Welcome to
Shyann's world, I am so glad you stoppedIn
for a visit and hope you enjoy you stay:-) Please be sure to check back often
for I am always updating and changing things around here lol. You will
find a Table at the bottem of each page with a link to each of my pages if you
would like to contact me you can email me from the email link below id love to
hear from you :-) Please don't forget to
sign my guest book on your way out so that I know you came for a visit and can
visit you!
please click the pic above to visit my tribute page
Click below to view my old guest book:-)
Please vote if you have time :-)
take a moment to visit Amys
site and
hear her story so we can
be sure
this dont happen to anyone else!
Please also
take a moment to visit Rachels
site and
hear her story
Like my
signatures? Click on the banner above to get your own:-)
Like my
signatures? Click here to get your own personalized doll!:-)
Click on the banner below to get your own personalized note cards!:-)
Note:I made this background set just for Shyanns world please dont take the graphics, The angel I used to make my background set is from a painting by: