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Phone: 252-335-7408
The frame above was made by George Katechis up in New York. He worked on it for two and a half years it's a very inspiring frame. He said it is for sale if the price is right. If someone is interested in it let me know and I'll get you in touch with George.
I am a small operation serving mainly the knot tyeing community so I'm not very high tech when it comes to this website. Just send me an e-mail or give me a call and tell me which items you are interested in and I will check my stock and give you a reply. I'll need your zip code to figure out postage unless you are in a different country.
I have signed up with PAYPAL so if you are registered with them I can accept payment with credit cards through them, it's a very easy to use service. If you would like more info on PAYPAL you can check out their website,
If you would like information on any of the books listed feel free to send me an e-mail or a fax or give me a call (evenings only after 5 PM Pacific) if you want to know if it is hardback, softback, number of pages, etc. or a short review, or even a recommendation. Also please check with me via e-mail if possible to make sure that I have the book that you are interested in, in stock, since most of the titles come from England and Australia sometimes they are in the process of shipment to me and it can be a couple of weeks before I recieve them, but most of the time I have them in stock and can ship them out as soon as I recieve your order.
Phone: 252-335-7408
NEW : MARLINESPIKE : This marlinespike is made by Wichard it is stainless steel and has a 4 side tapered spike which I like better than a round spike. It may look a little strange to some it is actually called a shackle key spike some people call it a French Marlinespike. The 4 side taper works well when tightening up knots and turksheads because as most people know when you are pulling a line across a surface with corners it will have more resistance as opposed to a round surface. Price $34.50
NEW : Fid-O SPLICEING TOOL: This is a great tool to have in your ditty bag. I use it for all my spliceing that I do these days. Once you do use it you will think the same. There are two sizes the smaller one is Size-S $9.95 the larger one is Size-M $10.95 (comes with a nice set of instructions also)
" DECORATIVE WOVEN FLAT KNOTS " and the CD " THIS IS KNOT ART " You get both the book and the CD. The book is a condensed version (130 pages) of the 964 page work which is on the CD in PDF format. So if you want to print pages off of the CD that is easy to do or if you want to print out your own copy of the 964 page book you can do that also. It's a great book actually I think it is the greatest book done on carrick bend designs. From what I have been told Skip Pennock worked on this for several decades. You won't be disapointed with the information in this book and CD set. $40.50 for both the book and the CD.
NEW : KNOT TYERS LIGHTER (Well I call it a Knot Tyers Lighter) I don't smoke but I like this lighter. It's got an aluminum case with a flip top cap. I couldn't find these things here in my town or anywhere I looked when I went to larger nearby towns. Marvin Jones gave me one when I was at the IGKT meeting in Charleston, SC, I thought it was pretty neat because I could attach a lanyard and hang it on my camping and canoeing hat or hang it on a backpack loop or anywhere and not have to keep it in my pocket. When I did lose it I really missed it and I finally found a wholesale source that would allow me to offer it to other knot tyers. $5.50 Each
" GREAT BOOK ON MATS " PURJELAIVAKAUDEN KOYSIMATOT SEGELFARTYGSEPOKENS REPMATTOR which translates into The Rope Mats from the Sailing Ship Period $35.50 (This book is not in english it is in Finnish and Swedish but it does have very good instructions which are easy to follow if you like doing flat carrick bend type mats you should enjoy the information in this book. (Currently out of stock until the Finnish Seamans Service gets another printing processed).
KNOT TYEING DVDS FROM MARLINSPIKE KNOT WORKS: These DVD's were done by Robert Black and a good job he did in makeing them. He walks you through each of these projects with excellent instructions so that even if you are a beginning knot tyer, after you watch and follow the DVD you will have the information needed to make these knotted items. I call it a workable pace one you can keep up with, very clear and well explained. Some of you out there may already know Robert from his travels to Guild meetings or perhaps from one of his classes on those tall ships he hitches a ride on every now and then. Anyway he did a great job on the DVD's. I have put a link below this paragraph to each of the back covers of the DVD's so you can read more about them.
