DreamGate & Electric Dreams

Collected Dream Texts Bibliographies

Bibliography of Dream Books & Articles

Collected by Richard Wilkerson

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Ablon, Steven Luria & Mack, John E. (1980). Children's
  dreams reconsidered. The Psychoanalytic Study of the
  Child, 35, 179-217. [see Mack 1965]
Abraham, Karl (1955a). Should patients write down their
  dreams? 33-35. In Clinical Papers and Essays on
  Psycho-Analysis.  London: The Hogarth Press and
  Institute of Psycho-Analysis.
--------. (1955b) Dreams and myth: A study in
  folk-psychology.   151-209. In Clinical Papers and
  Essays on Psycho-Analysis.  London: The Hogarth Press
  and Institute of Psycho-Analysis.
Abramovitch, Henry & Lange, Tsila (1994). Dreaming about my
  patient: A case illustration of a therapist's initial
  dream. Dreaming, 4(2), 105-113.
Adelson, Edward T. (Ed.). (1963). Dreams in Contemporary
  Psychoanalysis. New York: The Society of Medical
  Psychoanalysts. (Symposium on dreams, NY 1959)
   [The dream in the theraputic process - E. A. Gutheil
    On dream interpretation - W. V. Silverberg
    Dream as instrument in rational Psychotherapy - B. S.
    Discussion of Robbins paper - W. Bonime
    Analysis in treatment of blind - H. R. Blank
     Facts and Theories of The psychology of dreams -
     The Dream, A door to the larger self -Weiss, F. A.]
Adelson, Joseph (1960). Creativity and the dream.  Merrill
  Palmer Quarterly, 6, 92-97.
Adler, Alfred (1956). Early recollections and dreams. In 
  Heinz   & Rowena Ansbacher (Eds.), The Individual
  Psychology of Alfred Adler. NY: Basic Books, Inc.
--------. (1936). On the interpretation of dreams.
  International  Journal of Individual Psychology, First
  Quarter, 3-16
--------. (1929). Dreams and their interpretation. In The
  Science of Living. Garden City, NY: Garden City
  Puplishing Co.
Ahsen, Akhter (1992a). The Method of prolucid dreaming.
  Journal of Mental Imagery, 16(1&2), Spring/Summer, 3-13.
--------. (1992b). Prolucid dreaming: A content analysis
  approach to dreams. Journal of Mental Imagery, 16(1&2),
  Spring/Summer, 15-84.
--------. (1992c). Prolucid perspectives: Alternate
  physiologies, myths as filters, and essences. Journal of
  Mental Imagery, 16(1&2), Spring/Summer, 185-227.
--------. (1991). Imagery and consciousness: Putting
  together poetic, mythic and social realities. Journal of
  Mental Imagery, 15(1&2), 63-96. 
--------. (1986). Prologue to unvividness paradox. Journal
  of Mental Imagery, 10(1), 1-8.
--------. (1986). New surrealist manifesto: Interlocking of
  sanity and insanity. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(2),    1-32.
--------. (1985). Unividness paradox. Journal of Mental
  Imagery, 9(3), 1-18.
Alcuaz, Marie de (1985). Contemporary idioms of surrealism.
  Dreamworks, 4(1), 1984-85, 59-69.
Algan, Refik (1992). The dream of the sleeper: Dream
  interpretation and meaning in Sufism.  Gnosis, 22,
Allison, Truett (1976). Sleep in mammals: Ecological and
  constitutional correlates. Science, 194(4266), 732-734.
Allison, Truett & Van Twyver, Henry (1970). The evolution
  of sleep. Natural History, 79, pp. 56-65.
Alston, T. M., Calogeras, R. C., Deserno, H. (Eds.) (1993).
  Dream Reader: Psychoanalytic Articles on Dreams.
  International Universities Press.
Amann, A. (1965). The dream as a diagnostic and therapeutic
  factor. In Joseph B. Wheelwright (Ed.), The Reality of
  the Psyche: The Proceedings of the Third International
  Congress for Analytical Psychology. NY: G. P. Putnam's
Angyal, Andras (1965). Neurosis and Treatment: A Holistic
  Theory. E. Hanfamann and R. M. Jones (Eds.), NY: John
  Wiley & Sons.
