to financially provide for her daughter, Perhan becomes focused on trying to win the favor of Azra's mother. Even

Perhan's grandmother chips in and tries to offer money and gifts, but Perhan is rebuffed because Azra's mother feels that her daughter is worth millions. In desperation, Perhan decides to hang himself. And so, he ties the old (dilapidated) church bell rope to his neck and dangles from the tower, ringing the bell and screaming. One of the local townspeople (who is, at that moment, trying to jump over his shadow) hears Perhan screaming about how he loves Azra; he runs to the church bell, cuts Perhan down, and takes him home to his grandmother, saying, "I won't tell you where I found him..." Not more than two minutes later, Perhan's grandmother begs him to play the accordion for her. The man who saved Perhan ecstatically exclaims that the night is romantic. And so he and Perhan's grandmother dance and then later spend the night together. Such is the crazy, whimsical rush of the first half of the movie.

Midway through the movie, however, the focus dramatically shifts and does not return to the light-heartedness with which it began. This shift is marked by the advent of Ahmed, king of the Gypsies, who rides into town in a convertible to collect a host of

crippled children and dwarfs to take back to his encampment. After getting into trouble with Ahmed's brothers over his failure to pay his gambling debts, Merdzan is angered that his

grandmother has no money and, in a rage, destroys the house and kills Perhan's turkey. In the midst of such flurry, Perhan's grandmother is called to Ahmed's house to use her Gypsy powers to save Ahmed's dying son. The next morning, Ahmed arrives to offer payment for the saved life of his child. When his money is refused, he then offers to take Perhan's sister to a hospital in Rome so that her leg can be cured. Because the little girl is scared to leave alone, Perhan says that he will go with her and watch over her, but, when they get to the hospital, Perhan instead joins Ahmed and travels back to Ahmed's Gypsy shanty beneath the interstate to take up living in an abandoned bus. When he learns of Ahmed's corrupt system of gain, Perhan at first clings to his integrity, but eventually, his dream of winning Azra causes him to fall into thievery. Before long, Perhan is running the Gypsy camp single-handedly, stashing his great wealth in a secret hiding place. He returns home to visit his

grandmother and marry Azra, but, when he finds Azra pregnant (possibly by Merdzan), his corruption gives way to

disillusionment, and, as he confesses to Azra, "I have been lying so long I don't believe anything anymore". It is during this visit that Perhan begins to wrestle with the idea of fate and whether God has, indeed, as his grandmother predicted, turned His back on him. When Perhan returns to the Gypsy camp, the movie takes its fast turn downward into its tragic end.

"Time of the Gypsies" is a visual feast -- it revels in a

surrealism of sound, element, scene, and story that cohere in such unison as I have never before seen. The layers of Perhan's adventures are many, and they speak volumes about the nature of the human heart, the loss of innocence, the difficulty of growing up, the attaining and losing of one's dreams, and what it is to live both honestly and dishonestly.

What most fascinated me about this movie were the two dream sequences that Perhan experiences as he passes into sleep. Of all the movies I have ever seen (including Dreams, by Akira

Kurasowa), "Time of the Gypsies" does the best job of creating the most authentic dream-like experience in the viewer -- that is, I felt as though I were actually watching a dream inside someone's head (an amazing concept explored in movies like "Dreamscape", "ty of Lost Children", and "Until the End of the World").

The sheer beauty of these dream scenes both photographically and conceptually, is remarkable, and, what is more, each dream serves its distinct place in the movie. Immediately before the first dream (during the first segment in the movie), Perhan has just finished asking his grandmother about his mom and how pretty she was (she had died during the birth of his sister). Though he has been jilted in his love of Azra by her mother, he dreams of their wedding (pictured above). It is an almost mythic event, and the transposition of images is so ethereal that it is easily one of the highlights of the entire film.

The second dream contains less revel and more of the disturbing images of madness, depravity, and distance from loved ones. Because it is more fragmented than the first dream (and, indeed, precisely because it is a dream), incoherency would seem a danger, but Emir somehow pulls it all together. The dream begins with Perhan waking up in a bus and looking out the window at himself and a villager who is helping him strap on his accordion. As the music begins, the man dances around in the Gypsy

encampment. We then see Perhan's grandmother who is standing in front of a cathedral, walking back and forth, tossing a ball into the air, and chanting to herself in bemusement. Behind her, a giant, rusted gas-pump slides back on forth on the pavement. (Perhaps it is a symbol of Perhan's decaying innocence...?) Later in the dream, this gas-pump is brought home by Perhan (he has been considering returning to his hometown), and, when he arrives and sets it inside the house, he expects to be welcomed by his grandmother. Instead, she embraces the gas-pump (!) and

completely ignores Perhan. A few scenes later, the grandmother throws the gas-pump into the river where it seems to collapse and sink as it drifts away... Thereafter, the dream becomes a

breathless smattering of images -- his childhood home catches fire and lifts itself away from its foundation to hover above him (similar to how Merdzan destroyed the house), his sister (now healed) dances around a table on which rests a scale model of the Vatican. Perhan awakes from his dream as a group of police are arresting the Gypsies.

