Eric Vargas--4ever In Our Hearts
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Eric Vargas--4ever In Our Hearts

*Eric's Song*

*One Sweet Day-Mariah Carey.....We sort of adopted this as "Eric's song" in his memory

This is my friend Eric. On July 20th, 1996, He and his girlfriend pulled into the parking lot of a community centre two blocks away from her house, so they could sit and talk. A couple of gang members had gone to the lot earlier for a fight with a rival gang. The rival gang members never showed up, but these guys still had violence in mind. They went over to Eric's car, and started firing their guns. Eric's gone now. He was the greatest guy you could ever hope to meet. He was kind, friendly, involved in everything you could think of. I look at this picture, and I remember how we used to tease him about his dancing, and tell him how goofy he looked. Now I think how I'd give anything to see him on the dance floor again. Guns may not kill people, people kill people? Yes, the idiot people who maintain that kind of attitude that puts guns in the hands of 17 and 18 year old kids, or even younger. The reality of weapons in the wrong hands is a very strong argument, in my eyes, in favor of restrictions on possesion and use.

Eric, Bro, If heaven has internet access, know that we all miss you and love you. Peace.

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