B's Sport Autographs
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Well it has been a year since I started my site. Hopefully you have found this page helpful in your search for your favorite players. My email address is if you have any questions or comments. Also sign my guestbook. Let me know what you think of my site. Good luck with your future requests and thanks for visiting. Win 
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UPDATED 09/19/00

9/19 Two new successes today. One from Jake Plummer c/o Phoenix and the other from Dave Burba. Jake signed 1 card for me in a little over 15 months c/o team address. A big surprise to get this card back signed after all this time. He is an excellent come from behind quarterback. Dave burba signed 1 card for in a little over three months c/o team address. He has been Cleveland's top starter this season.

9/18 One new success today from Aaron Sele c/o Seattle. I had a R.T.S. from early this c/o spring training, but I sent it back c/o Seattle's team address and signed 1 card for in 5 months. He has been one the American Leagues better starters over the last couple seasons. I also had a denial today from Deivi Cruz c/o Detroit. He returned the cards I sent unsigned in about three months.

List of football players that DID NOT respond during last season:

Kerry Collins, Mike Alstott, Tony Gonzalez, Aaron Glenn, Shawn Jefferson, Jason Sehorn, Terrance Mathis, Terry Allen, Kavitka Pittman, Kevin Carter, Johnnie Morton, Laroi Glover, Isaac Bruce, Hugh Douglas, Tim Brown

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Started on 6/01/98




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