DECORATIVE KNOTTING AND BRAIDING IN LEATHER Robert did a great job on this DVD even though it shows turksheads and braiding in leather you can still use the same information to work in other materials.
The cost of the videos is $30.00 each for the Turkshead Bracelet DVD and $30.00 each for the Decorative Keyfob DVD
The Monkeysfist DVD and the Knife Lanyard Zipper Pull DVD have been combined onto one DVD for $30.00

These needles are great tools to have in your ditty bag. I use them myself mainly for nylon parachute cord but they also work with cotton cords if you put a drop of superglue on the end to harden it. The Needles are a valuable tool to use with the knot tyeing DVD's by Robert Black.
Small Brass Screw Thread Laceing Needle $2.75
Medium Brass Screw Thread Laceing Needle $3.00
Large Brass Screw Thread Laceing Needle $3.25
When I originally started selling these steel needles I was just selling the 4mm size that was used for lacing up boat shoes and to be used with cords like 550 parachute cord. After many years and many requests for a larger needle to use with bigger cords I have finally had some 5mm and 6mm needles made. I also had a few longer needles made in the 4mm and 5mm diameters. These are made from a good grade stainless steel so unless you lose them or give them away or have them stolen they should last you the rest of your life. I use them myself mainly for nylon parachute cord and the blackjack cord but with the larger 5mm and 6mm sizes I can use them also with the full range of the cotton cords up to #120. If some of you need a larger needle with the screw threads on the end I can have some made but contact me for details.
Stainless Steel Screw Thread Needles 4mm four inch size $2.50 each or 12 for $25.00
Stainless Steel Screw Thread Needles 4mm six inch size $3.50 each or 12 for $35.00
Stainless Steel Screw Thread Needles 5mm four inch size $2.75 each or 12 for $27.50
Stainless Steel Screw Thread Needles 5mm six inch size $3.75 each or 12 for $37.50
Stainless Steel Screw Thread Needles 6mm four inch size $3.00 each or 12 for $30.00
3/8 INCH METAL PARACORD BUCKLE, (ZINC ALLOY WITH CHROME PLATE AND SPRING SIDE RELEASE) I looked a long time to find one of these. I think it just looks better on a paracord bracelet. The plastic buckles are OK but I just like the look of this one. My son said it added some bling to the bracelet. $2.15 each or 5 for $11.00 or 10 for $17.50
I'm getting a few more finishes on the buckles.
GUNMETAL $2.70 each or 5 for $14.00 or 10 for $25.00
BRUSHED BRONZE $2.75 each or 5 for $14.25 or 10 for $25.50
BRUSHED BLACK $2.75 each or 5 for $14.25 or 10 for $25.50
COPPER $2.90 each or 5 for $14.25 or 10 for $26.50
MAKING ROPE WITH A HAND OPERATED ROPE MACHINE by Greg Davis $15.50 (Once you get into knot tying and start using different cords, you start looking for special cords and sometimes the only way to get them is to make them yourself, I've put togeather some simple rope making machines and I have one of the old cast iron ones that I bought on e-bay and this book is a very good guide to have on hand to help answer the some of the mysteries of the ropemaking world.)
