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Princess Serene's Page of Sailor Moon

Hello!!! And Welcome to my page, I am your hostess Princess Serene (a.k.a Sailor Kitty).

Below are the rings I've joined or am supporting. Enjoy yourself, and feel free to take any pics you like. Please link me, though. I hope you find what you're looking for here. Don't forget to sign my guestbook while you're here please! ^_^

Don't forget to send me your suggestions (via e-mail) on what to add to my site that would make it more convenient/helpful/enjoyable for you!! =o)

(12/26/2009) Wow, I've nearly forgotten my website. Well, I might update eventually, or tweek here and there, but a lot of what you see is what you get at the moment. Nothing has been updated in 4 years =/

Sailor Moon Pictures

Sailor Senshi Bios


Bianca's Sailor Moon Gallery