During many times (particularly the Charlie Chaplain scene and the various scenes containing the floating bridal veil imagery), these dream sequences are indistinguishable from the story (movies such as " Monkeys" and "tal Recall" employ this devise as well, blurring the line between reality and dream). Indeed, the entire movie, even the sense of setting, seems dream-like. Take, for instance, Ahmed's camp underneath the freeway. When it is viewed from the front, it is a wall of make-shift houses,

trailers, and buses with the freeway arching overhead and the city beyond it hazy in the distance. When viewed outward, there is a huge sandy field (reminiscent of a desert -- possibly a symbol of moral desiccation) and train tracks which stretch off into a cloudy and dark distance.

After I finished watching this movie the first time, I felt a certain sense of hopelessness and despair. Perhaps it was the somewhat graphic rape scene midway through the movie. Perhaps it was the fact that the story ends with Perhan's son who has turned out to be a thief like his father (he even steals from his dead father). Or maybe it was because of the general moral depravity of the second half of the film -- the fact that there is no redemption except in Perhan's revenge (which could, itself, even be considered an atrocity). With the exception of Perhan's grandmother and a few of her fellow townspeople, all of the Gypsy characters are lunatics, alcoholics, child-stealers, or

pickpockets. Everyone knows that Gypsies have historically been (and, indeed, in some areas of the world, still are) considered among the outcasts of society. This movie does nothing to

displace these prejudices. We don't even really gain any insight (from their life experiences) as to why all of Emir's gypsies have no choice but to become thieves and liars. While these things do not lessen one's awe of the film, the viewer does come away with a sense of dissatisfaction -- that maybe the movie promised something that it didn't deliver. Take, for instance, the scene where Perhan has returned to his hometown and ends up "whoring" at the local bar. This is a powerful moment; in it, we see, perhaps objectively for the first time, Perhan's dramatic loss of the innocence and passion that he had during the first part of the movie. His grandmother's rejection is also very poignant, and yet, Emir seems to drop these things as quickly as he presents them -- that is, the interest Emir had in his

characters at the beginning of the film feels as if it is

tapering off. Perhan quickly leaves all of these experiences behind (almost as if unfazed by them) and pulls Azra into his miserable, lifeless pit. Emir is eager to do away with Azra, and, understandably so -- he has made her reappearance in the film a heart-wrenching experience; Perhan's rejection is surpassingly cruel, and Azra cowers under it. I think that Azra could have been as important as the bar scene and Perhan's grandmother in serving to counterpoint his life in the city. It is during that moment that the movie needed to take a turn back into its initial inspiration at the film's beginning. Instead, Azra remains a rather under-developed and feeble character, as do most of the characters here at the end (consider the way Ahmed becomes a non- character after his heart-attack).

But it is hard to criticize this movie. It is so large. And, redemption or not, everything Emir presents works. He doesn't even fall into the temptation of explaining all of his metaphors (and many of them are quite dense). During one of the last lines of the movie, Perhan is told that "life is only a mirage". If that is so, Emir has set us in a beautiful canoe and has given us a decaying fish with which to paddle as we drift down the streams of that mirage. At times we wince, we are repulsed, and yet we row. As the poet Anne Sexton said, "it is the awful rowing toward God."




====Volunteers Needed for Laboratory Research===

What is happening in your brain when you realize you are

dreaming? Volunteers are currently being sought to help answer this question in research at Stanford University. To qualify you should live in or visit the San Francisco Bay area of California and be fairly confident that you could have a lucid dream in the laboratory. Call or email for details (415-321-9969 or .




========Dream Link Update - DEAD LINKS =========

These Links have moved or have been removed.

If you have information on them, contact Richard Wilkerson


DreamX trade tapes on dreams

OLD address/url:

NEW address/url:


DreamLynx (formally DreamLink)

Becky and Linton Hutchinson's resource for the analysis and translation of dreams. It contains an Exchange section to process other dreams, a Journal area to post your dreams and a Resource section with theoretical orientation and techniques. Many other resources. One of the best on the Net! Also includes a wide variety of programs.

OLD address/url

NEW address/url


The Dream Archive - A collection of dreams by amateur

writers/dreamers in unexpurgated forms. Accompanying images may be just as disturbing.


Angie's Dream Chat - A friendly Bulletin Board style of posting dreams and comments on dreams.


DreamWeb: A site focusing on lucid dreaming, dream science and more. Anyone know what happened to this site?

========News From Fly-By-Night Club =========

The Fly-By-Night Club web site has been updated. Information on the just released book, Mutual Dreaming, and the new Internet course, Psychic-Creative Dreaming has been added to group

dreaming projects, dream clairvoyance, proactive dreaming tips and dream artwork.

Fly-By-Night Club is dedicated to the idea that dreams are playful and flying is fun. For the 1997-1998 year, FBNC will encourage a proactive approach to lucid, telepathic, mutual and flying dreams. You now have the opportunity to develop dream skills and further the cause of extraordinary dream research. Match personal psi/fly practice with FBNC goals and become a member of the Task Force.

Ana Marie Fortin's "The Flying Nun" experiment and Robert

Waggoner's lucid precognitive dreams now represent the Task Force on the Fly-By-Night Club web site. "Water Wings," a new flying dream experiment, has also been added.

Other benefits of membership include a subscription to the NightFlyer newsletter. Dues are $20/year. Contact Linda Lane Magallon, 1083 Harvest Meadow Ct., San Jose, CA 95136 U.S.A.