   [#8 The Theory of Universal Ambiguity pp. 99-116]

Ansbacher, Heinz, L. & Rowena R. (1956). " Early
Recollections and Dreams". In The Individual Psychology of
Alfred Adler. New York, NY: Basic Books, Inc.

Altman, Leon L. (1969). The Dream in Psychoanalysis. New
  York: International Universities Press, Inc.
   [Summary of Freud + Chapter 9 on infantile sexuality]
Amiotte, Arthur (1982). Our other selves: The Lakota dream
  experience. Parabola, 7(2), 26-32.
Antrobus, John S. (1986). Dreaming: Cortical activation and
  perceptual thresholds. The Journal of Mind and Behavior,
  7(2&3), 193-212.
--------. (1977) The Dream as Metaphor: An information
  Processing and learning model. Journal of Mental
  Imagery, 2 327-338.
Antrobus, John S. & Bertini, Mario (Eds.). (1992). The
  Neuro- psychology of Sleep and Dreaming, Hillsdale, NJ:
  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Pub.
     [Bib +see review notes, all chapters
    Introduction/review by Ed.s
    Chap 8. Reinsel, R., Antrobus, J., & Wollman, M.
           Bizarreness in Dreams and Waking Fantacy. pp.
           pg 184 includes Bizareness scale description]
Antrobus, Judith S., Dement, W., and Fisher, C. (1964).
  Patterns of dreaming and dream recall: An eeg study.
  Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69(3),
Arana, Victoria R. (1984). Sibling incest stories.
  Dreamworks. 4(1), 1984-85, 44-51. Arkin, A., Hastey, J.,
  & Reiser, M. (1966). Post-hypnotically stimulated
  sleep-talking. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
  142(4), 293-309.
Arlow, Jacob A.(1961). A typical dream. Journal of the
  Hillside Hospital, 10, 154-158.
Arlow, Jacob A. & Brenner, Charles (1964). Dreams and the
  Structural Theory. In Psychoanalytic Concepts and the 
  Structural Theory (Chapter 9, pp. 114-143). New York:
  International Universities Press. Asch, S. (1961). The
  metaphor: A psychological inquiry. In M. Henle (Ed.),
  Documents of Gestalt Psychology. Berkeley: University of
  California Press.
Aserinsky, E. (1969). Drugs and dreams, A synthesis.
  Experimental Medicine and Surgery: Drugs and Dreams,
  27(1&2), 237-244.
Aserinsky, E., & Kleitman, N. (1953). Regularly occurring
  periods of eye motility, and concommitant phenomena,
  during sleep. Science, 118(3026), 273-274.
Aserinsky, E., & Kleitman, N. (1955). Two types of ocular
  motility occurring in sleep. Journal of Applied
  Physiology, 8(1), 1-10.
Asper, Kathrin (1992). The Inner Child in Dreams. Sharon E.
  Rooks, (trans), Boston, MA: Shambhala.
Atchity, Kenneth John (1980). Dream and poetry: The cave of
  imagination. Dreamworks, 1(2), Summer, 169-180.
Atwood, George E. & Stolorow, Robert D. (1984). Structures
  of Subjectivity: Explorations in Psychoanalytic
  Phenomenology. (Chapter on Dreams pp. 97-117).
  Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. 
Auld, Frank, Goldberg, G. M. & Weiss, J. V. (1968).
  Measurement of primary-process thinking in dream
  reports. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
  8(4), 418-426.
Austin, M. D. (1971). Dream recall and the bias of
  intellectual ability, Nature 231, 59-60.
Bakan, David (1989). Contributions to the history of
  psychology: LIII. Maimonides' "Freudian" theory of
  prophecy. Psychological Reports, 64,667-675.
Baldridge, B., Whitman, R, & Kramer, M. (1962?). A
  simplified method for detecting eye movements during
  dreaming. Psychosomatic Medicine, 25,78-82.
Barad, M., Altshuler, K. Z., & Goldfarb, A. I. (1961). A
  survey of dreams in aged persons. Archives of General
  Psychiatry, 4(4), 113/419-118/424.
