The Myth and the Legend of Jacqueline Collen
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The Myth and the Legend of Jacqueline Collen

Relatively little is known about Jacqueline Collen. Recently, she started her acting career, but so far she has sky-rocketed high. In the Adventures of Sinbad she is a wonder and her independent, fiesty personality has won her respect from TV viewers. I believe the reason that the Adventures of Sinbad made it to its second season was because of Jacqueline. Who can deny that she brings a spark to the show that no other cast member can make? As the character of Maeve, she amazes Sinbad himself because of her determination and strength. I have never seen anyone with so much willpower as Maeve.

Jacqueline Collen is the actress who plays such a stunning role in the Adventures of Sinbad. She is a very special person with a talent that not everyone has. Her beauty has made her a source of admiration, but most of all her courage makes her really stand out. If you have never seen the Adventures of Sinbad you should start watching it now because it's action-packed and exciting. It will take your breath away. Unfortunately, Jacqueline Collen decided not to return to the second season because the show takes place in South Africa and her family lives in California. She couldn't bare to be separated from her family for that long, so she left the Adventures of Sinbad. Although it is sad that she won't be returning, you have to admire how she gave up the Adventures of Sinbad for her family. She has a heart of gold just like her character Maeve.

In the official Adventures of Sinbad page her bio says that she will be in a motion picture, Baton Rouge. I wonder when it will come out, but if anyone has read about it in a magazine, please e-mail me, by clicking my e-mail address, I would like to hear your comments. I will post the best information of Baton Rouge on my web page. Not only that, but the person will be recognized for sending in information to The Myth and Legend of Jacqueline Collen page. Now, ain't that great? So remember to type your name when you e-mail me so I'll know who sent me e-mail.

Hot off the Press!

Guess what?! Jacqueline Collen will be in Access Hollywood to talk about her love of animals! Won't that be great! Unfortunately, I am not sure when it will air. Visit the Official Jacqueline Collen Page to get more details since it is endorsed by Jacqueline Collen herself.

Also, I have found out that a character from V.R. Troopers will take Maeve's place. Her name is Bryn. From what I've heard, she is a great actress and will make an excellent contribution to the Adventures of Sinbad. As soon as I hear more details I will post it in my web page.

This page is made and owned by Ruksana Choudhury

This Page is Dedicated to Rubell Choudhury and special thanks to Virus who has his own web page titled, "Virus' Adventures of Sinbad Page". I would like to personally thank Ice man/Scorcher for helping me out and giving me ideas. Thank you.

Coming Soon...........

The Myth and the Legend of Jacqueline Collen is a brand new page , so I am still working to give it some atmosphere and depth. I am planning on adding a trivia and some pictures of Jacqueline Collen. Hopefully, they will be new pictures and not the same old ones that we keep on seeing over and over again. So visit my page often to see the changes that I have made. I promise you, that as soon as I get all the stuff I need everything will be right in gear! So hold your horses and don't be too impatient.


Jacqueline's Bio
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