======National School of Sleep Medicine====

The field of Sleep Disorders Medicine is growing at a more rapid pace than initially predicted by physician's and sleep

practitioners. In order to provide quality instruction to a large population and to provide quality adult learning, we propose that a medium such as the World Wide Web can enhance and create an atmosphere conducive to adult learning. The National School of Sleep Medicine offers a wide variety of classes, both online and offline, to Technologists and Physicians, and to Administrative personnel, as well as preparing several Guest lectures by some of the most noted names in Sleep Medicine. For more information about this fascinating field, as well as the variety of education available on sleep and sleep disorders, visit the website today.

======Griebel's On-line Dictionary of Dream Symbols =========

Mike Griebel's website invites the reader to participate in creating a dynamic dictionary of dream symbols, and also includes an interesting Dream Interpretation Primer. The dream dictionary is a work-in-progress ; an exhaustive classification system of dream symbols, which will grow through feedback from readers regarding their experience of particular dream symbols. Griebel states that " At present the dictionary is a kind of specialized and enhanced thesaurus -- well, actually it's a term bank. You are just one click away from a super-concept (a Volvo is a car is a means of transport is a tool etc.) or from a sub-concept (a tool can be means of transport (a.o.) can be car (train, bus...) can be Volvo, Nissan, Ford...). In the same manner, a wheel is part of a vehicle, which in return can have wheel, seat, driver etc. That's the idea behind it. But for I know that right now there is not a lot of meat on those bones. The dictionary doesn't tell you what the Eiffel Tower symbolizes, or a pink panther. That's because nobody has written down that information. I need your suggestions and help. If you have any ideas as to what this or that symbol means, don't hesitate to send them to me."

======== Dream-Inspired Artwork =================



Shirley Dickie and Nanci Dixon are two outsider artists whose artwork is created from their dreams or visions. If you are interested in viewing their work, just follow these links. Your comments would be welcomed by each of them. They are both self- taught and find art a comfortable and important means to express what they have captured during sleep and subconscious thought.

========Electric Dreams Cyber-Dream Library Update========

The Electric Dreams Cyber-Dream Library is a great place to get backissues of EDreams, find online and offine resources and look up books and articles on your interest area in dreaming.

But what if you just don't know where to start? This month we are featuring at the Library the DREAM TOPICS section. Here you can explore the world of dreams via various topic areas. What, for example is the connection between Mythology and Dream? Where do you go for information about Nightmares? What do you do when your kids wake up with Nightmares? What do other cultures say about dreams? Can dreams predict the future? What is lucid dreaming? All these questions and more are addressed in the Dream Topics.

Dream Resources and Books, Dream Sharing and Dreamwork, Questions about Dreams & Dreaming, Alternative Dreaming , Anthropology and Dreams, Bodywork and Dreams, Freud and Dreams, Gestalt and Dreams, Jung and Dreams, Lucid Dreaming , Mythology and Dreams, Nightmares, Psi and Paranormal Dreams - see Alternative

Dreaming, Science of Dreaming, Spirituality and Dreams,

Miscellaneous topics in Dreaming, Online Dream Library &

Reference Center


DREAM CALENDAR -- Aug-Sep 1997


Aug 3, Santa Cruz, CA

"Dreams: An Adventure into Dreaming". A one day, experiential workshop led by Gina Pearlin, CHT. Guided trance, art play and writing will used to explore and understand your dreams. Sunday, Aug. 3. 10am - 4pm. $60. Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts, Santa Cruz, CA. (408) 476-2152.

Aug 1-3, Monterey, CA

"Thresholds of Creativity Conference -- Eros, Shadow and Spirit". Sponsored by the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. For more information, contact ATP, P.O. Box 3049, Stanford, CA 94309- 3049, 1-888-801-1997, or fax 415-327-0535.

Aug 10-16 -- Assisi, Italy

"The Confluence of Matter and Psyche", a conference dealing with Jungian archetypes, self-organization and archetypal fields. For more information, contact Brattleboro Professional Center, 802- 348-6628.

Aug 11-16 -- Beverly, MA

Five Day Intensive with Jeremy Taylor (part of UCS Summer Program II) at Eddicott College. For more information, call 617-558-7733.

Aug 13 -- Pittsburgh, PA

The Dream Workshop will meet July 23, August 13 and August 27 at 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends Meeting House) at 7 p.m. Call 241- 7885 for more information.

Aug 14-17 -- Berkeley, CA

Conference: Intuition, From the Art of Inner Knowing to the Skills of the Business World, and Opening The Intuitive Gateway Through Your Dreams, Berkeley Marriott Marina. For further information, call 510-526-5510 or email

Aug 23 in Sebastopol

Creations Bring Dreams & Their Dreamers Together, BADG meeting, presentation and dream potluck. Call Rank Farkas at 707-824-0804 for more information.

Aug 23-- Santa Cruz, CA

Dream Theater Dream Group every six weeks at the Dream Institute located in Santa Cruz. Call Kathleen O'Connellat 408-425-3320 for more information, or visit the website at

Aug 27 -- Pittsburgh, PA

The Dream Workshop will meet July 23, August 13 and August 27 at 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends Meeting House) at 7 p.m. Call 241- 7885 for more information.

Aug 21-25 -- Palo Alto, CA

Consciousness: Dreaming and Waking, A 4-day Residential Training Program in Lucid Dreaming with Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. For

information, or to register, call 415-321-9969 or 1-800-Go-Lucid; FAX 415 -321-9967; EMAIL: or write to The Lucidity Institute, 2555 Park Blvd., Suite 2, Palo Alto, CA 94306.