Barasch, Marc (Oct 1983). A hitchhikers guide to dreamland.
   New Age Journal, Oct 39-50.
Barber, Theodore X. (1962). Toward a theory of 'hyponic'
  behaviour: The hypnotically induced dream. Journal of
  Nervous and Mental Disease, 135(3), 206-221.
Barolini, Helen. (1992). Aldus and His Dream Book. New
  York: Italica Press, Inc.
Barrett, Deirdre (1994). Dreams in dissociative disorders.
  Dreaming, 4(3), 165-175.
--------.  (1993). The "Comittee of Sleep": A study of
dream incubation for problem solving. Dreaming, 3(2),
--------. (1992a). Through a glass darkly: Images of the
  dead in dreams. Omega, 24(2),97-108.
--------. (1992b). Just how lucid are lucid dreams?
  Dreaming, 2(4). 221-228.
Barrineau, Phil (1992). Person-centered dream work. Journal
  of Humanistic Psychology, 32(1), 90-105.
Bartemeier, Leo H. (1950). Illness following dreams.
  International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 31(1&2), 8-11.
Bar-Tzadok, Ariel (1992). The dream question of the
  kabbalah. Gnosis, 22, 54-55. Baudry, Francis (1974).
  Remarks on spoken words in the dream.  Psychoanalitic
  Quarterly, 43(4), 581-?
Baylor, George W. & Deslauriers, Daniel (1986a).
  Understanding dreams: Method, maps and metaphor.
  Dreamworks, 5(1), 46-57.
Baylor, George W. & Deslauriers, Daniel (1986b). Dreams as
  problem solving: A method of study - Part I: Background
  and theory. Imagination, Cognition and Personality,
  6(2), 105-118.
Bearden, Carrie (1994). The nightmare: Biological and
  psychological origins. Dreaming, 4(2), 139-152.
Beck, Aaron T. & Ward, Clyde H. (1961). Dreams of depressed
  patients.  Archives of General Psychiatry, 5, 462-467.
Becker, Raymond De (1968). The Understanding of Dreams or
  the Machinations of the Night. Michael Heron, (trans),
  London: George Allen & Unwind Ltd.
Beckett, Samuel (1984). Ohio Impromptu. NY: Grove Press
Beradt, Charlotte (1966). The Third Reich of Dreams.
  Translated by Adriane Gottwald. Chicago: Quadrangle
  [chap 1]
Beresford-Stooke, G. (1928). Akamba ceremonies connected
  with dreams. Man, 128?, 176-177.
Berger, Ralph (1970). Morpheus descending. Psychology
  Today, June, 33-35, 70.
Bergler, Edmund (1943). A third function of the 'day
  residue' in dreams. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 12,
Bergman, Ingmar (director) (1955). Dreams (Kvinno dr”m). A
  film from Jamus Film/Janus Collection & Sandrew Film and
Bergson, Henri (1914). Dreams. (E. E. Slosson, Trans.). New
  York:B. W. Huebsch 
Bernhard, Dora (1971). The transcendent function in dreams.
  In Joseph B. Wheelwright (Ed.), The Analytic Process:
  Aims, Analysis, Training: The Proceedings of the Fourth
  International Congress for Analytical Psychology
  (Chapter 6, pp. 85-96). New York: G. P. Putnam's Son.
Bernstein, Isidor & Fine, Bernard D. (1969). Manifest
  dream: introduction and clinical illustrations.  In B.
  D. Fine, E. D. Joseph, & H. F. Waldhorn (Eds.),  The
  Manifest Content of the Dream (pp. 59-80). NY:
  International Universities Press.
Bernstein, I. & Glenn, J. (1969). Masturbation and the
  manifest content of dreams. In B. D. Fine, E. D. Joseph,
  & H. F. Waldhorn (Eds.),  The Manifest Content of the
  Dream (pp. 101-113). NY: International Universities
Berquier, Anne & Ashton, Roderick (1992). Characteristics
  of the frequent nightmare sufferer. Journal of Abnormal
  Psychology, 101(2), 246-250.
Berry, Patricia (1987). Echo's Subtle Body. Dallas, TX:
  Spring Publications. 