Knots for Beachcombers and Mariners (NEW) R. Edwards $15.50 ( This Book contains information on how to cover those glass floats with netting)
Simplified Turksheads by R. Edwards $11.00
Knots Useful and Ornamental by R. Edwards $15.50 (My favorite)
Turksheads by R. Edwards $11.00 (This Booklet is included in the larger book More Bush Leatherwork You can see it listed below)
^ ^
Knots for Horse Lovers by R. Edwards $15.50 (out of stock you can get this book directly from Ron Edwards at his new website
Plaiting Projects 1 by Ron Edwards $11.00 (This Booklet is included in the larger book More Bush Leatherwork You can see it listed below)
Plaiting Projects 2 by Ron Edwards $11.00 (This Booklet is included in the larger book More Bush Leatherwork You can see it listed below)
Plaiting Projects 3 by Ron Edwards $11.00 (This Booklet is included in the larger book More Bush Leatherwork You can see it listed below)
Plaiting Projects 4 by Ron Edwards $11.00
Braided Belts plus How to make a Snakewhip by Ron Edwards $15.50
Bushmen Belt Pouches by Ron Edwards $15.50
Stockmen's Plaited Belts by R. Edwards $15.50 (Very Good)
Plaits Round and Flat $15.50 (Very Good)
Crocodile Ridge Belts by R. Edwards $15.50
(Try this one after you get the hang of making a regular flat braided belt)
Advanced Leatherwork Volume 1- Interesting Braids and Flat Plaits $55.50 (Ron Edwards book, 279 pages)
Advanced Leatherwork Volume 2 - Round Knots and Braids $55.50 (Ron Edwards latest book, 250 pages) An excellent book on turksheads, It’s 250 pages of very well drawn illustrations and instructions broken down as follows :Gaoucho Knots pages 10 through 51, coloured Knots (different styles and interweaves) Pages 52 through 130, Herringbone and other patterns Pages 131 through 206, Turksheads Pages 207 through 246, And then a very good index for reference that takes you right to the page of the knot style you are looking for. (If you have this book and the Tom Hall book you have the two best sources for turkshead information on earth, that's my personal opinion.)
Knots Splices And Fancywork by C.L. Spencer $28.00 (One of the knot classics)
Turkshead knots have always been appealing, these books by Tom Hall are the best that I have found on the topic of turksheads, great instructional drawings and written instruction.
(Instructions for many different types of turksheads, Casa, Herringbone, Headhunter, Gaucho, Barcus, etc. a very good book)^
The Turkshead Workbook by Tom Hall $15.00
(A good book to accompany Intro to TH Knots)^
Tack Tips by Tom Hall $32.50
(How to make your own horse gear, hackamores, bosals, fiadors, etc. lots of knots in use in the instructions)^
MORE WESTERN TACK TIPS by Tom Hall $32.50 ()
(More info on how to make your own horse gear, but the knots shown can be used for more than that, some of the new knot info includes , the headhunter's rosebud knot, sennit rose knots, boxcar knots, if you like Tom's other books this one won't disapoint you.
^ PALM FROND PASTIMES: This book gives step by step instructions on how the Torres Strait people make all sorts of fun things from coconut fronds. These include birds, stars, fish, balls, wands and hats. 17 projects and 277 drawings. 64 pages. Price: $30.00
(I really recommend this set of books, if you are a serious knot tyer, and do it yourselfer, they cover everything from making your own bricks, building with rammed earth, blacksmithing, toymaking, even making a cooling box out of charcoal and dripping water, building structures with materials at hand and most important Knot tying and Leatherworking and braiding, If you would like to know which ones are dedicated primarily to knotting send me an e-mail, but if your like me once you start looking through them you will want the whole set )
(Only available in softback now)
" NEW" BUSHCRAFT 10 Living in the Bush by Ron Edwards $55.50 ( This is the last in the bushcraft series according to Ron Edwards, and its full of the same good infor that Ron put into all the other bushcraft books plus this one has an index for the whole series so you know where to look for specific information.) This one is in paperback only.
MORE BUSH LEATHERWORK by Ron Edwards $55.50
BUSH LEATHERWORK: A compilation of a number of small books – Stockmen’s Plaited Belts, Braided Belts, The Secret Plait, Bushmen’s Belt Pouches, Leather Lacing Manual, Plaits Round and Flat, Whipmaking Book1, Whipmaking Book2, Homemade Leather Tools, Rolling a Thread, Saddle Repairs and Counterlining a Stock Saddle. see the individual listings for further details. 324 pages. Now spiral bound for convenience – easier to read while you work! $55.50
The Harrison Book of Knots by P.P.O. Harrison $35.50 (Highly Recommended)
(The best book on bellrope construction there is.)