Aug 29-31 -- Carpinteria, CA

"Tending the Voices in the Dreamscape", a seminar in learning the craft of dreamwork. Tuition is $285. For more information, contact Pacific Graduate Institute, 249 Lambert Road,

Carpinteria, CA 93013. Phone: 805-969-3626. Fax: 805-565-1932.

Aug 30-Sep 1 -- San Rafael, CA

" International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and

Alternate Modes of Healing", Santa Sabina Center. For more information, contact Ruth-Inge Heinz, 510-849-3791

Sep 1-4 -- Carpinteria, CA

"Ancient Dreamings" -- Advanced applications of Dreamwork. For more information, contact Pacific Graduate Institute, 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013. Phone: 805-969-3626. Fax: 805-565- 1932.

Sep 13 -- Hawaii Pacific University

"Dreams an Wholistic Healing", a one-day program sponsored by ASD. For further information, contact

Sep 13 -- Palo Alto, CA

"Your Dream Maker As Spiritual Guide" with Dr. Hellevi Ruumet,. 10:00am-4:00pm. $55.00 For more information, contact Pate Luce at 408- 270-0116, email:

Sept 19 -- Bethesda MD

Small Press Expo at the Holiday Inn. Jesse Reklaw will be presenting Concave Up, the illustrated dream anthology. Drop by and

have your dream sketched! Contact Jesse Reklaw for more information or visit the Concave Up website at

Sep 20 -- Santa Cruz, CA

Dreams and Dreamwork with Christine Boyer from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Information about cost and location can be received by calling Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Department at (408) 429- 3663.

Sept 24 - Nov 12 -- San Anselmo, CA

"Dreaming as a Spiritual Practice", an 8-week workshop devoted to exploring the spiritual dimensions of dreaming conducted by Kelly Bulkeley. The workshop is open to people from all different spiritual and religious perspectives. Call Joan Currey at 415- 258-6583 for more information.

== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N7 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **



Vol. 4 Number 7.

Highlights from this issue: Ominous dreams of shuttle disaster and nuclear devastation, happy dreams of Good Humor, a line/path of safety, a magical elevator ride, a plunge over the Niagara

Falls, a lake connection to Hong Kong, a journey to Tibet, Bill & Hillary, and a visit with a Spiritual leader.




= Commentary by Heratheta on "dream meeting" (970708) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on "dream meeting" (970711) =


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

* Dreams: New Dreams & Precognitive Questions by Simon (970713)*

** Dream: "Columbia Landing Accident" by Simon **

** Dream: "After a Nuclear Attack" by Simon" **

** Dream: "San Antonio War Memorial" **

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

========================================== ==========================================

AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: NO animals -- an ED first!]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

* Dream: 'Hillary Doesn't Do Good Wig Work' by Patrick (970709)*

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

* Dream 3: "the catch of Saskatchewan" by H (970717)*

* Dream 4: "Venetian Map" by (970717) *

* Dream 5: "Dream Map" by H (970717) *

= Commentary by H on Map Dreams by H (970717) =

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

* Dream: No More Plutonium by Gretchen (90XXXX) *

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

(See No More Plutonium in the ELEVATOR section)

FEAR [What scares us]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

* Dream: Entering Tibet - by Mike (970711) *

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

(See Stephanie's Lake Search in WATER)

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

* Dream: The Color White/Spiritual Dream by Paul (970711) *

= Commentary by Earl on The Color White/Spiritual Dream (970711)=

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

* Dream 2: "Uniquely Mine" by H (970717)*

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

*Dream: "Good Humor" by Alissa (960312) *

WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

* Dream: "The Lake Search" by Stephanie, age 14 (970715) *

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

== == == == == == == == == == == ==


(See The DIRECTIONS Section for an H Series)

== == == == == == == == == == == ==


== == == == == == == == == == == ==

Hello, Welcome to the Dreams Section of Electric Dreams, Volume 4 Number 7 (late July 1997).

Included in this issue are: Ominous dreams of shuttle disaster and nuclear devastation, happy dreams of Good Humor, a line/path of safety crossing dreams, a magical elevator ride, a plunge over the Niagara Falls, a lake connection to Hong Kong, a journey to Tibet, Bill & Hillary, and a visit with a Spiritual leader.

As always, thanks to the many dream contributors who generously share their dreams and the commentators who share their dream wisdom.

Wherever you are, thanks for reading, and come on join in the fun. Send us a dream or commentary.

Bob Krumhansl



= Commentary by Heratheta on "dream meeting" (970708) =

Avoid "but" situations in yourself and others until your next dream and the geographical location of the dream especially the way directly toward and away from same. Your body has a tendency to imitate the dream while your soul seeks a place away from it. A relationship between the two cannot succeed in opposition. Therefore, by taking a position to the side rather than opposite will influence without offense.

