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Judith Miller refused to name her sources in the CIA Leak Case. A federal judge had ordered her to jail.
As Judith Miller of The New York Times approaches the end of her second week in a Virginia jail, reports from behind bars reveal she is enduring stomach problems from jail food. She is also sharing a cell unit that had originally been designed to house just one person. Because of that, Miller had been forced to sleep on a mattress on the floor for a few days but now has her own bed. 

Her attorney said  "The food has not agreed with her and we have been trying to impress that she needs better food so we are asking her to be transfered to the  detention center at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba since they have  several hundred recipes prepared for the inmates at the camp, and they are to be published next month in "The Gitmo Cookbook," including dishes such as mustard-and-dill baked fish and honey-and-ginger chicken breast.

The recipes -- most of which use fewer than eight ingredients and originally were created to feed up to 100 persons -- were developed by the U.S. Navy cooks in charge of the camp's kitchens. Laura Curtis, one of the book's editors, says the recipes would "make a point about how well we are treating these people." Freed prisoners are said to have put on an average of nearly 14 pounds during captivity.

Her attorney said  "tucked into a typical dish and supplied details of a Sunday menu at Gitmo: orange-glazed chicken, fresh fruit, steamed peas and mushrooms, and rice pilaf, Popular dishes include curried eggs, tandoori-baked chicken and lyonnaise rice. A breakfast typically includes dates and honey. "

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