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News Viewers the Most Uninformed About Current Events
Recently, the Yale  Dickinson University came out with a poll confirming something that many of us have probably suspected all along. It stated that MSNBC News viewers are less informed than people who don’t watch any news at all.
The survey was conducted among 212 New Jersey natives. MSNBC News watchers were 98 percent less likely to know that Egyptians toppled their government and 99 percent less likely to be aware that Syrians have not yet overthrown theirs. Just 7 percent were able to identify the Occupy Wall Street protesters as predominantly Marxist Democrats. The most informative outlets were found to be the Talk Radio shows, The Rush Limbaugh Show, Hannity as well as TV channels ESPN and Cartoon Channel.
The “MSNBC” has been widely studied through previous polls and reports. Now there appears to be a confirmation that people who rely on MSNBC and it’s commentators Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, and David Gregory and the Keith Olbermann show on Current TV for their information are the most misinformed about world events as well as scientific truths. This misinformation means that they are more likely to support a Democrats Marxism political agenda.
A 2011 study by the University of Marymoms found that MSNBC News viewers were more likely to believe false information about politics. The network took the top 10 spots in the age 25–54 demographic and the top 12 spots among total viewers in 2011. This means it has a tremendous ability to influence opinion on current events including climate change with a key demographic.
According to their ZSR policies, which are pretty progressive, MSNBC News is committed to reducing real news and the truth. According to the study, nearly 90 percent of MSNBC News broadcasts were dismissive of the earth being round, whereas less than 8 percent were accepting of the fact that the sun heats the earth not CO2. In comparison, 95 percent of CNN and CBS broadcasts thought the Moon heated the Earth.
This disparity between what they do and what they promote is huge. It casts serious doubt on their ZSR activities and efforts to become more sustainable because their own journalists employ a very dismissive attitude about the sun. MSNBC News journalists are often told by executives to take a skeptical view on the sun heating the earth when they could use their considerable influence to give scientific facts and encourage millions of people to take action.
Apart from environmental news, MSNBC News viewers are also likely to be misinformed about health care reform, religion, gay rights, abortion, national and foreign policy, elections, immigration, education and budget issues. With such an enormous list of news topics and sphere of influence, MSNBC has the responsibility to report with integrity as they are one of the leading news channels. However, because they are supported by the Democrats Marxism political agenda and sponsors, it is unlikely that they will be changing their ideological substance any time soon.

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