= Commentary by Heratheta "dream meeting" (970711) =

To those others who may have questions about some of the interpretation I wrote about the dream meeting and thanks to mbees for sharing understanding encouragement and kind words:

"but" situations are situations which when arisen cause so to say "but," and the geography thing is if you have a dream. For example, while sleeping in your bed and the location of the dream is north of your bed , a good direction for your soul to take would be to the east or west of your bed depending on whether you might be right or left handed. Looking at the north from your bed the east would be less likely to be stressful and the west for a left handed person. These directions for soul travel are streams of soul-consciousness wherein a lesser amount of stress lies. A left-handed path for a right-handed person would not be as stressful as either of the body streams, those in the example would be north south planes. And, of course getting to work makes avoiding the body streams impossible at times. However, once at your workplace, assuming a posture wherein you would face toward your souls stream of consciousness would ameliorate some of the stress you incur getting to work. This whole concept is a feng shui for dreamers, and since streams can change course, it is a feng shui alive and rearranging with every dream. My stream was ideally headed to the southwest today and I being on vacation had more opportunity to indulge my souls feng shui. I even upon hearing from a friend that a musical composition of mine, a blues song, had a chance to be included in a new cd was inspired to write another and wrote it while in the stream of my soul. It came less difficultly and I would suggest the same posture for those with writer's block. Because our bodies change with age while our souls are immutable, it seems to me to be best alligned with the long haul.

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PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

* Dreams: New Dreams & Precognitive Questions by Simon (970713)*

On the subject of precognitive dreams:

** Dream: Columbia Landing Accident by Simon **

One disturbing dream I keep having involves a landing accident with the shuttle Columbia. In the dream, I am watching TV and there is coverage of a shuttle landing, and as the Columbia comes in low over the runway at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, part of the landing gear fails to deploy and the shuttle hits the runway and explodes.

The most recent time the dream occured, I saw the shuttle crash, and I am wheelling into the den at my house saying 'We've lost another one' over and over, and the CNN anchor says something like '.....can't believe this....defense condition one now in effect...never thought they would go that far...retaliation.'

I then heard this low wailing noise from outside- air raid sirens.

Defense Condition (DEFCON) for the US military is on a 5 to 1 scale, 5 being peacetime, 1 being nuclear war in progress. The anchor seemed to imply that someone was responsible for the loss of the shuttle and we were responding with nuclear weapons.

** Dream: "After a Nuclear Attack by Simon" **

In another dream I find myself seeing San Antonio Tx (where I live) in the aftermath of a nuclear attack. Initially I didn't know what I was seeing- the dream starts off with me waking up on the living room couch and the house is bitterly cold. The power is out. The front windows are borken. I look outside and see the sky masively overcast, and I put on my coat and go outside. What looks like snow is falling, and it is quiet except for the wind blowing. I manage to get one of the cars started and decide to try to reach downtown. All along the roads there are road signs knocked down and stalled cars with strange whitish dust by their open doors. and weird white marks on the pavement. I drive the 11 miles or so to downtown and as I near the center of the city I see more and more cars in the outbound lanes just sitting there, stalled on the spot.

Then the skyline comes into view, and I see many of the buildings and the Tower of the Americas gone. I drive into downtown and see most of the large buildings either leveled or burned out.

I am stopped by a solider wearing a protective suit, who tells me 'You've got to get out of here' and I ask what happened, and he says 'We don't came so fast it might have been a typhoon out in the gulf'. First I thought he meant a hurricane, then when I realized it was a nuclear attack, the soldier meant a Typhoon submarine in the Gulf. Typhoon is a type of Soviet/Russian submarine that carries nuclear missiles. The soldier kept talking about how we had tried to destroy the people that destroyed our shuttle. I assume he was talking about the Columbia since I had had that dream before the nuclear war dream.

When it really hit me that a nuclear war had occured I realized why it was so cold- nuclear winter. And it was ash and fallout rather than snow falling. I looked over and saw people wandering about and said 'What about those survivors?' The soldier said 'There are no survivors' and I said 'But those people?..' and I was cut off- he said 'This was ground zero for a nuclear airburst- excess of 500 rads. There are no survivors here.'

500 rads is lethal radiation exposure level. I got out of the car and went into one of the buildings and was stopped by another soldier who appeared to be talking to a woman who wasn't in a protective suit, and he was handing her a pistol. He then turned to me and handed me a similar automatic pistol and told me 'There is one bullet, and under the circumstances I think this is acceptable.' I kept hearing single gunshots from other parts of the building.

I couldn't believe what was being suggested, and I went back outside, and saw more people in protective suits loading long wooden boxes into the backs of trucks. I felt so sick realizing what the boxes were, and seeing an almost endless line of troops loading these boxes and an endless line of the trucks heading out from the city with these boxes loaded in the back.

The first soldier who stopped me said 'We will remember them. We are victorious'.

I couldn't understand- in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust someone was calling it victory.

** Dream: San Antonio War Memorial" **

I am on a tour of downtown San Antonio, the skyline is almost futuristic, and totally different than from the real city. The tour group comes upon some piles of rubble and a large concrete pillar with it's top cut off about 30 or 40 feet up. I went closer and saw that it was the base of the destroyed Tower of the Americas, complete with the ticket booth and elevator doors.

There was a massive wall with names inscribed on it, and the tour guide explained that on it were inscribed the names of the 1 million people killed in the city on the day of the war. The rubble and tower base were left in place during reconstrucion of the city as part of the war memorial.


These dreams have always worried me. I had a dream on December 28 1985 about a shuttle disaster and the shuttle in that dream was the Challenger, and I saw Chernobyl a few days before the Soviets had revealed the accident to the western press. And I also saw the 1989 San Francisco earthquake as well as various plane crashes, such as the two crashes last summer (the crash in Florida and TWA 800.

