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Silverwolf's Fairy Haven

The fairy folk are dying. Help us save them. All you have to do is believe. Believe in your child when he sais you are about to step on his best friend. Chances are his best friend is a fairy and you just can't see. Everytime anyone thinks about believing in fairies another of the wee folk are saved. Add a button to your site so that everyone that sees your site saves a fairy. Link this site to your home page http:// and join Fiona in her campaign to save the fairy folk. Thank you

Okay, it sucks, but it has gotten to the point that I have to leave this message. There has been several instances where people have downloaded this artwork, put it on their site, claimed it as there own and java-script copywrited it to prevent its download from theirs.

Like I said, download them and use them if you'd like, but remember they are there for everyone. Dont claim them as yours and don't prevent their download from your site. Please. I know there's nothing I can do to stop you short of taking the site completely down. Please don't push me to that point, I WANT to keep these up for you guys to use.

For the record, here's the site in question. Go on and try and download a pic and see what happens. Try and spot the one's that aren't original to his/her site.

There is more to this site than just the fairies...Come check it out

These buttons are for your use. Download them, print them out, add them to your site Whatever... Just please do not link directly to them....

its a small collection now but it will grow

INKY I know I am a slow poke but these last 2 are at your request.. Do you remember when you asked "do you have anything that doesn't look like it belongs on the front of a schoolgirls notebook?" Well here is my answer. That first one is a gift to you. For everyone els.. Inky shared the second one with me

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