Masting and Rigging the Clipper Ship and Ocean Carrier by Harold Underhill $59.00
This is a great book for someone interested in the layout and design of the tall ship, great illustrations and working diagrams and actual design drawings I recommend this book for those interested in this area of the nautical world.
How to Make Clipper Ship Models by E.W. Hobbs $45.50
There are detailed instructions for the building of a characteristic and world famous clipper, the Cutty Sark, the same ship being described and dealt with first as a very simple waterline model, which anyone can make with the aid of a pocket knife and a piece of cigar box wood, a few pins and bits of paper. Two chapters are then devoted to methods of building hulls in general for any type of Clipper Ship model, and these followed by a detailed description of every step in making a worth while model of a four masted Loch Torrens. Illustrations are a special feature of this part of the work and include four folding plates, some 150 detailed sketches and working drawings, the whole so devised and simplified that anyone with average ability can make a really attractive and picturesque model with remarkable fidelity to the original. Separate chapters are devoted to Masts and Spars, Sails, Standing and Running Rigging, Deck Fittings and so forth, and the work concludes with chapters on Painting and Finishing, making Showcases and Stands. There are some 160 photos and about 40 line drawings of details and parts, together with five invaluable large-size folding plates of working drawings. (Even though it's not a knot book I enjoyed looking through this book and have it in my personal library so I have a couple of copies for that occasional nautical model builder that might be interested in a copy)
How to Make Old Time Ship Models by E.W. Hobbs $45.50
The vogue for medieval ship models prompted Mr. Hobbs to write this book so that all those who may have an interest in these decorative vessels may indulge in the hobby. As in the book on Clipper Models, the work of cardboard modelling is first explained, then the craft is taught by easy stages until the finest models are described. The following are the chapter subjects:-Some Famous Old Ships · Building Old-Time Ship Models · Making a Waterline Model of a Carrack · Making Scenic Models · Hulls and their Construction · Modelling the Royal Albert · The Hull and Stand · Building the Stern Gallery · Making the Masts and Spars · Deck Fittings · The Standing Rigging · Sails and Sailmaking · Running Rigging · Painting and Finishing · Repairs and Restorations. The illustrations are from actual photographs of work in progress and the plans are large, folded to fit pocket at end of book.
Marline Spike Seamanship by L. Popple $24.50 (Wire Splicing)
Advanced Ropeworking by L. Popple $21.50 (Good Information on rope fenders)
(All of the books on tall ships are hardback)
Round the Horn Before the Mast by Basil Lubbock $30.00
The China Clippers by Basil Lubbock $44.50
The Colonial Clippers by Basil Lubbock $44.50
The Log of the Cutty Sark by Basil Lubbock $48.50 (not in stock right now)
Cruisers, Corsairs and Slavers by Basil Lubbock $70.00
The Opium Clippers by Basil Lubbock $48.50
The Nitrate Clippers by Basil Lubbock $44.50
The Down Easters by Basil Lubbock $45.00
(An interesting book about the American Cape Horner's)
Coolie Ships & Oil Sailers by Basil Lubbock $44.50 (not in stock right now)
The Artic Whalers by Basil Lubbock $48.50 (not in stock right now)
The Convict Ships of Australia by Charles Bateson $36.50
A few notes about the author Basil Lubbock:- Alfred Basil Lubbock was born in England on 9th September 1876. He was educated at Eton College and was a member of the First XI cricket team, 1894-95. In 1897 Lubbock went to Canada and traveled over the infamous Chilkoot Trail to the Klondike in the second year of the gold rush. On 12th July 1899 he joined the crew of the four-masted barque "Royalshire" as an ordinary seaman. He describes the voyage from San Francisco to Liverpool in his "Round the Horn before the Mast". During the Boer war Lubbock held a commission in Menne's Scouts (a South African Force) and was mentioned in dispatches for helping save a life under fire. He was an officer of the 1/3 Wessex Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, 1914-1919, served in India and France and was awarded the Military Cross. He then devoted the remainder of his life to recording the history of the sailing ship and of those who manned them, between 1850 and 1930 which are recorded in his famous books. He died on 3rd September 1946.
