Stacy's Christina Ricci Page

Welcome to my page on the very pretty and extremely talented Christina Ricci. I first noticed Christina when I saw her in the Addams Family movies, and I absolutly loved Wednesday; it had always perplexed me as to how Wednesday could always kept a straight face. But, it wasn't until I saw Christina in Now and Then that I got even more interested in how well she could act. After I saw Now and Then, I started looking for information about her on the internet. I read articles about her and was just very amazed at her personality - I just thought that she was very funny, smart, intuitive and I like the fact that she wasn't really affraid to say what she thought about something and that she actually HAS a personality unlike so many other young actresses out there who seem to share a brain and the daily tick tack that goes with it. It was after I saw Now and Then that I went out and rented the rest of the movies that Christina had been in and I like most of them, but a few of them weren't praiseworthy. Although, I thought that Christina played her parts well (the actor can't help the movie if the script wasn't good to begin with). Christina made the transition to her first adult role while playing Wendy Hood in The Ice Storm. Well, thats it for now. I hope you enjoy my site, althought it is not finished yet.


11/23/04: Sorry I haven't updated in a while everyone, but I have sort of lost interest in maintaining this webpage. I am still a fan (although not nearly as much so as when I was 15 and needed a role model) and this webpage will still be available online for as long as angelfire allows it to be.

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