--------. (1978). Defense and telos in dreams. Spring,
--------. (1974). An approach to the dream. Spring, 58-79.
Berryman, John (1959). The Dream Songs. New York: Farrar,
  Straus & Giroux, 1969.
Bethards, Betty (1983). The Dream Book: Symbols for Self
  Understanding. Novato, Ca: Inner Light Foundation.
Bianchi, Eugene (1979). Student dreams: Perspectives on
  spiritual development. Religious Education, 74(6),
Bilu, Yoram (1979). Sigmund Freud and Rabbi Yehudah: On a
  Jewish mystical tradition of 'psychoanalytic' dream
  interpretation. Journal of Psychological Anthropology,
  2(4), 443-463.
Bion, Wilfred Ruprecht (1977). Seven Servants: Four Works
  by Wilfred R. Bion. NY: Jason Aronson, Inc.
--------. (   ) Dream thoughts. In Elements of
  Psycho-Analysis. New York: Basic Books.
Blagrove, Mark (1992a). The logic of dream sequences.
  Journal of Mental Imagery, 16(1&2), Spring/Summer,
----------, (1992b). Dreams as the reflection of our waking
  concerns and abilities: A critique of the
  problem-solving paradigm in dream reasearch. Dreaming,
  2(4), 205-220.  
Blagrove, M. (1992). Scripts and the structuralist analysis
  of dreams.  Dreaming, 2(1), 23-37.
Blau, Harold (1963). Dream guessing: A comparative
  analysis. Ethnohistory, 10(3), 233-249.
Blick, Kenneth A. & Howe, Joan B. (1984). A comparison of
  the emotional content of dreams recalled by young and
  elderly women. The Journal of Psychology, 116,, 143-146.
Bloom, Harold (Ed.). (1987). Sigmund Freud's The
  Interperetation of Dreams: Modern Critical
  Interpretations. New York: Chelsea House Publishers.
     Introduction: Harold Bloom
     Literature as dream: Mode of Representation. Skura, M 
     Conversation on Freud. Ludwig Wittgenstein. Barrett,
     On the Subject of Certainty. Jacques Lacan (1977).
     Energetics and Hermeneutics. Paul Ricoeur (1970).
     Trimethylamin: Notes. Jeffrey Mehlman
Blum, Harold P. (1968). Notes on the written dream. Journal
  of Hillside Hospital, 17, 67-78.
--------.  (1967). The changing use of dreams in
psychoanalytic practice. International Journal of
Psycho-Analysis, 57,  315-324.
   [see related articles : Curtis 1976, Hartmann 1976,
Khan, 1976, Plata-M£jica, 1976]
Bogart, Gregory Charles (1993). Seven dreams in a case of
  Childhood sexual abuse and adult homophobia. Dreaming,
  3(3), 201-210.
Bogzaran, Fariba & Deslauriers, Daniel (1993). Dreams and
  Epiphany. (Presented at ASD X in Santa Fe, NM.) San
  Francisco, CA: Dreams Creations.
Bonaparte, Marie (1947). A lions hunter's dream.
  Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 16, 1-10.
Bone , R. & Corlett, F. (1968). Brief Report: Frequency of
  Dream Recall, Creativity and a control for anxiety.
  Psychological Reports, 22, 1355-1356.
Bonime, Walter (1992). Discussion of "The use of dreams in
  the evaluation of severely disturbed patients". The
  American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 52(1), 31-36.
    see article refered to : Friedman (1992)
--------. (1969). The use of dreams in the therapeutic
  engagement of patients. Contemporary Psychoanalysis.
--------. (1964). Dreams in psychoanalysis. In Jules H.
  Masserman (Ed.), Development and Research. Science and
  Psychoanalysis, Volume 7. New York: Grune & Stratton.
--------. (1962). The Clinical Use of Dreams. New York:
--------. (1958). The use of dream evidence of evolving
  health as a therapeutic tool. Psychiatry. 21(3),
Borelli, J. (1975 March). Dreams, myth and religious
  symbolism. Thought, 50,(196), 55-66.
Borger, Irene. (1982). Ritual process of the Iroquois false
  face society. Dreamworks, 2(4). Summer. 301-309.
Bosnak, Robert (1988). A Little Course in Dreams. Boston:
  Shambhala Pub. Inc.
Boss, Medard (1977). "I dreamt last night...":A New
  Approach to the Revelations of Dreaming - and its uses
  in Psychotherapy.  New York: Gardner Press, Inc.
   Chap 2 intro: The Phenomenological or Daseinsanalytic
Understanding of Dreams.
   Chap 4: Comparison to Depth Psychologies
   Chap 5: The nature of Dreaming and Waking
--------. (1957). The Analysis of Dreams. Arnold J.
  Pomerans (trans), London: Rider & Company.
   [#19 the problem of the dream as a whole]
--------.(   ). Psychoanalysis and Daseinsanalysis. Ludwig
  B. Lefebre(trans), New York: Basic Books.
   [Selections and # 18]
Botman, Harvey I. (1990). Dream reports and
  autobiographical memory. Imagination, Cognition and
  Personality, 9(3), 213-224.
   [abstract + references]
Bourguignon, Erika E. (1954). Dreams and dream
  interpretation in Haiti. American Anthropologist, 56,
Bradby, M. K. (1919/1922). Dreams. In Psycho-Analysis and
  its Place in Life (Part III, pp. 81-151). London: Henry
  Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton.
   [#vii  Freudian interpretation of dreams
    #viii Dreams of Pharoah and of Anselm
    #ix   Dreams of Perpetua, Myths and universal themes
    #x    Various points connected with dream
    #xi   Two present day dreams analysed]
Bradley, L., Hollifield, H., Foulkes, D. (1992). Reflection
  during REM dreaming. Dreaming, 2(3). 161-166.
Brayer, Menachem M. (1969). Psychosomatics, hermetic
  medicine and dream interpretation in the Qumran
  literature. Jewish Quarterly Review
   Part I 1969, 60(2), 112-127.
   Part II 1970 60(3), 213-230.
Breger, Louis (Ed.). (1969). Clinical-Cognitive Psychology:
  Models and Integrations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
  Prentice-Hall, Inc.
   [#6 Dream function: An information processing model.     
  182-227 - Louis Breger.]
Breger, L. et al. (1971). The Effect of Stress on Dreams.
  New York: International Universities Press, Inc.
Brenneis, C. Brooks (1971). Features of the Manifest Dream
  in Schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
  153(2), 81-91.
--------. (1970). Male and female ego modalities in
  manifest dream content. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,
  76(3), 434-442.
Brenman, Margaret (1949). Dreams and hypnosis.
  Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 18, 455-466.
Brink, Susan G. & Allan, John A. B. (1992). Dreams of
  Anorexic and bulimic women. Journal ofAnalytic
  Psychology, 37, 275-297.
Bro, Harmon Hartzell (1968). Edgar Cayce on Dreams. New
  York: Hawthorn Books, Inc & W. Clement Stone, Publisher.
   [Chapter 10: Dreams of the Living Dead.]
Broadribb, Donald (1987). The Dream Story. Toronto: Inner
  City Books, 1990.
Brodsky, Stanley L., Esquerre, Johanna., & Jackson, Jr.,
  Robert R. (1991). Dream Consciousness in problem
  solving. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 10(4),
Brook, S. (Ed.). (1983). The Oxford Book of Dreams. New
  York: Oxford University Press.
Brown, Carolyn T. (Ed.). (1988). Psycho-Sinology: The
  Universe of Dreams in Chinese Culture. Washington, DC:
  Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 
--------. (1987). Changing Spirits with Dreams: Lu Xun's
  "Wild Grass". Dreamworks, 5(2). 1986/87, 105-112.
Brown, Michael F. (1985). Individual experience, dreams and
  the identification of magical stones in an Amazonian
  society. In Janet W. D. Dougherty (Ed.), Directions in
  Cognitive Anthropology (Chapter #16, pp. 373-387).
  Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Brush, Linnea C. (1993). A classification system for
  longitudinal analysis of dream patterns. Dreaming, 3(1),
Budge, Sir Wallis (1958). Egyptian Magic. New Hyde Park,
  NY: University Books.
