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Alaska Tales

Our Alaskan adventure began on August 1st,1997. We left the big city behind to raise our children in the small community of Seward, Alaska. It was hard to say goodbye to our family and friends and we miss them all very much.

The five of us including our dog, Toga, set out in our VW camper van for the 2700 mile journey that lie ahead. We camped along the way, relaxed, explored, enjoyed the peace and quiet, and just took our time to get to Seward. First and foremost we had to find a home. In early September we were very fortunate to find a wonderful home which we still find very cozy and comfortable. Finding employment was a little more cumbersome than we had anticipated. Eventually my wife and I found good jobs and have settled in nicely.

We fish for salmon and halibut on a regular basis and always manage to stock the freezer for the winter. We see moose, black bear, and the occasional grizzly in our neighborhood. Now and then a moose will press it's curious nose on our bedroom window to check us out.

It sure is hard to believe that we are just beginning our 8th winter in Alaska and our snow shovel has moved well over 150 feet of snow since we arrived. We have also had nearly 80 feet of rain. The winter lasts six or seven months and we usually see between 10 to 18 feet of snow. The temperature ranges between 5 and 45 degrees in the winter. The summer of 2004 was the best weather on record, with 18 to 20 hours of sunshine with temperatures around 45 to 75 degrees. Fall lasts only about three weeks, but the colors are a true spectacle.

Fishing for Silver Salmon at Midnight!

Click for Seward, Alaska Forecast

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PhotoJam: "A Tribute To Alaska"

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Alaska Trivia, Facts, & Maps

Catch a Snowflake On Your Tongue

"Shop'til you drop at Hibernation Station"

Comparisons of Washington & Alaska...

  • MUSH:
    In Washington -Hot cereal that you eat for breakfast.
    In Alaska - What you say to the kids to get them to school on time.

  • MOOSE:
    Washington-Expensive dessert or hair care products.
    Alaska-Free if you are on the roadkill dispatch list.

  • MALL:
    Washington -Alderwood, Southcenter, Northgate, Bellevue Square, etc.
    Alaska-What happens if you get too close to a bear.

    Washington-Small insect that will suck a drop of your blood.
    Alaska-Large insects that will suck a pint of your blood.

    Washington-The mountain range east of Seattle.
    Alaska-Snow drifts in February.

    Washington-Only if there is at least an inch of snow on the roads.
    Alaska: Only if the snow depth is an inch below the top of the school flagpole.

    Washington-Just watch KING 5 News- Jeff said it would happen
    Alaska- "Look out the window"

    Washington-A 5-star hotel in downtown Seattle.
    Alaska-Winter, Winter, Winter, and Road Construction.