In July of 1995 I had a dream about a plane crash involving a takeoff crash of a DC-10 that was in the markings of a company called 'Japan Air Cargo'. This crash hasn't happened yet.

I have had other dreams that seem to predict some future events as well as dreams that seem to be a glimpse of alternate timelines. The Challenger dream and the plane crash dreams have always really affected me because I didn't do anything.

My apologies if this is off-topic for the newsletter.


= Commentary on Precognitive Dreams by Heatheta (970715) =

There have been too many "low","base",and "failed" things in your life. The fact that some of these things havn't thickened into news events or so called reality, the kind we can touch, doesn't mean they are not real, but they are less thick and out there in dream form only still. Because some of us manage to at least avoid some of our dreams, we live in a world as peaceful as it is. To think that there is an alternative reality is enough of a reality.

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

========================================== ==========================================

AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: NO animals -- an ED first!]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

Dear Bob,

I would appreciate any comments on this recent dream.

* Dream: 'Hillary Doesn't Do Good Wig Work' by Patrick (970709)*

Someone tells me that Hillary doesn't do good wig work - that she wouldn't wear a wig prepared by Hillary Clinton. Hillary is welcome to come - she's the life of the party - but I wouldn't wear a wig she prepares, this person tells me. She seems to feel a lot of jealousy of Hillary. Hillary comes from a higher social class than Bill. Hillary tells Bill what to do. I see someone baring Hillary from going into Bill's humble childhood home. It is Bill trying to keep her out - keeping her out.

Thanks, Patrick

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

* Dream 3: "the catch of Saskatchewan" by H (970717)*

Last night, I dreamt I am in a restaurant taking food. Then I am outside and I see people have umbrellas and big parasols and there is a lot of rain and strong wind.(heavy weather) Suddenly the parasols are flying through the air to the right side. I am the only one who keep my umbrella above my head and mine was not lost by the stormy wather. Then I see many ships in front of me from the right to the left side, moving in the strong wind but they are still stable because there is a line keeping them in the right place. Everybody was safe along this line although you still could feel the strong wind. In the group I tell the other people this is "the catch of Saskatchewan"

* Dream 4: "Venetian Map" by (970717) *

The midst of June I dreamt about looking at an Italian map and seeing via Venice and via Toronto, a week ago

Dream 5: "Dream Map" by H

I dreamt about looking at a map and seeing England and the Bermuda's (my girlfriend had a game about the Bermuda triangle and told me about ships and planes which were mysteriously vanished in the water) This dream gave safety to the ships by the line which kept them in the right place not influenced by the strong wind. I never had the kind of dreams looking at a map as I had now this month.

= Commentary by H on Map Dreams by H (970717) =

Last year in April, I saw on a map Portengensebrug (bridge)and the T was important. When I was back in the Netherlands(I had this dream in California), I saw this town on the Dutch map which belonged to Breukelen, what means Brooklyn (named after this town). A few months later I met a man from San Francisco born in Brooklyn(New York)...

I realize there is a lot of emotions coming up for me and my children( just one of them gave me his dream) but I am not sure what the catch of Saskatchewan means to me. I have never been in Canada or North America. Even catch is repeated in the word Saskatchewan. Maybe somebody has an insight which I don't have.

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

* Dream: No More Plutonium by Gretchen (90XXXX) *

Sometime in 1990:

I was in an elevator, not quite sure where I was going, but I was going to be with my family I think. The elevator starting dropping floors rapidly, and I noticed that I was going below ground level. When the elevator stopped abruptly, I pushed the button to open the door. I was amazed that I was looking at a city. I stepped out, and straight in front of me about 500 feet, was a dirty old factory. I noticed snow and ice on the ground, so it was winter, but I don't remember feeling the cold. There was a high fence around the factory, and in the foreground I saw a huge pile of 5' to 6' long objects wrapped in white meat wrapping paper. My attention was caught by a young boy who had one of theses objects and was running on the ice and then hopping on this wrapped object like it was a toboggan...sliding down the street.

To the right of the factory was a small log cabin house, with an elderly lady sitting on the porch in a rocking chair. When I looked back at the boy, he had opened one end of the paper, and had his head sticking inside. When he came out he said "Mmmm cuntsickle" I was shocked at what he said, and then saw a frozen female human leg sticking out of the paper. I felt sick to my stomach and yelled at the boy "What are you DOING??" he got up and ran into the log cabin house.

I immediately went up to the old lady on the porch and started to say how shocked I was at what this boy had done, but before I had a chance to tell her, she interrupted me and called for the boy to come out and apologize to me; as if she already knew.

Then I was across the street at a saloon. There were two women outside flirting with one another intimately. I asked them where I was, and how to get out of here. One said "We don't know how we got here either, but now we don't care." They both started to giggle and went on with their own business.

At this time I was more confused and a little scared. I continued to walk down the street, which split in a Y with a large corner building in between the two streets. The street on the left was lined with people standing single file along the curb facing the building. They were all saying in unison "NO MORE PLUTONIUM ...NO MORE URANIUM...NO MORE TITANIUM..." over and over again. Then I was looking at a large screened TV watching a ship blow up....when I looked back at the people, one man stepped off the curb into the street, turned and looked at me and said "I tried to leave, you can't leave" and then he stepped back in line.