   [selections on importance of dreams 213-221]
Bulkley, K. (see Bulkeley, Kelly)
Bulkeley, Kelly (1994a). The Wilderness of Dreams:
  Exploring the Religious Meanings of Dreams in Modern
  Western Culture. Albany, NY: State University of New
  York Press.
--------. (1994b). Dreaming in a totalitarian society: A
  reading or Charlotte Beradt's The Third Reich of Dreams. 
  Dreaming, 4(2), 115-125.
--------. (1993). Dreaming is play. _Psychoanalytic
  Psychology_, 10:(4), 501-515.
--------. (1991). Interdisciplinary dreaming: Hobson's
  successes and failures. Dreaming, 1(3), 225-234.
Bunker, Henry Alden (1953). A dream of an inhibited writer.
  Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 22(4), 519-524.
Burwick, Frederick (1968). The dream-visions of Jean Paul
  and Thomas De Quincey. Comparative Literature, 20(1),
Butler, Stephen F. & Watson, Robert (1985). Individual
  differences in memory for dreams: The role of cognitive
  skills. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 61, 823-828.
Calef, Victor (1954). Color in Dreams. Journal of the
  American Psychoanalytic Association, 2,  453-461.
 Calvo, Sandy & Zimmerman, Lee. (1981). Nightmares: An
  interdisciplinary bibliography. Dreaming, 1,(4), Summer,
Calvo, Sandy & Zimmerman, Lee. (1981). Nightmares: An interdisciplinary bibliography.
  Dreaming, 1,(4),  Summer, 348-354.
Campbell, Joseph [see sub bibliography]
Campbell, Joseph (Ed.). (1970). Myths, Dreams and Religion.
  Dallas, TX: Spring Publications, Inc.
Cann, D. R. and  Donderi, D. C. (1986). Jungian Personality
  Topology and the Recall of Everyday and Archetypal
  Dreams. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
  50, 1021-1030.
Carrington, Patricia & Park, Kendall (1972). Dreams and
  Schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 26,
Cartwright, Rosalind Dymond (1986). Affect and dream work
  from an information processing point of view. The
  Journal of Mind and Behavior, 7(2&3), 411-428.
--------. (1980). Focusing on dreams: A preparation program
  for psychotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 37,
--------. (1979). The nature and function of repetitive
  dreams: A survey and speculation. Psychiatry, 42,
--------. (1977). Night Life. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
--------. (1974a). The influence of a conscious wish on
  dreams: A methodological study of dream meaning and
  function. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 83(4),
--------.(1974 b). Problem solving: Waking and dreaming.
  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 83,(4), 451-455.
--------. (1972). Sleep fanatasy in normal and
  schizophrenic persons. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,
  80(3), 275-279.
--------. (1969). Effect of an erotic movie on the sleep
  and dreams of young men. Archives of General Psychiatry,
  20, 263-271.
Cartwright, R., Bernick, R, Borowitz, G. and Kling, A.
  (1969). The effect of an erotic movie on sleep and
  dreams of young men. Archives of General Psychiatry 20,
Cartwright, R. D., Kravits, D. O., Eastman, C. I., & Wood,
  E. (1991). REM latency and the recovery from depression:
  Getting over divorce. American Journal of Psychiatry,
  148, 1530-1535.
Cartwright, R. D., Lloyd, S., Knight, S., & Trenholme, I.
  (1984). Broken dreams: A study of the effects of divorce
  and depression on dream content. Psychiatry, 47,
Cartwright, R. D., Tipton, L., Wicklund, J. (1980).
  Focusing on Dreams: A preperation program for
  psychotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry,
  37(March), 275-277.
Castle, William (1964)."The Night Walker". Film. Robert
  Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck, Judith Meredith, Lloyd Bochner
  as "The Dream" Screenplay by Robert Bloch, Universal
Catalano, Stephen (1990). Children's Dreams in Clinical
  Practice. New York: Plenum Press.
Cavenar, Jesse. O. & Nash, James. L. (1976). The dream as a
  signal for termination. Journal of the American
  Psychoanalytic Association, 24, 425-436.
Cayce, H. L. et al. (1976). Dreams: The Language of the
  Unconscious. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press.
