Upcoming Movies
Scheduled to begin production in March, the FilmFour’s low-budget heart-warmer stars Ricci as the enigmatic Miranda, who walks into the life of John Simm’s Yorkshire librarian Frank. Dragged from his simple life of shelf-stacking and late-fine collecting, Frank finds himself on the wrong side of a number of shady characters as Miranda and her many identities – geisha girl, business woman, dancer and dominatrix – carries him along for the ride. Kyle MacLachlan and John Hurt have also joined the cast of this British romantic comedy; Hurt will take the role of Christian, the manipulator who is responsible for Miranda’s life of lies, while MacLaughlan will play a millionaire who falls foul of her deceptions. Since this movie is still in production, no release date has been set.
Prozac Nation
Based upon the memoir by Elizabeth Wurtzel about her life experiences, this is the story of a young woman's (Ricci) 10 year battle with depression, even as she lives the fast life of a music critic and becomes a successful journalist. (Rhys-Meyers plays her college boyfriend; Michelle Williams plays her best friend; Anne Heche plays her psychiatrist; Jessica Lange plays her mother). This movie has finished filming and is expected to have a release date announced sometime later this year.
All Over The Guy
All Over The Guy is a contemporary romantic comedy about the quest to find the "one" when "the one" doesn't know he's the "one." It explores the unlikely pairing of two 20-somethings thrown together by their respective best friends in hopes of igniting their own romance. They do everything they can to NOT fall in love, but finally they overcome the dysfunction of their parents and surrender to their hearts. Christina will have a small part in this film. This movie is either still being filmed or is in post-production, so it will not be released until atleast late 2001.
Christina will have the starring role in American Zoetrop's newest film, Pumpkin. Set on a college campus, this is the story of a sorority member (Ricci) who starts a relationship with a disabled young man. Starring with her, as her jock boyfriend, will be Sam Ball. Production on this movie wrapped in early December 2000 and will have a release date announced sometime this year.