
Collected Dream Texts Bibliographies

Henry Reed


     1974-1978: Editor, Sundance Community Dream Journal. 
An Experimental Publication of Atlantic University. 
Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press.

     1985-1986: co-Editor, with Robert Van de Castle, PhD,
University of Virgia Medical School, Dream Network
Bulletin, Charlottesville, VA.

     1984-   : Perspectives on Consciousness and
Parapsychological Research.  Bi-monthly newsletter, A.R.E.

     1984-   : "Psi Research." Reguar feature of Venture
Inward, bi-monthly publication of A.R.E. Press.

     1991- :  Book Review columnist, Venture Inward


     The Dream Quest Workbook.  Virginia Beach, VA: Inner
Vision Publishing, 1986. Republished as Dream Solutions.
San Jose, CA: New World Library, 1991.

     Getting Help from Your Dreams.  New York: Ballantine
Books, 1988. (Translated into Spanish as La Ayuda de los
Suenos. Madris: Los Libros del Comienzo.)

     Awakening Your Psychic Powers.  New York: Harper &
Row, 1988. (Translated into Spanish as El Despertar de los
Poderes Psiquicos. Madrid: EDAF. Also translated into
German, Portuguese, Japanese and French)

Mysteries of the Mind.  New York: Warner Books, 1989.

Channeling Your Higher Self.  New York: Warner Books, 1989.


    "Close Encounters in the Liminal Zone: Explorations in
Imaginal Communication." Journal of Analytical Psychology,
In Press, 1995.

     "Intimacy and Psi: An Initial Exploration. Journal of
the American Society for Psychical Research, In press,
April 1994.

     "The ESP factor: No secrets from loved ones."  Venture
Inward, March/April, 1991, 18-21;48-49.

     "The dream helper ceremony:  A Small Group Paradigm
for Transcendent ESP" (with Robert Van de Castle).  Theta,
Spring, 1990, Vol. 16 (1), 12-20. To be published in the
anthology, William Roll, Ed., Handbook of Clinical
Parapsychology, Scarecrow Press. 

     "The Sundance Experiment."  In Richard Russo, Editor,
Dreams are Wiser than Men.  Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic
Books, 1987, pp. 334-344.

     "Dreaming for Mary."  Venture Inward Magazine,
September, 1984, Vol. 1, No. 7, Pp.14-19.

     "From alcoholic to dreamer."  Voices, Spring, 1984,
20(1), 62-29.

     "Getting help from dreams."  Venture Inward,
September, 1984, Vol. 1, No.1, Pp. 18-23.

     "The art of dream realization."  Dream Network
Bulletin, February, 1983, Vol. 2, No. 2.

     "Burnout and self-reliance."  Public Welfare, Summer,
1982, 29-36.

     "Dream realization and creative arts therapy."  In B.
K. Mandel, R. Shoemaker & R. Hays (Eds.), The Dynamics of
Creativity (Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference). 
Baltimore, MD: American Art Therapy Association, 1978.  Pp.

     "Improved dream recall associated with meditation." 
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1978, 34, Pp. 150-156.

     "Sundance: Inspirational Dreaming in community."  In
J. Long (Ed.), Extrasensory Ecology: Parapsychology and
Anthropology (Proceedings of the Rhine-Swanton Symposium,
American Anthropological Association, Mexico City, 1974). 
Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1977.  Pp. 155-187.

     "The art of remembering dreams."  Quadrant, 1976, 9,
Pp. 48-60.

     "Dream incubation: A reconstruction of a ritual in
contemporary form."  Journal of Humanistic Psychology,
1976, 16, 53-70.

     "Learning to remember dreams."  Journal of Humanistic
Psychology, 1973, 13, Pp. 33-48.

     "Studies of the interference process in short-term
memory."  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1970, 84, Pp.

Audio-Cassettes (Inner Vision Publishing):

     "Dealing with Addictions: A Spiritual Perspective." 
Inner Vision Publishing Company, Virginia Beach, VA.

     "Developing Your Telepathic Powers."  Inner Vision
Publishing Company.


     "Henry Reed's Dream Interpretation Workout."  Video
Home Companion, Virginia Beach, VA.For More information on Henry Reed, see the IIDCC Dream
Community Profiles. Also, see Henry Reed's Public
Collection Bibliography for Dream Research in the IIDCC
Dream Bibliographies under The Henry Reed Dream Research
Bibliography. Or send a request to Richard Wilkerson email:

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