Cernovsky, Zack Z. (1984). Dream recall and attitude toward
  dreams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 58, 911-914.
  Chapman, A. H. & Chapman, M. (1980). Harry Stack
  Sullivan's Concepts of Personality Development and
  Psychiatric Illness. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers.
   [Selections on dreams]
Charsley, S. R. (1973). Dreams in an independent Africa
  church. Africa, 43(3), 244-257.
Cheever, Leonard A. (1992). Manuel Puig's Pubis Angelical:
  The characters' dreams or the reader's fantasy?
  Literature and Psychology, 38(1&2), pp 105-114.
Clift, Jean Dalby & Clift, Wallace B. (1984). Symbols of
  Transformation in Dreams. New York: Crossroad.
Cogar, Mary C. & Hill, Clara E. (1992). Examining the
  effects of brief individual dream interpertation.
  Dreaming, 2(4), 239-248.
Cohen, David B. (1979). Sleep and Dreaming: Origins, Nature
  and Functions. New York: Pergamon Press.
--------. (1974a). Toward a theory of dream recall.
  Psychological Bulletin, 81(2), 138-154.
--------. (1974b). To sleep, perchance to recall a dream.
  Psychology Today, 7(12), May, 50-54.
--------. (1974c). Presleep mood and dream recall. Journal
  of Abnormal Psychology, 83(1), 45-51.
--------. (1973). Sex role orientation and dream recall.
  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 82(2), 246-252.
Cohen, David B. & Cox, Charles (1975). Neuroticisim in the
  sleep laboratory: Implications for representational and
  adaptive properties of dreaming.  Journal of Abnormal
  Psychology. 84(2), 91-108.
Cohen, D. & Wolfe G. (1973). Dream recall and repression:
  Evidence for an alternative hypothesis. Journal of
  Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 41(3), 349-355.
Colby, Kenneth Mark (1963). Sex differences in dreams of
  primitive tribes. American Anthropologist, 65,
Collins, Jean D. (1992). The weighing of the heart: What's
  the right use for dreamwork today?  Gnosis, 22, 56-59.
Colp, Jr., Ralph (1986). Charles Drawin's dream of his
  double execution. The Journal of Psychohistory, 13(3),
Conroy, Mark (1991), A tale of two Alices in Wonderland.
  Literature and Psychology, 37(3), 29-44.
Cook, C., Caplan, R., & Wolowitz, H. (1990). Nonwaking
  responses to waking stressors: Dreams and nightmares.
  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20(3), 199-226.
Coulombe, Charles A. (1992). Portals of sleep: Dreams as
  gateways to faerie. Gnosis, 22, 24-28.
Corriere, R et al. (1980). Dreaming and Waking. Culver
  City, CA: Peace Press, Inc.
Corriere, R, Hart, J, Karle, W, Binder, J, Gold, S. &
  Woldenbert, L. (1977). Toward a new theory of dreaming. 
  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33(3), 807-820. 
Cory, T., Ormiston, D. W., Simmell, E., & Dainoff, M.
  (1975). Predicting the frequency of dream recall.
  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 84(3), 261-266.
Covitz, Joel (1990). Visions of the Night: A study of
  Jewish Dream Interpretation. Boston: Shambhala
  Publications Inc. 
Coxhead, David & Hiller, Susan (1976). Dreams, Visions of
  the Night. New York: Thames and Hudson, Inc. Part of the
  Art & Imagination Series, Jill Purce (Ed).
Craig, Erik (1987a). Dreaming, reality and allusion: An
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  Sourcebook. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc (original
  Pub 1986).
    Some Chapters:
   Chap 3 neuroanatamical, neurophysiological, and
biochemical aspects of Sleep: An Historical  perspective.
John Zimmerman 62-105. good bib.
   Chap. 9 Toward a Cognitive psychology of dreams. Harry
T. Hunt 251-281.
   Chap. 11 Ethnographic considerations in the
cross-cultural Study of dreaming. Robert Knox     Dentan.
   Chap 12 Dreams and literature.: A readers's Guide. Carol
Schreier Rupprecht 359-377.
