Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
THE STORY: Tommy's Back! Again. And after all the hallucinations of Jason in Part V, he and a friend decide to cremate Jason's body. They go to the cemetery, Tommy has a flashback, he jams a metal rod throgh Jason's chest, it gets struck by lightning, Jason comes back, and Tommy's friend gets his heart ripped out. Jason returns to Camp Crystal Lake which is now renamed Camp Forest Green and kills all the counselors. Suprised?
MY OPINION: Okay, nobody agrees with me on this one. I think that this is The Best Friday the 13th Movie Ever!!! I think it's the best because it's the first movie where Jason is actually a zombie. Some people don't agree with me on that either. But you can see what I think The Real Deal With Jason is. It's also my favorite because Jason's most brutal kill ever was in it. When he hacked the girl up with a machete and paints the whole room red!
1. Allen-Heart ripped out.
2. Darren-Impaled on a spear.
3. Lizabeth-Speared through the mouth.
3. Burt-Arm ripped off, impaled on a tree
4, 5, & 6. Stan, Katie and
Larry-Triple decapitation with a machete.
7. Martin-Broken bottle in the throat.
8 & 9. Steven and Annette-
Double impalement with a machete on their motorcycle.
10. Nikki-face crushed against RV wall.
11. Cort-Hunting knife in the head.
12. Roy-Pieces of him are found strewn in woods
13. Sissy-Head ripped off.
14. Paula-Hacked up with a machete.
15. Officer Thornton-Dart in the forehead.
16. Officer Pappas-Head crushed in Jason's bare
17. Sheriff Garris-Broken in half.
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