
Collected Dream Texts Bibliographies

Stewart Gabel

Gabel, S. (1993). The phenomenology of the self and its
     objects in waking and dreaming: Implications for a
     model of dreaming. _Journal of the American Academy of
     Psychoanalysis_ 21, 339-362.

Gabel, S. (1991). Monitoring the state of the self in
     dreams. Historical perspectives and theoretical
     implications. _Psychoanalysis and Contemporary
     Thought_ 14, 425-451.

Gabel, S. (1990). Dreams and dissociation theroy:
     Speculations on beneficial aspects of their linkage.
     _Dissociation_ 3, 38-47.

Gabel, S. (1989). Dreams as a possible manifestation of
     dissociated system of self monitoring within the
     individual. _Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
     177, 560-568.
Gabel, S. (1988a). The right hemisphere in imagery,
     hypnosis, REM sleep and dreaming. _Journal of Nervous
     and Mental Disease_ 176, 323-331

Gabel, S. (1988b). The right hemisphere in imagery,
     hypnosis, REM sleep and dreaming. _Journal of Nervous
     and Mental Disease_ 175, 193-200.

Gabel, S. (1987). Information processing in REM sleep:
     Possible neurophysiological, neuropsychological and
     clinical correlates. _Journal of Nervous and Mental
     Disease_ 175, 193-200.

Gabel, S. (1985). Sleep research and clinically reported
     dreams. Can they be integrated? Dora, revisited.
     _Journal of Analytical Psychology 30, 185-205.


Gabel, S. (????). The development of a self-psychological
     theory of dreams: Historical and clinical
     considerations. In: Goldberg, A. (Ed.), _A Decade of
     Progress. Progress in Self Psychology_ (Volume 10, pp.

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