Gackenback, Jayne & Bosveld, Jane (1989). Control Your
Dreams. New York: HarperPerennial.
Gackenbach, Jayne and Hunt, Harry T. (1992). Lucid dreaming
  as a transpersonal (meditational) state: A potential
  distinction from dream-work methods. Journal of Mental
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Gackenbach, J. & LaBerge, S. (1988). Conscious Mind,
  Sleeping Brain: Perspectives on Lucid Dreaming. New
  York: Plenum Press.
      Chapter 2 Lucid Dreaming in Western Literature.
      Chapter 3 Lucid Dreams in Tibetan Buddhism. Gillespie
Gackenbach, J & Sheikh, Anees A. (Eds). (1991). Dream
  Images: A Call to Mental Arms. Imagery and Human
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Garfield, Patricia (1991). The Healing Power of Dreams. New
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--------. (1983). Dreamstones. Dreamworks, 3(2), 120-133.
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States, Bert O. (1994). Authorship in dreams and fictions. 
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--------.  (1992). The meaning of dreams. Dreaming, 2(4),  
--------. (1990). Dreaming and storytelling. The Hudson
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--------. (1988). Rhetoric of Dreams. London: Cornell
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Alexander, Charles (1988, ASD 5). Conceptual and
  Phenomenological Analysis of Pure Consciousness during
   +Panel discussion
Antrobus, John (1987, ASD 4) Issues in the Neuro-Coginitive
  Modeling of Sleep Mentation.
Globus, Gordon (1993, ASD 10). The Postmodern Dream.
Hunt, Harry (ASD?) The Multiplicity of Dreams.
Kramer, Milton (   ) Liars dream but dreamers don't lie.
Kugler, Paul (1987, ASD 4). From Modernism to
Rupprecht, Carol (1987, ASD 4). Dream Theorists of
  Antiquity, The Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Savary, Louis (1987, ASD 4). Dreamwork and Spirituality.


Reviews of Freud's Interpretation of Dreams: Dreaming,
1994, 4(1).
Engle, John D. (1980). Dream and poetry: A preliminary
  checklist. Dreamworks, 1(2), Summer, 183-190.
Gregory, Jill (Ed.) Novato Dream Center Bibliographies: a. 
   a. Bibliography of Contents of Novato Dream Center.
   b. Bibliography of Children's dream bibliography.
   c. Bibliography of Children's books.
   d. Bibliography of French library: Oniros/EASD.
Gackenbach, Jayne (Ed.). (1987). Sleep and Dreams: A
   New York: Garland Publishing, Inc (original Pub 1986).
Some Chapters:
   Chap 3 neuroanatamical, neurophysiological, and
    aspects of Sleep: An Historical perspective. John
    62-105. good bib.
   Chap. 9 Toward a Cognitive psychology of dreams. Harry
T. Hunt
   Chap. 11 Ethnographic considerations in the
    Study of dreaming. Robert Knox Dentan. PP317-358.
   Chap 12 Dreams and literature.: A readers's Guide. 
     Carol Schreier Rupprecht 359-377.
Gackenbach, Jayne (1987).  Sleep and Dreams: A Sourcebook.
Parsifal-Charles, Nancy (1986) The Dream: 4,000 Years of
  Theory and Practice. A Critical, Desscriptive, and
  Enclyclopedic Bibliography.  Volume One. West Cornwell,
  CT: Locust Hill Press.
Seigel, Alan (Ed.): The Dream Bibliophile : a continuing
  update found in the ASD Newsletter.
Zimmerman, Lee & Hoche, Carolyn (1981). Dream and fiction:
  A checklist. Dreaming, 2(2), Winter, 156-162.

ASD Newsletter- Association for the study of dreams
Electric Dreams- Internet: Dreams & "Group" interpretation.
Gnosis, 1992, 22, winter- Special issue on dreams
Dreaming: The Journal of the Association for theStudy of
The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 1986, Vol 7(2&3)
Cognition & Dream Research -Special     issue
Journal of Mental Imagery, 1992, Vol. 16(1&2)
Night Vision: A Dream Journal:Vol 5(2)= last issue.
Nightlight, The Lucidity Institute Newsletter.

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