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Welcome to THE PREPAREDNESS COMMUNITY web page! A forum where we can help one another prepare for natural disaster and disruptive life events such as unemployment, layoffs, lengthy illness, sudden disability, and the like. CLICK HERE to Visit the Preparedness Community Message Board
(Advertisers: Please scroll down the page to read about free advertising)
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Visit the Preparedness Community's *FREE* Advertising Message Board Where consumers and advertisers meet.
A Note to Advertisers: Please be respectful of the simple rule of the preparedness message board: No Advertising. Using the preparedness message boards for advertisement is NOT appreciated by the users. Advertisements on the message boards placed in spite of this rule, will only result in creating disrespect and distrust toward your company or product. If you wish to post your advertisement, please do so in the appropriate location: At the hot linked FREE Advertising Message Board, where users view ads on a regular basis. Doing so will reap your company and product, both postive and far greater, exposure to those within the Preparedness Community. Thank You, Faye :>) Don't forget to browse the helpful links further down the page :>) Don't be "shocked" when natural or man-made disasters cause disruptions to our lives. Do what you can to prepare now, a little bit at a time. Make a plan, and Start TODAY!
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If you prepare for the unexpected, you need not you. If you take action now you will likely feel reassured enough to For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Psalms 128:2
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SurvivalRing Homepage Click for next site in ring This SurvivalRing site, The Y2K Preparedness Community , is owned by Faye Y. .
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Emergency Preparedness Center
HomepageThis An Emergency & Survival Preparedness Center site owned by Faye Y..

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Preparedness Links:

* Excellent checklist
* Another quality checklist
* How ordinary people with limited resources can prepare for Y2K
* Over 5,000 recipes to prepare basic food items including beans, rice,and vegetables (vegetarian site)
* Storage life of groceries
* Home canning site: Instructions, recipes, and forum
* Cosmo Access: Includes many Y2K do-it-yourself projects = save big $
* Back up gas and diesel generator information
* The old timer's page: How we used to do it
* Captain Dave's Survival Center
* Root cellar information and design