I used to use the packs of 72 inch Nylon Bootlace to make some of my projects (The black Bosn Pipe Lanyard and the Life Preserver or Blackjack are both made from this cord). I got tired of having to be restricted to 72 inch lengths so I got in contact with the manufacturer and they agreed to put it up on 144 yard spools for me so that I could offer it to folks like us. I like this brand because it is black all the way through (it does not have the white core that you find in some cords) and it's a pretty tough cord.
$39.50 for a 144 yard spool
(Now available in 3 colors) I have a new bootlace cord it's called "SPEED BOOT LACE" it's a little bit more flexable than the regular bootlace so I like to use it for the neckpiece on lanyards and it works ok for crowning also but it has a kind of rounded square shape to it so I still use the regular blackjack cord bootlace for the turksheads. This one is solid color all the way through also (it does not have the white core that you find in some cords) and it's a pretty tough cord.
$39.50 for a 144 yard spool
My cords are being made in the USA by a small mill that is willing to work with me to make these cords to knot tyer specs. I use the cords myself in my projects.
I just got in some new hemp cord that meets my standards of being smooth and uniform.
#20 Hemp Cord: I use this cord when doing the constrictor knots and bindings when I make up the cores for a bellrope. It's got a good finish to it. It comes on a spool that holds 73 meters.
$5.50 per spool
#48 Hemp Cord (1mm or 1/32 inch)(the smallest brown cord in the picture) I like using it because it is better than the hemp twine, more uniform and smooth very compareable to some of the linen and flax cords that I have used, very good for hemp jewelry. It comes on a 73 meter spool.
$7.50 per spool
#80 Hemp Cord Has the same properties as the smaller hemp cord, uniform and smooth very compareable to linen and flax cords. Very pleasing to work with. comes in a ball that holds 213 feet.
$9.50 per ball
#100 Hemp Cord Has the same properties as the smaller hemp cord, Very pleasing to work with. comes in a ball that holds 470 feet.
$13.50 per ball
#170 Hemp Cord Has the same properties as the smaller hemp cord,omes in a ball that holds 210 feet.
$12.50 per ball
^ ^
#24 cotton I was getting requests for a cord size inbetween #27 & #21 and this seems to be the best fit. $25.75 per 2 lb spool.
"NEW" #27 cotton I was getting requests for a cord size inbetween #30 & #21 and this seems to be the best fit.
$25.75 per 2 lb spool
"BACK IN STOCK" #120 (4.5mm or 5/32 inch) Cotton Cord I really like using this cord it has firm (or hard lay as some call it) 100% cotton takes a varnish very good comes on a 4 lb spool (about the same size as a roll of paper towels).
