Nursing – Looking Back


You’re just out of high school and faced with the strife

“What plan will I make for the rest of my life?”

Your friends are off to college with clothes that are cool,

But your goals are different, you choose nursing school.

You study all the “-ologys”, you’re learning so quick,

You’ve just got to know what makes the body tick.

And after many courses you begin to find

You’re understanding the workings of the body and mind.

Then theory turns to practice, your thoughts begin to bloom.

When you face your first patient in a hospital room.

What you’ve learned in class is ever so true.

Their health and well-being depends largely on you.

The Sisters give this advice: it’s important, you see,

To treat each patient as a member of your family.

There are many memories of good times we’ve had

And also the hard times that make us feel so bad.

If you’ve ever lost a patient, the tears begin to flow.

You comfort their family, and pray for their soul.

The changes we’ve seen could fill a book.

Here’s just a few – let’s take a look.

Remember metal bedpans, a thing of the past.

Covered and carried to hopper rooms ever so fast.

Glass bottles which contained your IV

Coming up on dumbwaiters from the pharmacy.

Something that probably wasn’t so wise –

Needles that were used and resterilized.

Antibiotics, all given in the gluteous max,

No such thing as an IV piggyback.

And some of you can’t believe it’s actually true,

We were working before there was an ICU.

From endless paperwork we are being set free,

Now we are charting electronically.

You treat patients with kindness, but a few are still rude.

The medical profession is occasionally sued.


So why did we stay with it, despite all the strife?

Because you made a difference in the quality of life.

A kind word or gesture, a healing hand,

Treating others with kindness, the way God planned.

You are always a nurse, the caring never ends.

Whether it’s patients, your children, your family or friends.

You’re there for your children when their babies are born.

You’re there for the elderly when they’re tired and worn.

You’re there when things go from bad to worse.

People count on you because you’re a nurse.

“Thanks Sisters of Mercy for the last 100 years”

We applaud you and also your volunteers.

May God bless you all and help you to see

The wonderful job you’ve done for this community.

This profession is like marriage, for better or worse,

‘Til God calls me home, I’ll still be a nurse.


Theresa (Terry) Moellers Scherrey, R.N.

Class of 1960











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