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Pale Green: Veruca Salt Rocks

I am very interested in Veruca Salt. If you do not like them, then kindly

Get The Hell Off My Homepage.

This page, being dedicated to Veruca Salt, is going to have bios on all of the band members, especially my favorite: The best female guitarist to ever pick up the instrument, Louise Lightner Post.

Unfortunately for all Veruca Salt fans, Nina Gordon left the band on Friday, Feburary 27, 1998. Uncomfirmed reports say that she is planning on going solo. Veruca Salt has yet to unofficially break up, but with the loss of Nina it is probably in the future of the band. :(

Please go to my Louise Post Page.

Also go to my Nina Gordon Page.

This is a page on the whole Group

Check out the band's Discography

Here is a site dedicated to Letters to Cleo, the band that Stacey Jones came from. They are very good. I built it, so it is organized in the same manner.

Here are some of my favorite links:

Veruca Salt...Awesome
This site is like my sister site. It has everything taht you could want.
The Bunny Hutch
This is a very good, unofficial web site. It has many interviews, links, and FAQs.
The Morning Sad
Another unofficial site, containing many different aspects of VS, including pictures and lyrics.
Starlalull's Veruca Salt Page
This is a very good site. It is a member of the Veruca Salt WebRing. There are many perks on this site.
Lindsay's Page
This site is run by the person who runs the Veruca Salt mailing list along with me.
Venus Salt Trap
This site is an excellent site. The owner has helped me with mine and I have helped her. The site has really turned out nice. A must see. Make sure to do the sound opinion.
Sound of the Belles
This site is a very professional site. This site has everything you would ever want on Veruca Salt. A definite must see.
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As you all may have noticed I am very interested in music. I am always trying to get more music. Please help me out by linking to Music Boulevard and buying something!! Thanks

This Veruca Salt site is owned by
Pale Green

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