Welcome to The Lost Garden

On the wind you hear of soft song, welcoming you to this place. The mist clears and before you stands a wild garden. It seems from a fairy tale, and it welcomes you warmly. In the distance, a tower appears and you see a figure standing in a window, welcoming you.

~Painting by Thomas Kinkade~

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September 11, 2001

Guests have visited the Lost Garden since July 1999

Last Updated:December 24, 2002
Well, this is rather sad. I have stopped working on my web page for quite a long time now, and I have "disappeared" from most things in my actual life as well - neither of which I wanted to happen. However, I am back (at least on-line) and I can't wait to get back into all my on-line things :)

3/3/2004 - I haven't done much with my site in awhile. Life has just happened to me (like everyone else) I have a stock pile of poems I am going to post as soon as I have some time, as well as some pages dedicated to my other interests. I am still here (if anyone cares) I am just in Graduate School now and have even less time than before to play on-line.

8/9/02 - Added whole new page for quizzes
8/4/02 - Added new links
7/12/02 - Reformated a few pages and added Magic's Run
7/4/02 - Reformated section on Veterans; added new pages
7/3/02 - Reformated ENTAIRE library (all 26 pages worth); put up edited poems
5/29/02 - Took some on-line tests and found out some funny stuff, results posted
5/21/02 - I now have banners that people may use to link back to my site if they wish
3/30/2002 - Fixed broken links (lots of them!) / Updated page about Me
9/11/01 - September 11, 2001
9/9/01 - Reformated Wicca section
9/7/01 - Added to Conservatory
9/3/01 - Reformated Main Index / Added Elements section to BOS
8/31/01 - Added new poems to Library
8/29/01 - Edited Holidays section in BOS
8/26/01 - Added a Gallery of Dolls
8/23/01 - Reformated entire site

This Witches of the Solstice Moon Net Ring
owned by Kendra CrystalNight .

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