$41.50 per 4 pound spool
"BACK IN STOCK" #60 (3mm or 1/8 inch) Cotton Cord I really like using this cord it has firm (or hard lay as some call it) 100% cotton takes a varnish very good comes on a 2 lb spool ($25.75 per 2 lb spool)
#45 Cotton Cord, It's a 4 strand cord just a touch smaller than the #60 this cord is a firm (or hard lay as some call it) 100% cotton takes a varnish very good comes on a 2 lb spool ($25.75 per 2 lb spool)
BACK IN STOCK #21 (2mm or 1/16 inch)same size as mason twine but a tighter lay a lot easier to work with. Very good cord they did a great job on this cord $25.75 per 2 lb spool (1512 ft per 2 lb spool)
AVAILABLE ONCE AGAIN #30 (2.5mm or 3/32 inch) same size as garden twine but a tighter lay and easier to work with. $25.75 per 2 lb spool, (878 ft per 2 lb spool)A good firm lay 3 strand cotton cord I had this one made up to the specs that knot tyers like. Makes a very good turkshead braclet or nantucket braclet as some call it. ^
#36 Cotton Cord, just a touch smaller than the #39 this cord is a firm (or hard lay as some call it) 100% cotton takes a varnish very good comes on a 2 lb spool ($25.75 per 2 lb spool)
NEW #39 Cotton Cord, just a touch smaller than the #45 this cord is a firm (or hard lay as some call it) 100% cotton takes a varnish very good comes on a 2 lb spool ($25.75 per 2 lb spool)
BACK IN STOCK #96 (4mm or just a little touch bigger than 1/8 inch) a little smaller than #120 and very pleasing to work with. $41.50 per 4 lb spool
#15a (2mm or 1/16 inch) Good cord to use for hitching eyes on bellropes and for needle hitching this one is not a hard lay cord but was twisted up very well it is far superior to the mason twine that you find in hardware stores. $25.75 per 2 lb spool
"NEW" #15b (2mm or 1/16 inch)Good cord to use for hitching eyes on bellropes and for needle hitching and small turksheads and such, this one is a stiffer cord and just a little bit bigger around than the #15a not much bigger but just enough to see a little difference. $25.75 per 2 lb spool
"NEW" #12 (1.5mm or 1/16 inch)Good cord to use for hitching eyes on bellropes and for needle hitching and small turksheads and such some modelers seem to like it, this is on a 2 lb spool so unless you really use a lot of this stuff 1 spool should last you through many years $25.75 per 2 lb spool
"NEW" 3/16 Cotton Rope, I had been looking for this cord for quite some time, It's a hard lay 3 strand cord. The mill that was making it said they were making it to ship to Hawaii to be used on some kind of canoes, and were only making it only once a year. They refered to it as Canoe Twist Cord. They were only able to put it up on 10 lb spools so it's a good sized spool It's a very good cord that I think would make a great cord for display knots on a knotboard, flat carrick bend patterns and many other projects. $66.50 per spool
"NEW" 7/32 Cotton Rope, This rope is made by the same mill that does the canoe twist and it's made on the same machine. Not quite as tight as the canoe twist but the best that I have found when looking for something close to 1/4 inch if I didn't tell you you would think it's a quarter inch. It's a very good cord that I think would make a great cord for display knots on a knotboard, flat carrick bend patterns and many other projects. $105.50 per 2000 ft spool
"NEW" 1/4 Cotton Rope, This rope is made by the same mill that does the canoe twist. Not quite as tight as the canoe twist but the best that I have found. $125.50 per 1200 ft spool
I like the look of brass on my projects it gives them a little bit more of a nautical look, a lot of other knot tyers also agree anyway I finally found a source for these brass rope thimbles, they are solid brass the prices are below. I have to get these from a european manufacturer and in recent months the price has pretty much doubled I will continue to offer them over here in the USA but the price has become high. ()^
SIZE 1: $0.90 EA^
SIZE 2: $1.00 EA^
SIZE 3: $1.30 EA^
SIZE 4: $1.60 EA^
SIZE 5: $2.00 EA (out of stock right now)^
SIZE 6: $2.30 EA^
SIZE 7: $2.60 EA^
OK I have had some requests about these Flouresent Hats. I was given one as a gift and I liked it then other people that saw me wearing it asked about it and where to get one. So I got a couple dozen of each size and color, (orange and yellow). My wife said it makes me easy to find and I like to wear it because it's lightweight and I like it because it reminds me of the clothes we wore when I worked for the highway department. there are two sizes Small/Medium (that's one size) and Large/X-Large (that's the other size) Price: $12.00 per hat. ()^
Martin Combs
TELEPHONE: 252-335-7408
