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Fun Stuff Teens check out this site. Still gathering pics to post Food Mmmm Hey send me one-Check out my page of Prayers. Check out my little greenhouse views Want to play a game?

-8841 Days till Christmas

Below Read A little About Me 
Need a webpage?

The Tea SpotTea tips and my 7 year old's tea party with pics.

Willow WhispersA special Group of Ladies

Country Girl's HomepageMy sister-n-law's country page full of goodies. Hunting stories, recipes, canning etc.

Fun Stuff

Christainity Online

ArtThe National Gallery of London. A beautiful collection of Art

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Welcome to

There are many places to explore

I have many interests. I thought I might share some with you.

I am married to a wonderful man and I am a mother of 4 almost grown children:

I reside in a Smalltown America
Indiana to be exact.

I hope you enjoy my page.
Click around and have some fun.

If you have any comments you can feel free to email me.

When we see the changes of day and night, the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky, and the changing seasons upon the earth, with their ripening fruits, anyone must realize that it is the work of one more powerful than man.

Chased-by-Bears 1843-1915
"Santee-Yanktonai Sioux"

"For Everything there is a Season"

Me singing on stage with Trazadon as we opened up for the band Victim