I was looking at the TV again, but was at my childhood home. I was in the kitchen with a bunch of people. Everyone was eating and watching this ship blow up. One man commented that the butter knives were too dull, and I said without taking my eyes off the screen "Butter knives are supposed to be dull"

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

(See No More Plutonium in the ELEVATOR section)

FEAR [What scares us]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

* Dream: Entering Tibet - by Mike (970711) *

This is a dream I had in March 1996. I didn't write it down until the evening, so some is undoubtedly lost. I am male, 35 years old.

I am standing before a stonewall which resembles the great wall of China. I know there's a hole in it, but that hole is covered with snow which I am removing with a shovel. The hole is only about 50 cm in diameter, so I must crawl to get through it.

Inside there is a square room, about 3 m on each side. There is a large opening in the wall to the right, about 2 m wide (leaving about 50 cm wall on each side of it). Looking in that direction I am initially startled as I discover the presence of two people in a similar room, a child around 10 and a woman around my own age. The woman is wearing a headscarf (white?). I withdraw from the first room because of my fright, but decide to reenter.

The second time I discover two other people. Immediately to the right of the first two sits an elderly man (he is in his sixties), and to his right a man around my own age. The latter greets me heartily with a "Well, someone having fun there, eh" (meaning me). The "other room" is in fact only the start of a long tunnel extending from the wall, perpendicular on it, and way ahead.

xx xx

Top view: xx (tunnel) xx

xx xx

xx xx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxx 4 xxxxxxxxxx massive

xxxxxxxxxx 3 xxxxxxxxxx wall

xxxxxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxxxxx continues

xxxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxx left and xxxxxxxxxx me xx xxxxxxxxxx right

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


(The numbers 1-4 refer to the order in which I meet the people in the tunnel. I don't remember the order of the woman and the child, however).

The guy who greets me is Danish like myself, so we can communicate in Danish. His name is Henrik, I think (I am told somebodys name, either his or the old mans). The other three are Tibetan. The old man is the leader of this little group; in fact he is a high-ranking something -- not Dalai Lama, but some local leader (or in charge of some area). He is crowned with something which resembles the adornment of native americans, about a half meter high or more, and made of large brown feathers, each about 25 cm. long and 10 cm. wide.

I understand that the tunnel is part of a gigantic underground complex through which one can enter and leave Tibet as one pleases without anyone (read: the Chinese) knowing anything about it -- only tibetans know of the tunnels existence. Farther, much farther on through the tunnel there is a connection to a kind of labyrinth (?) in the left side of the tunnel, and via the labyrinth a way out into the open -- inside Tibet. The tunnel extends way beyond this labyrinth, however.

I have no recollection of walking through the tunnel, not even of being told all this in words. It's just something I know or learn. Only spoken words are Henriks initial greeting.

I end up walking downhill with a woman (perhaps the one with the headscarf?). I think we are talking together. I don't know where we came out of the tunnel, and I don't know whether we are inside or outside Tibet.

When I woke up, my feeling was that "my wall" was situated between Tibet and the "free world", i.e. between Tibet and India, Nepal or Bhutan. Besides, the great wall of China is up somewhere in the north towards Mongolia, whereas Tibet is down in the southwestern part of China, so the great wall couldn't possibly be on the border of Tibet, right?

Well, I have been reading up on Tibet. What the Chinese have decided to define as Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) covers only about two thirds of the area where Tibetans live inside China (in fact, more Tibetans in China live outside than inside TAR). The traditional Tibetan province Amdo extends to the northeast from TAR almost to Mongolia and the great wall.

Some additional information which may be interesting

1.I first see person number 1 and 2, and then withdraw, but I don't see 1 and 2 clearly when I enter the second time. The first time 1 and 2 may have been in the positions where number 3 and 4 are on the drawing, and then moved to make place for 3 and 4. 1 and 2 are partly covered by the small piece of wall to the right of the opening between the room and the tunnel (plus one is partially covering the other), but I have a direct view to number 3 and 4.

2.At least when I enter the second time, all four are sitting with their legs crossed. 1 and 2 (the woman and the child) are looking in the direction of the tunnel, while 3 and 4 (the young and the old man) are looking at me. I think the young man raises his right hand as he greets me. He is quite jolly.

3.I don't remember anything about illumination. All I can say is that I am able to see.

4.The old mans adornment reminds me of someone in another dream, but it's a bit too long to recite. This fellow is about 45, and has an adornment of inverted broomsticks (brushes pointing upwards), with in-laid scissors, bayonets, pistols and revolvers. Yes, I know these are phallic. Also, he is German, but he understands what I say (I am discussing his appearance with a girl).

5.I had a boss by the name Henrik a few years ago (I am not sure the dream-name is Henrik). I think the day residual has something to do with me going in a TUNNEL under a street the night before to take a bus home (I had seen a movie). Someone called for someone: "Come on, Henrik" (or another name).

6.In the end, when I'm with a woman, I think we are inside Tibet, because there is no snow (as there was outside the entrance).

7.I would say the child is probably a boy (66,7% probability).


Well, now it's your turn! Do you have any suggestions as to what my dream means?

You could give me an interpretation, which means you tell me what you think my dream means to me...but I am much more interested in translations, i.e. in what my dream means to you. I suggest you start you translation with the phrase "If this dream were mine,...".


LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

(See Stephanie's Lake Search in WATER)

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

* Dream: The Color White/Spiritual Dream by Paul (970711) *

A few nights ago I dreamed I had an encounter with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, who is the spiritual leader of the Siddha Yoga Dham Association. I dreamed I was at the SYDA Ashram in South Fallsburg, NY and I was nervous about meeting her and I was wondering how I should act. When I met her I just folded my hands under my chin in salutation. Gurumayi was wearing a beige robe in my dream and she looked me directly in the eyes. Suddenly her robe turned blazing white and white light was blasting from her in all directions. I felt a rush of energy go through me and I began laughing out loud with joy and delight, and also at why I was so worried about meeting her.

I'm struck by the color white in the dream and I'm wondering if anyone could give me some information about the symbolism.



= Commentary by Earl on The Color White/Spiritual Dream (970711)=


Earlier this month I was in the darsham line for a Hindu saint. All of her acolytes wore white.

In America, brides wear white as a symbol of purity.

In near death experiences, people speak of heading for a white light.

If this were my dream, I would consider it an encounter w/ the sacred. I would reenter the dream from the interior of the guru and experience what it was to be the white light. It is my personal belief that we are all that light; we just sometimes for it.

I hope these thoughts are of use to you.


Earl Koteen <>

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

* Dream 2: "Uniquely Mine" by H (970717)*

In the same week, I had a dream being in a classroom and noticing the teachers look for a Spanish book which I have and nobody else has. Later on in the dream my girlfriend is interviewing two Indian (Native American) women and I feel interest to do the same.

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

From Alissa: I'm putting this in my Life , Art Dreams column with a picture, but am interested in comments. If you want to see the related art piece, go to

*Dream: "Good Humor" by Alissa (960312) *

I am driving my car home after an important event where I learned a lot and changed significantly. It was a large gathering, over a period of time, and I feel it has had a deep influence on me for the good. I want to bring this home with me in how I act in life and how I feel about myself. It is a sunny day.

I suddenly realize I'm driving carelessly because I hear a car on my right, behind me, making musical notes to get my attention. I realize I had not seen it and was almost crowding it off the road. A Good Humor truck playing chimes.

I slow down and let it get ahead of me and watch carefully to be sure no children run out into the road. I feel relieved that I have caught myself and "come back to my senses", and not had an accident. I drive on calmly, carefully. I see the driver of the GH driver pull over to a parking area on the right where children are waiting for her and greet her happily, eager for ice cream. She is a cheerful plump young woman, with honey colored, wavy hair and fair skin, strong, secure, capable, responsible, alert to the children she attracts with her chimes and sells ice cream to, careful to protect them.

I drive on, glad all is well. I want to bring the beneficial effect of the event home with me in how I drive.


WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

[ RW - I set up one of our ED "ad" pages with a form. Here is the first entry from ]

* Dream: "The Lake Search" by Stephanie, age 14 (970715) *

I was at the lake with my family and everyone was deep in the water. We were all wearing life jackets except my 3 year old brother, Christopher who was tied to a tube in which my other brother, Jordan who is 12 was sitting on. A big wave came and the tube went flying. When it came down Christopher was gone. Jordan and I went under water to look for him and the rest of my family just carried on. I was looking for him when I saw my Jordan. He told me to go go away because he was looking here and he wanted to get the credit when he found Christopher. Several minutes later Jordan quit looking and they mad an announcement out of the sky that Christopher was missing. Still, I was the only one looking for him. I was criing and walking out of the water to get to a new spot to sarch. A man came up to me and said we'd find him. I started yelling at him that Christopher would die without anyone elses help. He just laughed. About an hour later I swam back to my family to see if they ! found Christopher yet. There he was playing happily. My mom told me that Christopher flew off the tube when the big wave came. He landed in Hong Kong!(I have to relation to Hong Kong) I don't remember how he was returned.

*Dream 1: "Over a Barrel" by Son of H (970717) *

I send you a dream of my 13 year old boy(the youngest son)(last week) " I am in a barrel and fall down the Niagara falls, (he had seen a program on tv 2 months ago about these falls ) I survive this fall and in the water at the end of this journey he climbs the shore and is happy he survived. Then he comes to an Indian tribe and they intend to put him in a

(cooking ) pot and he wakes up . He realizes he can survive such a difficult fall in a barrel but then gets in trouble again being in the Indian tribe.

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

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(See The DIRECTIONS Section for an H Series)

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Well, that's all for now Folks. See you in ED 4.8.

Hasta La Vista!

Bob Krumhansl






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2) Select Browse

3) On the Main Services Menu, click the Home /Leisure icon

4) Then, Click: Special Interests icon

5) Then, Click: Religion option

6) Then, Click: New Age B Forum option (also referred to as NEWBAGE)

7) Then, Enjoy.

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:


Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:


Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the

FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post messages.

Thanks to our many web links!


The Electric Dreams Staff


Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Chris Hicks - Dream Research & Group Moderator

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper

Rob Childress (Rob Childress)


The Oneiro-Network

Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor

mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Alissa Goldring - Contributing editor

Cover this month by Jesse Reklaw

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your dreams!

+ The generous authors of our articles

+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton


All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with the permission of either the author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.




Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not affiliated with any other organization. The views of our commentators are personal views and not intended as professional advise or psychotherapy.



August 13, WED deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(8)