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friendships are meant
to be made,
not broken.
friendships are meant
to be meaningful.
friendships are meant
to be cherished.
friendships are
the most
important relationships
any one person can have.
friendships are
supposed to last forever,
not die.

friendships blossom
between people
who care.
friendships die
because people
stop caring.
friendships grow and prosper
between people
who communicate.
friendships wither and suffer
between people
who have stopped talking.

friends are
your allies.
friends are
your defensive line.
friends are
your hope.
friends are
people who
stick together.
friends are
people who
are there for you
no matter what.
friends are
the ones
who love you
friends are
the ones
who stick with you
even when you’ve made
a horrible mistake.

friends don’t care
what you look like.
friends don’t care
if you’re fat or thin,
pretty or plain.
friends like you
for you.
friends are
the people who stick with you
through thick and thin.

friends understand.
friends help you;
guide you.
friends forgive.

a friendship
between two people
is something sacred.
a friendship
between two people
is something special.
a friend is
an asset
that one cannot
afford to lose.